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excel formula library

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Trading Reference Links

The following macro code is from Chip Pearson's excel site. "In-cell" code
can now be transferred to MS Word where it can be sorted and indexed for
easy reference. I use Kaufman's style of including referenced columns for
handy reference.

http://home.gvi.net/~cpearson/excel.htm (home)


Printing Formulas To Word

This macro will print all of the cell values and formulas to Microsoft Word.
The Word application will
remain open and active.  You may then save or print the document.  Make sure
you have enabled references to Word objects, from the Tools->References

Public Sub PrintFormulasToWord()

Dim Cnt As String
Dim C As Range

Dim WordObj As word.Application
Dim HasArr As Boolean

On Error Resume Next
Err.Number = 0

Set WordObj = GetObject(, "Word.Application.8")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
    Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application.8")
    Err.Number = 0
End If

WordObj.Visible = True

With WordObj.Selection
    .Font.Name = "Courier New"
    .TypeText "Formulas In Worksheet: " + ActiveSheet.Name
    .TypeText "Cells: " + Selection.Cells(1,1).Address(False,False,xlA1) _
& " to " & Selection.Cells(Selection.Rows.Count,  _
            Selection.Columns.Count).Address(False, False, xlA1)
End With

For Each C In Selection
    HasArr = C.HasArray
    Cnt = C.Formula
    If HasArr Then
        Cnt = "{" + Cnt + "}"
    End If
    If Cnt <> "" Then
        With WordObj.Selection
            .Font.Bold = True
            .TypeText C.Address(False, False, xlA1) & ": "
            .Font.Bold = False
            .TypeText Cnt
        End With
    End If
Next C
MsgBox "Done printing formulas to Word. ", , "Print Formulas To Word"

End Sub


other handy macro code included at this site.

Best regards
