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RE: this is off-track and I hope no one takes offense

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That's just because we see so many of these that we become jaded.  Now add
all the ones I've received lately promising $10 and stock options if I get
other people to sign up for their Ponzi scheme.  Right, they're giving away
$10,000,000 to the first 1,000,000 people who register.  Somehow I think
this is just a method to get gullible people to give them their e-mail
address so they can be added to the latest sucker list, but that's just my



-----Original Message-----
From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Al Taglavore
Sent: Friday, March 26, 1999 9:21 PM
To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: suzieq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; rosemary_shih@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
engp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; melissa2002@xxxxxxxxxxx;
dorothy.golosinski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; cfaulkner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
arturoman@xxxxxxxx; westlake@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: this is off-track and I hope no one takes offense

 "...because with every name that this is sent to, The American Cancer
Society will donate 3 cents per name to her treatment and recovery

How would The American Cancer Society know how many names were sent?  If
the little girl only has 6 months to live, how can money be donated to her
recovery plan?

Have I been trading so long that I'm become too skeptical?  Is this what
happens when you go short too often in a bull market?

Al Taglavore

> From: Lionel and Gail Issen <lissen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: suzieq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; rosemary_shih@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
engp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; melissa2002@xxxxxxxxxxx;
dorothy.golosinski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; cfaulkner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
arturoman@xxxxxxxx; westlake@xxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: this is off-track and I hope no one takes offense
> Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 8:27 PM
> The last part of this message about helping a poor child may be an urban
> myth ie fiction. The last time there was such a posting here I contacted
> the named doctor (not Dr. Shields) who assured me that the request was
> originated by him and that his department was swamped with undesired and
> unneeded mailings and emails.
> The originator of this posting should check with Dr. Shields and let us
> know his response.
> I thought that the American Cancer Society donated all its moneys to
> research not for the treatment of individual patients.
> Lionel Issen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: westlake <westlake@xxxxxxxx>
> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 4:48 PM
> Subject: FYI: this is off-track and I hope no one takes offense
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Donna Wong <peanut@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: suzieq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <suzieq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> >rosemary_shih@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <rosemary_shih@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> >engp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <engp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> ><melissa2002@xxxxxxxxxxx>; dorothy.golosinski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ><dorothy.golosinski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; cfaulkner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ><cfaulkner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; arturoman@xxxxxxxx <arturoman@xxxxxxxx>;
> >westlake@xxxxxxxx <westlake@xxxxxxxx>
> >Date: Thursday, March 25, 1999 5:58 PM
> >Subject: FW: take the time
> >
> >
> >>>From: Cindy_Wong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >>>Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 10:22 -0800 (PST)
> >>>Subject: FW: take the time
> >>>To: Yevgeni_Altman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, stwong@xxxxxxxxxxxx,
> >peanut@xxxxxxxxxxx,
> >>>        nam@xxxxxxxxxx, knishi@xxxxxxxxx, ejlee@xxxxxxxxxxxx,
> >>>        akwong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >>>
> >>>Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 16:24 -0800 (PST)
> >>>From: Jihe_Cho@xxx
> >>>Subject: FW: take the time
> >>>To: Cindy_Wong@xxxxxxxxx
> >>>MIME-version: 1.0
> >>>Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN
> >>>Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
> >>>
> >>>----------
> >>>From:      Peter Yuen[SMTP:PYuen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> >>>Sent:      March 19, 1999 1:58 PM
> >>>To:      Cho, Jihe
> >>>Subject:      FW: take the time
> >>>
> >>>-------------------------
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>S L O W D A N C E:
> >>>
> >>>Have you ever watched kids
> >>>on a merry-go-round
> >>>Or listened to the rain
> >>>slapping on the ground?
> >>>Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight
> >>>Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
> >>>
> >>>You better slow down
> >>>Don't dance so fast
> >>>Time is short
> >>>The music won't last
> >>>
> >>>Do you run through each day on the fly
> >>>When you ask "How are you?"
> >>>do you hear the reply?
> >>>When the day is done,
> >>>do you lie in your bed
> >>>With the next hundred chores
> >>>running through your head?
> >>>
> >>>You'd better slow down
> >>>Don't dance so fast
> >>>Time is short
> >>>The music won't last
> >>>
> >>>Ever told your child,
> >>>We'll do it tomorrow
> >>>And in your haste, not see his sorrow?
> >>>Ever lost touch,
> >>>Let a good friendship die
> >>>'Cause you never had time
> >>>to call and say "Hi"?
> >>>
> >>>You'd better slow down
> >>>Don't dance so fast
> >>>Time is short
> >>>The music won't last
> >>>
> >>>When you run so fast to get somewhere
> >>>You miss half the fun of getting there.
> >>>When you worry and hurry through your day,
> >>>It is like an unopened gift....
> >>>Thrown away...
> >>>
> >>>Life is not a race.
> >>>Do take it slower
> >>>Hear the music
> >>>Before the song is over.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Dear All,
> >>>I just received this mail from a friend of mine in my College.
> >>>Please respond to it. It will mean employing a little bit of time and
> >>>won't cost you a penny. All it needs is the heart for you to send this
> >>>mail. PLEASE pass this mail on to everybody you know.It is the request
> >>>of a little girl who will soon leave this world as she has been a
> >>>victim of the terrible disease called CANCER. Thank you for your
> >>>effort, this isn't a chain letter,but a choice for all of us to save a
> >>>little girl that's dying of a serious and fatal form of cancer.
> >>>Please send this to everyone you know...or don't know.
> >>>This little girl has 6 months left to live, and her dying wish, she
> >>>wanted to send a letter telling everyone to live their life to the
> >>>fullest, since she never will. She'll never make it to the prom,
> >>>graduate from high school, or get married and have a family of her
> >>>own. By you sending this to as many people as possible, you can give
> >>>her and her family a little hope, because with every name that this is
> >>>sent to, The American Cancer Society will donate 3 cents per name to
> >>>her treatment and recovery plan. One guy sent this to 500 people!!!!
> >>>So,I know that we can send it to at least 5 or 6. Come on you
> >>>guys.... and if you're too selfish to take 10-15 minutes scrolling
> >>>this and forwarding it to EVERYONE, then you are one sick person.
> >>>Just think it could be you one day. It's not even your money, just
> >>>your time!!!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Dr. Dennis Shields
> >>>Professor
> >>>Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology
> >>>Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
> >>>1300 Morris Park Avenue
> >>>Bronx, New York 10461
> >>>Phone 718-430-3306
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >