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This is used by traders that I know. Lots of "meat" on these bones.


Siftware: Rosetta

*Description: is a toolkit for analyzing tabular data within the framework
of rough set theory
*Discovery tasks: Classification, Summarization, Dependency analysis,
*Platform(s): Windows
*Status: Public domain / Research Prototype
*URL: http://www.idt.unit.no/~aleks/rosetta/rosetta.html

Rosetta is a toolkit for analyzing tabular data within the framework of
rough set theory, and runs on PCs operating under Windows NT/98/95.

A limited version of Rosetta is made publicly available for non-commercial
use. The downloadable program is limited in the sense that algorithms from
the embedded RSES library are not applicable to decision tables larger than
some predetermined size (currently 500 objects and 20 attributes).

Rosetta is designed to support the overall data mining and knowledge
discovery process; from initial browsing and preprocessing of the data, via
computation of minimal attribute sets and generation of if-then rules or
descriptive patterns, to validation and analysis of the induced rules or

Rosetta is intended as a general purpose rough set tool, and is not geared
specifically towards any particular application domain.

Rosetta offers a highly intuitive GUI environment where data-navigational
abilities are emphasized. The GUI is highly object-oriented in that all
manipulable objects are represented as individual GUI items, each with their
own set of context-sensitive menus.

Help resources for Rosetta include:

Manual  Technical reference manual (draft version)
Last updated January 10, 1999.
FAQ  Answers to some common questions
Not really maintained...
Bugs  A list of open and closed bugs
Nobody's perfect.

The technical reference manual comes as a compressed Postscript file. If you
do not already have the software to view or print Postscript documents, some
very good tools are available for free.

A version of the technical reference manual is also available in PDF format,
to facilitate on-screen viewing and searching. Documentation is not
available in Word format, or in any other language than English.

Additional documents pertaining to the Rosetta system can be found from this
list of publications.

Computational kernel and GUI front-end designed and implemented at the
Knowledge Systems Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Sections
of the computational kernel (RSES) developed at the Logic Group, Inst. of
Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Poland.