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For Jim G

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What system do you use?

At 04:29 PM 3/25/99 -0800, you wrote:
>     Looks like a good decision to me, but then what do I know <G>.  I just
>pulled a dumb move yesterday by closing my AOL and SCH positions even though
>my system was telling me to stay in.  Sure enough, they were way up this
>morning.  I jumped back in both AOL and SCH, but lost the overnight profit I
>would have had otherwise.  I keep telling myself I'm going to follow my
>system exactly, but then can't help jumping  the gun ever now and then.
>When I do that, it usually hurts <G>.
>     I also opened another position in DELL this morning.  It looks to me
>like the long term channel is going to hold and, if it does, this will be a
>good entry point.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Guy Tann <grt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: Metastock <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 9:01 AM
>Subject: Close Out
>>FWIW, I decided to close out my short position in the S&P this AM for a 41
>>point profit and stand aside.  I hate to pass these profits up since by
>>waiting until my next signal, I usually lose a bunch of these paper
>>Since our intermediate term signal is still long (since Oct, 1998) and we
>>are trading against our 'trend', I thought I'd take the money and run. <G>
>>Went short 3/19 in AM @ 1324.  Closed short 3/23 in AM @ 1283.  Length of
>>trade 2 days.  ROI 50%.
>>This is a hard decision for me since we have always stayed in a trade until
>>our next signal to reverse.  We're trying to do a better job of money
>>management, thanks to several on this list (you know who you are, so thanks
>>My decision was made a little easier since my brother is out of touch down
>>in Florida watching his son play in a tennis tournament (he's on a college
>>team).  <VBG>  Well, actually I could have reached him on his cell phone,
>>but tough! <G>