MetaStock Email Archive (by Subject/Thread)

  • RE: Reuters Data "Service", (continued)
  • UK User Groups, william robson
  • Weekly Stochastic and Momentum on Daily chart, wander
  • Re: "Not all records in date range were read.", wander
  • "Not all records in date range were read", Chip Anderson
  • excel-r.s.i., michael gilbert
  • RE: Expert Trend, Nicholas Kormanik
  • Re: Expert "Trend", michael arnoldi
  • since 6.52 patch // equis THANKS, michael arnoldi
  • implied volatiliy and excel, Maurice Zandbelt
  • importing ascii into msw 6.52, Martin Haesler
  • CANSLIM, malcolm.scott@xxxxxxxxx
  • Risk Adj Return, Bill Saxon
  • Re: MA channels, G. G.
  • Re: MoneyMaximizer, Christian Baude
  • Warning: Dow at top of channel., Guy Gordon
  • OT trading systems, Walter Lake
  • Anyone interested in this?, George Ashton
  • some free software, michael arnoldi
  • parabolic exploration, michael arnoldi
  • SAR - Starting AF, bruce
  • Using moving averages to define channels., Guy Gordon
  • Sold WMT at top of channel, Guy Gordon
  • True Strength Index with MSPro, Lpetersen
  • Re: metastock-digest V1 #569, NAD
  • XL Ruggiero's April workbook, Walter Lake
  • TA Progs & Y2K, George Ashton
  • Re: SMI and TSI, Michael Robb
  • Al Taglavore and A.J. Maas, joe zilaitis
  • Comments to my analysis of GYMB?, Yngvi Hardarson
  • Re: Trading Strategies: CPQ, Gitanshu Buch
  • Composites, Bradley C. Mitchell
  • Fair Value of S&P Futures, marton
  • OEX Data, Justin Case
  • Advance-Decline formula, Charl Marais
  • Useful web page, Guy Gordon
  • OT4.0, Walter Lake
  • Dow's Diamonds, A.J. Maas
  • OT3.5 non-optimized, Walter Lake
  • since patch update / no help given, michael arnoldi
  • regular vs pro differences?, Tracy Mickley
  • folder viewing problem, joe zilaitis
  • RE: CMO & Cocoa, James Wolf
  • Re: <waste of bandwidth> Technical Analysts..., Lionel and Gail Issen
  • Re: hold on - Short re-summarize this system please, BuyersG
  • Portfolio manager, Charl Marais
  • OT 3.5, Walter Lake
  • SPAM SPAM FW: Get Paid to Websurf and more..., Bijan Khezri
  • optimizing Excel, Walter Lake
  • Explorer plug-ins or Neural nets, Laurent GITTLER
  • Suggestion for a useful addition to Metastock, Myron B. [Bruce] Slomka
  • Omnitrader, what is your experience?, Foo Say How
  • switching web addresses, Dagale
  • You're Welcome, Equis Support
  • Address change, Mjack59
  • Schwab (SCH), Jim Greening
  • Re: dynastore or other alternate R/T data feed /network feed?, BuyersG
  • Telescan outages this weekend, Equis Support
  • dynastore, d.orlow
  • Re: MetaStock v6.52 EOD Layouts, Daniel Martinez
  • All 89 requested copies of my Enhanced Raff Channels Expert sent, Equis Support
  • OmniTrader 2.5 Y2K, George Ashton
  • hold on - Short, Guy Tann
  • Re: OFF TOPIC Melissa Virus Originator Apprehended - an update, A.J. Maas
  • Internet Speeds, Ed Middleton
  • Comments on Dynastore requested., Arun Verma
  • RE: VBScript (Windows Scripting Host)-part2, Chip Anderson
  • Regedit, A.J. Maas
  • OFF TOPIC Melissa Virus Originator Apprehended, Guy Tann
  • Regarding my ERRC Expert, Please forgive delay, Equis Support
  • stock splits, lorenab
  • Markets data & Excel, G. G.
  • Stoch RSI, Rod Daniels
  • Real time tick bars, Morgan, Mike
  • MetaStock 6.0 linking to Excel, Urs Brülhart
  • eod data services, lorenab
  • My Expert, Equis Support
  • Stochastic Relative Strength Index, Lpetersen
  • ASCII to charts, lorenab
  • Download Convert, Jose Carlos
  • ftp:// site downloads?, Walter Lake
  • Free data, Chuck Wemlinger
  • Enhanced Raff Channels Expert, Equis Support
  • contacting sec, michael arnoldi
  • Lost StochRSI, Jean-Michel Daniele
  • Is it just me?, James Sun
  • Historical dividends & splits, Chuck Engstrom
  • flags & pennants, Walter Lake
  • Re: Data solutions, Rajat Bose
  • How could I do this?, Guy Gordon
  • IE5, off topic but could use the help, Ed Middleton
  • Data vendors/Excel/RealTime etc., Chuck Wemlinger
  • Tax info, Chuck Wemlinger
  • Expert, José Carlos Duarte Areia
  • test / delete / 12:00, Chuck Wemlinger
  • Net relative strength charts, CMA
  • New e-mail address J. Geenen, klpdmozo
  • Weekly moving avg on Daily chart, divenfish
  • Re: Options Short Term Interest, Barry Spreen
  • VBScript (Windows Scripting Host), A.J. Maas
  • Y scale, txsoft
  • knowledge discovery process, Walter Lake
  • Something's buggy here., divenfish
  • JCIF, Walter Lake
  • Re: Resizing Editor Windows, Wooglinx
  • Re: this is off-track and I hope no one takes offense, Lionel and Gail Issen
  • FYI: this is off-track and I hope no one takes offense, westlake
  • Organizer Recommendation, Wooglinx
  • MetaStock Explorer Queries, Rajat Bose
  • testing...delete, Pit Trader
  • Re: metastock and tradestation, Rajat Bose
  • email address change, Mjack59
  • RE: PJ's MA, Bob Jagow
  • Soft and Patch Problem, José Carlos Duarte Areia
  • En: Raff's Videoclip, José Carlos Duarte Areia
  • Re: Multiple monitors in Win98, joe zilaitis
  • rt data feed, d.orlow
  • RAM power, Gitanshu Buch
  • Y scale and layout, txsoft
  • statistics, Walter Lake
  • data mining, Walter Lake
  • Re: Daytrading and Data Vendors, Chuck Wemlinger
  • 50% Cash, Jim Greening
  • Pattern Recogination Software, Ajay Sharma
  • Re: LEVEL II & III, Gila Brock
  • Re: Real Tick III thanks to Lorena Becarri for complete info, BuyersG
  • Re: How can I change the e-mail-adress, brookelise
  • 64 Download Problem solved, NAD
  • General Protection fault - FM. South Africa, NAD
  • Install MS6.5 with Win.98 ?, M.S.Ditz
  • MetaStock v6.52 & QP Virtual, Daniel Martinez
  • Close Out, Guy Tann
  • excel formula library, Walter Lake
  • Re: IE5 - Tools and Web Accessories, Walt Deemer
  • Change Security on other folders, Doug Mayson
  • BACKING UP address book, michael arnoldi
  • DELL & RDC, Jim Greening
  • Hit & run II, Christian Payen
  • Error Code...., Adam Hefner
  • Historical NH-NL?, Moe Drippins
  • RT intervals in Metastock Pro, Essan Soobratty
  • The list, Equis Support
  • System tests referencing a second security, HARELSDB
  • how do i.., Tracy Mickley
  • Re: MACD derivative, Lionel and Gail Issen
  • Change security "use smart charts", Augustin Bataille
  • excel library, Walter Lake
  • Real Tick III, lorenab
  • Netscape, Jean-Michel Daniele
  • QuoteMonster Challenge: Round 1, Jim Michael
  • BACKUP DATA FOR FREE, michael arnoldi
  • free level II TRADING game, michael arnoldi
  • positions, Guy Tann
  • Comparison of Exchange AD Volume and CA Volume, Joseph Ehardt
  • effort = control, Walter Lake
  • Corrected Reply to John Sellers, Joseph Ehardt
  • Technical Analysis of Stock Data with Excel Visual Basic, G. G.
  • No Weekly Pick This Week, Jim Greening
  • NYA.X with CAV and now a CAV MACD, Joseph Ehardt
  • NYSE Composite with New Volume Indicator, Joseph Ehardt
  • RE: QuoteMonster Challenge, Sean W. Smith
  • Additional Question (was Launching Excel from Netscape), alberto . villarroel
  • Re: Dow Theoretical, Walt Deemer
  • Symbol question:, Adam Hefner
  • Fw: TradeAdvisor News & Views - 03/17/99 a, A.J. Maas
  • Microsoft Excel 97 [FORMULAS--SELECT 'EM ALL! - 03/17/99], A.J. Maas
  • Day-trading indicator suggestions, winthorp
  • CompuServe data problem, Guy Tann
  • Guy Tann: Data Vendors, Al Taglavore
  • Excel code RSI, Walter Lake
  • Launching Excel from Netscape, Ed Middleton
  • excel code - RSI, Walter Lake
  • web queries background info, Walter Lake
  • productivity, Walter Lake
  • Setting triggers for the next day on MACD, Stoch, CO, Laurent GITTLER
  • Futures data missing tonight...(Reuters), winthorp
  • Fritch's indicator code, Walter Lake
  • data missed, Walter Lake
  • RE: Use of EXCEL, Dale Wingo
  • data download template, Walter Lake
  • Excel problems, Walter Lake

  • Mail converted by MHonArc