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Re: implied volatiliy and excel

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This web site has an excel demo program that you can get an idea of how good
a good options program is. When I downloaded this and started to see what it
had I wa so impressed. Granted it costs $199.95 but this program allows you
to goal seek to find delta neutral spreads. I can also goal seek to find
volatility. I also use it in real time and it is nice to see that option
prices do move with Black and Scholes. This is a professional program. You
can change the number of days in the table to now see how your options will
do over time and you can change the price increment to see what happens to
your option as the price moves up or down.

If you take a look at the program you will see some cells that have a little
red dot in the corner of a cell. Move the cursor to that cell and read the
note that comes up. This will explain the steps for the goal seeking. For me
I wrote a couple of macros to cut down the steps to help save time.

The amount of work that someone put into this program and the clarity it
gives you for your options trading is worth the money. It will save you
money. I know it has saved me money big time already. Just by giving me
information about when not to buy an option because of where it is at in the
decay process. So don't even think twice about shelling out the money.

I am not associated with the company, but will also say that I did not
purchase this program. I do have and use a full working program. And through
experience of losing money without this program I still say it is worth the

Download it and see for yourself. And if you do decide to get it let me know
and I'll share a few things that I have done. Like in the morning right
before the market opens and the option prices all go to zero so you can't
see where they are going. But if you create a little table that you can now
replace last price with bid or ask then you can see where the option prices
are going.

Or creating tables to see how any spreads or straddles you have created are
going to turn out.


-----Original Message-----
From: Maurice Zandbelt <maza95@xxxxxxxxx>
To: metastock list <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, April 16, 1999 6:27 PM
Subject: implied volatiliy and excel

>I hope somebody can help me.
>I use metastock 6.0, I use option scope to calculate the options implied
>volatility. I am also using excel with a DDE (dynamic data exchange).
>I want to make a excel worksheet which calculates during trading hours,
>the delta of the option which I sold short. Can somebody help me with
>the formula to calculate the implied volatility or delta when I already
>have the price of the option ?
>Best regards,
>Maurice Zandbelt