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RE: hold on - Short

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I can't believe all the time we've spent during the last 40 years (for me)
and 60 years for my dad, tweaking our systems without paying any attention
to money management.  Hard to believe.

Now it's an integral part of everything I do.  Maybe I've finally learned my
lesson about rushing. <G> Nah!

Like I said, our intermediate trend is still up, so we're trading against
our trend.  One of three things will happen here.  We get our drop and grab
some profits and stand aside, our intermediate trend changes to sell and we
add some puts, etc., or we're wrong and take our loss and wait for the next
buy signal.  Regardless, we follow the system.




-----Original Message-----
From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jim Greening
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 1999 7:16 PM
To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: hold on - Short

     Today did look more like a topping action, so you may be right on once
again.  Also, SCH hit my target and some others are getting close.  I'd like
to see at least one more up day to take some of them out <G>.
     Sounds like you are making progress on your risk of ruin calculations.
I'm convinced that money management is the real secret to success in

-----Original Message-----
From: Guy Tann <grt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, April 06, 1999 2:55 PM
Subject: RE: hold on - Short

>We added some more on the short side, so our average is around 1223.  I
>anticipated the possibility of a move to 1234 basis yesterday.
>Still hate these trades against the trend, but we're still averaging almost
>80%, so we have to go with the system.
>BTW, my brother sent me the numbers for our system whereby he was able to
>assign the risk of ruin based on our actual results (78% probability of
>success with a 2 to 1 payoff ratio).  With 1/3 of our capital invested, the
>risk of ruin is around 1%.  We're going to do some more work on this to try
>to determine what an appropriate risk of ruin is (something we can live
>with) when compared to the alternative (ROI).
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jim Greening
>Sent: Monday, April 05, 1999 8:59 PM
>To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: hold on - Short
>     Looks to me like a breakout to the upside.  Where's your stop?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Guy Tann <grt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: Metastock <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Monday, April 05, 1999 6:39 AM
>Subject: hold on - Short
>>Well, FWIW, we reversed this morning, probably too soon, at 1315 basis Jun
>>S&P, taking our profits on our last long.
>>Since we're trading against our intermediate term trend, I'll be looking
>>grab some profits on any sharp breaks in the market.  Hopefully the market
>>follows our scenario. <G>  As you know, we trade using probabilities.
>>Currently we have a working probability of success on this trade of close
>>80%.  Maybe this won't be one of the one out of five that bites us in the
>>rear. <G>