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Re: since patch update / no help given

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See some "en-better-ed" answers below to get the "same date" problem fixed.

The other part of your "same date" question, eg where you mention that when you
are Scrolling trough a set of charts all other charts will have the same "Chart View"
as the previous Chart, will then partly be fixed as well, eg your history loaded periods
will not get displayed, because of you (now) being able to adjust your Default-template.
Scrolling through Charts, however, always implies that the last Charts' View-settings
are always being used for any of the next Chart that follows.

For the "Alerts" the answers are with Equis Support, therefore see also my question
to EqSupport on this aledged bug as well (further down below).

----- Original Message ----- 
From: michael arnoldi <marnoldi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: A.J. Maas <anthmaas@xxxxxx>
Sent: zondag 11 april 1999 16:11
Subject: since patch update 

> thanks for the detailed instructions.
> i checked through each of your points, and indeed i am using smart
> charts.
> the e-mail sent to the group was meant positively, not as a "complaining"
> have a good trading week.
> mike arnoldi

----- Original Message ----- 
From: A.J. Maas <anthmaas@xxxxxx>
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: sunday 11 april 1999 0:07
Subject: Re: since patch update / no help given

> Microsoft-, Reuters-, Metastock-bashing has become OUTDATED.
> Since you are an experienced computer user yourselves, you must know that software
> is the most fragile part of the computer. As such Support Dep. are overwhelmed with
> support-requests, and much like Microsoft has experienced and have changed for the
> better, Equis/Metastock support are changing their attitude to users as well. Just
> recently the Patch and its corrected versions- that was fixed in no time - only took a
> mere 30 days to enable everyone to have it installed and to work properly. Also note
> that the Patch was delivered on time(way before Y2K) and for FREE.
> The List also gets attended, and most support-requests are all answered, to the best of
> my knowledge (info stems from other users overhere as well).
> Another Suggestions to Equis-mail address has been made available etc. etc.

Sorry, Mike, this was not pointed at you personaly or at anyone else, but more or less
(also to the List) in general.

I appreciate and think highly of all your very benificial postings to the List and therefore too,
hope sinceraly that you will get a possitive reply from Equis and that you are then able to
solve the "date"+"Alerts" problems.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Back to your "Same date for all Charts" question: 

> *Charts have no particular features as characteristics, other then how you have manualy
>     last saved the Chart.
> *Smart Charts have the explicite characteristic to be able to automaticaly save a Chart
>     as in how you have last used it.
>     E.g. it will save and include your last used date settings, drawn Trendlines & Channels
>     etc. etc.

Again sorry, but I made a typo here, as for the "date settings" they are not ever automaticaly
being saved when using (Smart) Charts, only your manualy added studies(i.e. Text, Symbols,
Trendlines, Channels etc.) are automaticaly stored.
> Unless you must have an explicit specific reason not to use Smart Charts, keep it stuck
> to the factory default, eg check the "Use Smart Charts" option setting again to default "On".
> (on the "Tools|Option|Chart Options" -TAB).
> And when checked, the program will then automaticaly create and/or store defined
> (Smart) Charts' characteristics in a "chart.mwc" -file in a seperate "MsSmart"-folder.
> Contrairy, this "Use Smart Charts" feature then checked, will always have the program
> to "Open" any security first with the consequtive (Smart) Chart it finds in these
> MsSmart-folders, else it will call on the Default-template, eg to have that security Open(ed)
> with using the Default-template.

Also here I must, by adding a few lines, correct this a bit.
Whether or not a (Smart) Chart is found in the MsSmart-folder, the Default-template is
always being used for the base-security's underlay, when working with (Smart) Charts.

So here your option for the better would be to adjust your "Default.mwt", eg make the
appropiate X-axis adjustments to your likings, and then by either 1x right-clicking the
chart and next in the Context-menu to click "Save as Default Template" or, and this is
the procedure that I have found to give me far better results in the long run, click
"File|Save" and choose Template(.mwt) as File Type, naturaly Default as Name and
to Save the Template to a Temp folder. Then seperately delete and replace the
old "Default.mwt" that is stored in the "C:\Equis\MsWin\Charts" folder with this
freshly saved new "Default.mwt" that is stored in "C:\Temp", eg Move it over by

> The drawback of this "Smart Chart" option is that the (Smart) Charts in these
> MsSmart-folders are ALWAYS created and used (see above), unless you will save
> your security to a once, seperatly created, Layout and alternatively to start using this Layout.

Also here I must, by adding a few lines, somewhat correct what I ment in the first place.
Additionaly, if your Default.mwt consists of multiple charts, then on Open, the Default.mwt
template will automaticaly have your security opened as a layout (for example
Layout1 - S&P500:1 for the first chart, Layout1 - S&P500:2 for the second and
Layout1 - S&P500:3 for the third chart).

Only closing this time around, any (Smart) Charts are not automaticaly created, eg instead
the user is kindly asked:
"This chart is member of a layout. How would you like to handle closing it?
1st Option = Close the entire layout and
2nd Option = Close this chart and remove it from the layout".
Then choosing the first option, will present another dialog window..................
(see the Layout section in the Metastock Help for any further info on saving Layouts and saving
changes made to Layouts).

To create such a Deafult.mwt, first Open the (in the above example S&P500) security three(3x
seperate) times, eg you will now have 3 of the same charts opened and then click New|Layout.
In the next "Layout" Dialog Window you can then Add the 3 open charts to this new layout
(eg they are listed as Available Charts on the left, choose either Add or Add All, and they will
get listed as Included Charts on the right, and click OK).

> Anytime, eg on closing or opening the program, any MsSmart-folders found on your drive(s)
> can then be simply deleted. For this deleting running an old DOS batch-file with the following
> lines as the command line(s) (eg create in NotePad and Save As to "Metastock.BAT") 
> DEL C:\*\MsSmart
> DEL D:\*\MsSmart
> START C:\Equis\MsWin\MsWin
> and the "Metastock.bat" file to be called upon (via a created "Shortcut To"-link) before or
> after(just put the last 3td line START.... upfront the DEL actions) running the program, will
> be sufficient to have all MsSmart-folders deleted, eg the program then always defaults to
> and always MUST use the Default-template(see below).
> To force Metastock to use the "Default.mwt" (the default template), delete or rename or
> replace all the "MsSmart" folders that you can find and that are automaticaly created by
> the program. They are situated straight under any MAIN working folder (the folder
> containing the Downloaders "Fxx.dat" files, where xx is any number) and can be as
> many MsSmart-folders as you also have MAIN (\Sub) folders.
> Now, if the problems of the same start date for all securities will re-apear again, then
> replace the Default-template, eg by deleting the old one for a freshly created new one
> (or copy it over from a back copy or from the 6.5 Cd-Rom).

With the above mentioned corrections and additions to my previous (here printed mail),
I can guarantee you that you will not ever have to face the "same start date for all securities"
problem again. The above mentioned procedures regarding using (Smart) Charts were
also not adjusted by any recent Patch, neither was the Default.mwt or any of the major
program settings.
(My simple idea is that previously you must have been working with older Smart Charts
that must have been created a long time ago or, and this sounds more likely, with another
Default-template that got (accidently) overwritten (by you or by a 6.5 CdRom re-install)
at some stage).

> The questions you have on the "Alerts" make very much sence, but can "only" be fully
> answered by EqSupport, eg this goes beyond my "Alerts" knowledge (eg and as I am
> already satisfied that at least "the Alerts" features are included in the program, however
> they should not be restricted to the Expert/Sys sub-programs alone/only).

Just for reference sake, have "highlighted" below part of the Help on "Specifying the
Conditions for an Alert" and its "Condition"-section:
"A true condition on the last bar in the chart will cause the alert to trigger and display the
specified pop-up message and play the accompanying sound or video file (if available)."
"Condition.  Enter the formula to use for the alert.  If the formula is true for the most recent
date loaded in the chart, the alert will trigger."
Since the "last bar" or "the most recent date" is vital for an "Alert" to be trickered, at least
any older "Alerts" should not ever be presented to you anymore. If the "Alert" is valid for
the last bar or the most recent date or even since last occurance, it should be presented.
>From this, if the "Alert" trickered more times, in say the past month, then only the last
"Alert"-occurance must be presented, eg only the last trickered "Alert" should be
"fired at you" and not all the previous ones(that have occured since last opening the chart).
If the latter is not the case in your situation, then indeed this is an unfixed bug, and surely
you and the other members of the List can be informed by Equis Support for an explanation.
Therefore, have "CC"-ed this mail to Equis Support. 
> Regards,
> Ton Maas
> ms-irb@xxxxxx

Best Regards,
Ton Maas

cc - Equis Support (for an answer/explanation to/on the "Alert-bug")

>From the Metastock Help

Specifying the Conditions for an Alert

As with the other components in the Expert Advisor, the conditions for alerts are written
in the MetaStock formula language.  They are evaluated as either true or false.  A true
condition on the last bar in the chart will cause the alert to trigger and display the
specified pop-up message and play the accompanying sound or video file (if available).
You use the Expert Alert Editor dialog to specify the formula conditions and define the
message and sound or video file.  This dialog is accessed by choosing New or Edit from
the Alert page in the Expert Editor dialog.

Name.  Enter the name for the symbol.  You should use a name that is descriptive of the
             alert's condition (e.g., RSI/Moving Average Bullish).  The maximum length of the
             name is 40 characters.

Condition.  Enter the formula to use for the alert.  If the formula is true for the most recent
             date loaded in the chart, the alert will trigger.  You may want to click the Functions
             button if you need help with the MetaStock formula language.  Formulas must be
             written the MetaStock formula language
             (see What is the MetaStock Formula Language?).

Function.  Click this button to display the Paste Functions dialog (see Pasting Functions
             Into Formulas).  You may want to click the Functions button if you need help with
             the MetaStock formula language (see What is the MetaStock Formula Language?).
             Note that this button is enabled only when the cursor is located within the Condition box.

> From the Equis-website's FAQ : 
> Q. What is the difference between a "Smart Chart" and a Chart?
> A. Chart - A chart is a graphical representation of a security's price
>                  along with any accompanying indicators and line studies.
>                  In MetaStock for Windows you may have as many charts of
>                  an individual security as you would like. The only requirement
>                  is a unique name for each one (i.e., IBM, IBM1, IBM2, etc.).
>    Smart Chart-
>                  A Smart Chart is simply a chart that is automatically saved
>                  under the security's name each time you are done working with it.
>                  The next time you load a security's Smart Chart, it appears exactly
>                  as it did when you last saw it.
>                  This frees you from having to worry about saving your charts using
>                   the more involved (yet more flexible) Save As command. 
> ==================================================
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: michael arnoldi <marnoldi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: A METASTOCK GROUP <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: zaterdag 10 april 1999 13:00
> Subject: since patch update / no help given
> > every time i open metastock, i hope that it will open with the same
> > start date, eventhough i have checked off the reatain settings in the
> > x-axis box & using smart charts.
> > very often metastock will open my charts with ALL the periods downloaded
> > & then i have to reset my x-axis start date.
> > also,
> > if i enlarge any chart, ALL the other stock charts will get the same
> > enlraged view.
> > i contacted metastock support about this several weeks ago, but they
> > never bothered to give me any correction to this problem that THEY
> > created with this patch.
> > 
> > (ALSO, notice how they changed "alerts" that are attached to experts,
> > alerts pop-up only ONCE when going to a chart, and alerts accumulate
> > over a period of weeks. when you finally apply a chart you haven't
> > visited in weeks you get a series of alerts pop up dating from multiple
> > back dates- what a waste of time, getting alerts from 3 or 4 weeks ago)
> > also no correction made here either.
> > 
> > any solutions to the above? 
> > 
> > mike arnoldi
> > 