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Siftware: Tools for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Path: KDNuggets Home : Siftware
Last update: March 23, 1999
Please email to editor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx any comments. To add your tool to this
catalog, please email tool name, status (com or pub), web site, the tool
type (Suite, Classification, Clustering, etc... as specified below), and a
brief description of the tool.
Tool Types:
 Suites - tools handling multiple discovery tasks
 Classification - predicting an item class based on historical data
Method: Multiple | Decision tree | Rules | Neural network |  Bayesian |
Rough sets | Genetic | Nearest Neighbour | Fuzzy
Estimation and Regression - estimating a continuous value
Clustering - finding groups of related items
 Link Analysis - finding links or dependencies
 Associations and Market-Basket Analysis -- finding associations (without a
specific target class)
 Sequential Patterns
 Text Mining
Web Mining
Deviation Detection
Data Cleaning and Transformation
Dimensional Analysis

The public domain, shareware, and research prototype systems are marked as
(pub). They are usually freely available for research use (some may have
restrictions for commercial use) but have limited (or no) support and may be
buggy. Commercial systems (indicated as com) are not free, but come with

pub: DBMiner,  Emerald,  MLC++,  MOBAL,   Superinduction,  TOOLDIAG,  Weka
com: Clementine,
Darwin,  DataDetective,  DataEngine 2.1,  Data Miner Software Kit,
Datasage,  Delta Miner,
Hyperparallel file://Discovery,
 IBM Intelligent Miner for Data,  IDIS Data Mining Suite,  INSPECT,
K-wiz,  Kepler,   Knowledge Studio,
Magnify PATTERN,
NeoVista,  Nuggets,
Partek,  Pilot Discovery Server,  Polyanalyst Family (Pro, Power, Knowledge
Server),  PRW and Model 1 family,
SAS Enterprise Miner,  SGI MineSet,  SPSS,  SRA KDD Toolset,
 Xpertrule Miner 4.0
Zoom 'n View

Multiple approaches:
pub: MLC++,  JAM ,  SIPINA-W 2.0 ,
ROC Convex Hull Program for comparing classifiers
com: Clementine,  Darwin,  DecisionHouse,   Knowledge Studio,  ModelQuest,
Previa Classpad,
Decision-tree approach:
pub: LMDT,  OC1,  PC4.5,  SE-Learn
com: AC2,  Alice d'Isoft,  Business Miner,  C4.5,  C5.0,  CART,  Cognos
Scenario,  Decisionhouse,  IND v2.0,  KATE-tools,  KnowledgeSEEKER,
Preclass,  SPSS AnswerTree,   Xpertrule Miner 4.0
Rule Discovery approach:
pub: Brute ,  CBA ,  CN2 ,  DBMiner,
DBPredictor,  FOIL ,  KINOsuite-PR,  MLC++ ,  RIPPER
com: AIRA,  Datamite,  Data Surveyor,  SuperQuery,  WINROSA,  WizWhy
Neural network approach:
pub: Neural Network FAQ free software (39),  NEuroNet site
com: EMSL List of Commercial NN tools (58),  Neural Network FAQ list (37),
4Thought,  BrainMaker,  DB Prophet,  INSPECT,  MATLAB NN Toolbox,
ModelQuest,  NeuralWorks Predict,  NeuralWorks Professional II/PLUS,
NeuroSolutions,  Proforma,  PRW,  SPSS Neural Connection 2
pub: A catalog of Software for Belief Networks (11 pub, 8 com)
BAYDA 1.0,  Belief Network Constructor 2.0b,  JavaBayes,  Microsoft MSBN,
RoC (Robust Bayesian Classifier) v 1.0, for MS Windows 9x/NT
com: Analytica,  AT-Sigma Data Chopper,  BMR,  Ergo,  Hugin,  Netica,
Rough Set approach:
pub: Grobian,  Rosetta,  Rough Enough,
com: Datalogic,  K-DYS
Genetic Programming approach:
pub: GNU Evolver
com: Evolver,  OMEGA
Nearest Neighbour approach:
pub: MLC++ ,  PEBLS ,  TiMBL 2.0
Fuzzy Logic approach:
pub: Lamda2
com:  RuleMiner


Estimation and Regression:
pub: AutoFit ,
com: Cubist ,  KnowledgeMiner ,  Previa

pub: Autoclass C,  ECOBWEB,  Fast Fuzzy Cluster,  MCLUST/EMCLUST ,  Snob
com: ACPro,  Autoclass III,  COBWEB/3,   ClustanGraphics3, CViz Cluster
Visualization,  Darwin,  SOMine

Link Analysis:
pub: A catalog of Software for Belief Networks (11 pub, 8 com)
Claudien,   FDEP,

 Associations and Market Basket Analysis:
com: IBM Intelligent Miner for Data,  SGI MineSet,  Xpertrule Miner 4.0

Sequential Patterns:
pub: WUM
com: Hyperparallel file://Discovery,  IBM Intelligent Miner,  Net-ID,  SAS
Enterprise Miner,  SRA KDD Toolset,  NeoVista DecisionAR,

Visualization for Discovery:
pub: Graf-FX IRIS,  VisDB,  Xmdv
com: CViz Cluster Visualization,  Daisy,  DataScope,  JWAVE,  NETMAP,
SOMine,  SphinxVision,  Spotfire,   Thinx,  VDI Discovery for Developers,
Visual Insights,  VisualMine,  VRCharts,   WinViz

Statistical and Scientific Visualization:
pub: MLC++, XGOBI
Olive, a great source of Visualization software (from Ben Shneiderman's)
com: CrossGraphs,  Data Desk,  DX: IBM Visualization Data Explorer ,  IDL,
Mathematica,  PV-Wave,  PVE,  SPSS Diamond,  STATlab

pub: MODSTAT,  R (a clone of Splus),  Web Pages for Statistical
Calculations,  UCLA Stat page,  XLISP-STAT
com: BBN Cornerstone ,  Data Desk,  MATLAB,  JMP,  SAS,  S/S-Plus,  SPSS,

Text Mining:
pub: CrossReader,
com: Aptex Software (part of HNC),  Document Explorer,  DS Dataset,   IBM
Intelligent Miner for Text,  Monarch,  Semio,  Text Analyst,  TextSmart,

Web Mining: pub: Altavista Discovery
com:  Xpertrule Miner 4.0

Deviation Detection:
com: Delta Miner,  Kepler ,  Wizrule

Summarization: pub: Claudien,  DBMiner,  Emerald

Data Cleaning: pub: Survey Data Laundering
com: Ab Initio,  Digital Archaeology Discovery SuiteT,   Genio,  NewView,
Relational Tools,   Xpertrule Miner 4.0

Dimensional Analysis: com: ALEA,  Cross/Z ,  DI-Diver ,  Essbase ,  Ant
Colony,  Speedware Media