Omega TradeStation Email Archive (by Subject/Thread)

  • Tr: Historical Forex, Philippe_Lhermie
  • BMI Sat, William Parks
  • Multi charting languages, fxtrader
  • Re:TS2k does it work, James H. Snowden
  • Re: TS2k Major Defect, Dick Webb
  • Re: TS2k it trash??, Dick Webb
  • Mkt Profile, Marcus Ingelin
  • TS2k stability - survey results, Larry Wright
  • Re: GEN: TS4 & TS2K Lab Experiment.., Eliot Kaplan
  • TS4 and Matlab4, vincent demolombe
  • Multiple Values from Functions, John Clayburg
  • Ablsys, IdontgetNkkkkkkkkk
    • <Possible follow-ups>
    • re:Ablsys, Ian Cunningham
  • SPY Trading, David Fenstemaker
  • TS allows composites?, knyyt
  • TS4 or the latest software??, Dick Webb
  • creating continuous intraday data, Nixon(MLS)
  • EasyLanguage Functions, Chris Edwall
  • Range Inflation, Jim Johnson
  • Moving averages of Highs and Lows, Jim Johnson
  • currencies, gmtac
  • Jan 2 2000, IdontgetNkkkkkkkkk
  • advance get, IdontgetNkkkkkkkkk
  • Tbills, Gerald Marisch
  • DLL adventure, Barry Kaufman
  • Limit Orders in backtesting unrealistic on tradestation, John Niem Jr
  • Service Pack 2 Problems, Barry Burgess
  • .OMZ exports from TS 4.0 Futuresource server, Alan Courchene
  • RE: CL_Martingale code and books, Roger D. Rines
  • TS32 error, Jim Johnson
  • Re:Sounds like build 512, James H. Snowden
  • OFF TOPIC R. Zahraie, spi
  • sp500???, Dick Webb
  • High Low Moving Averages, Jim Johnson
  • TS2K and VB/Excel, Patrick White
  • Martingale code and books, TWA7663
  • Fw: TS32.exe Error in 2000i, Mike Werner
  • Re: CL_Portfolio Evaluator?, VBatla
  • buying T-bills directly, Lincoln Fiske
  • PC Quote & other internet feed, Lawrence Chan
  • TS2000 Radar Sceen Expiry warning, Barry Burgess
  • TS2000 XPO files, Barry Burgess
  • good til cancelled orders on tradestation?, John Niem Jr
  • A novel moving average, Glen Wallace
  • ECN'S, Robert Cummings
  • EL help on user function- StatusBar, Jwtrader
  • OptionVue IV, Sethw2
  • Possible Signal data problem fix, Larry Wright
  • ProSuite Hazard--Print commands, Jim Johnson
  • ISDEX Symbol, Richard Davidson
  • Portfolio maximizer, gmtac
  • hate when that happens, Dan Chesler
  • stock data paste in prob., Dan Chesler
  • Apres Omega, Jim Allen
  • EOD traders, Robert Cummings
  • Trend of moving toward a pure electronic currency., Alexander Levitin
  • Never mind..., Dick Smith
  • March NASDAQ Data, ritchie
  • OMZ file format, Joshua P. Hill
  • Re: Best E-mini online broker $9 Comm. No $900 charge., SenFl
  • Level 2-market makers & axegrinder.., Jim
  • Advanved GET R/T SP 1 minute, Gerald Marisch
  • TS 4.0 charts stopped updating: why?, Simon Campbell
  • Stochastics, Arthur Marcus
  • Re:Exactly and well said., James H. Snowden
  • ProSuite Hazard, Jim Johnson
  • Economic info., Hernan Covarrubias Castillo
  • Free vs Pay, Mark Brown
  • Cargill's alternative to LeoWeb and TimberHill, Terry Wyss
  • Account statemnts showing good Aberration results, Mark Johnson
  • System Analysis, FXTrader
  • SP2 update, sptrader
  • Disabling, Johanson, Roy
  • Re: omega-digest Digest V99 #276, sptrader
  • CFTC and Freedom of Information Act, Robin B. Lake
  • Pearson's Correlation function, Andrew
  • other program, Lawrence Chan
  • datafeed in ascii format, vincent demolombe
  • Limiting Daily Trades on 5 minute bars, Mark & Dawn
  • What is Omega's utility, wmem.exe?, Wayne Mathews
  • Is the CME Site Down?, Dan Visanescu
  • Turn off certain quotes, ManningSto
  • Data Integrity, Chris Edwall
  • Re:stable TS2k, James H. Snowden
  • OFF TOPIC: Want to buy these JOE ROSS books..., Doug Forman
  • Big Dipper SP System, Phil Lane
  • Non-DisclosureDocument@xxxxxxxxxx?, Mark Brown
  • Even More nonsense Re: +$421K using Aberration, Thomas Pfluegl
  • Lee Gettess, Jim Johnson
  • BOLLINGER, Robert Cummings
  • In Defense of Mr. Brown, Vista-Research
  • Re:Bet size, James H. Snowden
  • Alt-ESC resizing, Gary Fritz
  • CFTC Source Identified: Watch your Web!, Robin B. Lake
  • Bug fix: corrected table of Ab. trades, 1997-today, Mark Johnson
  • TS update deadline coming - is it stable enough?, Larry Wright
  • More nonsense Re: +$421K using Aberration, Mark Johnson
  • London Mkt Symbol, trader rick
  • Aberration & Bet Size, Rus Newton
  • beta testers, Assen Sharlandjiev
  • Fw: My results using Aberration (a vendor system), Mark Brown
  • Problem with Alert via E-Mail, roberto Michel
  • Whoops, Brown errors Re: +$421K with Aberration, Mark Johnson
  • Nasdaq *-BB & *-OT Symbols, ManningSto
  • Request: Historical SPY, Alan Courchene
  • Exporting Data in ASCII ?, Philippe_Lhermie
  • Referencing Values in an Intraday Moving Average, Mark & Dawn
  • Composite Code?, Phil
  • Jurik's ma's (ela code), Ian Frost
  • RE: $421,000 clarification and more details. part II, Riccardo Ronco
  • Fair Value, tvpresearch
  • CME holiday schedule, Thomas Brun
  • How I made $+421,000 trading vendor system Aberration, Mark Johnson
  • RE: $421,000 System, Charles V. Mercer, Jr.
  • aberration, preston morrow
  • wanted: BMI daily data [need two days], Terry Wyss
  • Functions in EL, Bill Vedder
  • Trend line code?, Phil
  • $421,000 clarification and more details., LIZ MERRILL
  • TS2000i Update (SP2), David Fenstemaker
  • Re:Load code, James H. Snowden
  • Re: Help..... 100% CPU Usage!, bam2
  • [Rec'd] Looking for SP M9 5/21 (Signal) data, Simon Campbell
  • Best clearing houses., fxtrader
  • Fast Data Feeds, Mark Brown
  • Looking for SP M9 5/21 (Signal) data, Simon Campbell
  • TS4 and Y2K, vincent demolombe
  • EasyLanguage Book, Peter W. Aan
  • Here's the $ 421,000 System !, LIZ MERRILL
  • More on serial ports, Gerrit Jacobsen
  • omega market maker.., Jim
  • Tradestation Daytrading Rooms, Jim
  • Book Review.., Jim
  • Omega World "Hear it Online Now", David Fenstemaker
  • Clearing the MessageLog from a Code ?, Philippe
  • Defining SwingLow, Peter W. Aan
  • CurrentBar ?, Philippe
  • Roll over date, Loren Davis
  • How to export data from TS 2000 ?, Philippe
  • MetaStock Loves TS2000i Users, James Fulton
  • Tick Counts, Alan Courchene
  • Re: PS2k SP2 Update/tick counts pathetic on SP2, Alan Courchene
  • PS2k SP2 Update, Tick Counts and Rant, Sentinel Trading
  • Paint Bar ELA doesn't quite work?, John Clemens
  • Quick Question, Robert Norris III
  • U.S. holidays, Simon Campbell
  • Refresh data, IUhrik
  • PS2k SP2 Update, Alan Courchene
  • 2000i on 2nd computer, David
  • Re: Fwd: fg0520> Point and Figure scaling, Cash
  • E-mail filtering to separate our omega-list's post, Johan Labuschagne
  • Importing Ascii files?, Gaius Marius
  • Re: missing bid/ask records., andren
  • Robert Heisler's RJH Trading, Rick Francis
  • Need DTN symbol, sptrader
  • TS2ki works better now but..., Ullrich Fischer
  • re: Multithreading in Visual Basic, Steve Helme
  • Is it safe to enter the water yet?, Loren Davis
  • Can't create new Tracking Center Window, Jwtrader
  • [Fwd: fg0520> Point and Figure scaling], Preston Morrow
  • TS2000 missing bid/ask records, Barry Burgess
  • Other Programs (Was: TS2k), Lawrence Chan
  • OMZ data format, Jim Johnson
  • BMI Data Gaps, Jim Johnson
  • Trend indicators, Jim Johnson
  • GEN: highest equity, xst
  • need 5/14 - 5/19 omz file please, Errrtuui
  • Smoothing in moving averages, fpi
  • [Fwd: TS2k], James H. Snowden
  • Re:TS2k, James H. Snowden
  • chart formatting question, Andy Dunn
  • Limitations .OMZ & .XPO, Alan Courchene
  • Scott Hoffman Programming, Bob Howe
  • System based on Fibonacci Retracements ?, Mark Richard
  • 10 WK MOVING AVERAGE SWING SYSTEM, charles meyer
  • Kent Calhoun, Loren Davis
  • RE:Help BMI data /Thanks got data fill, Alan Courchene
  • Help! Data request BMI for today, Alan Courchene
  • Teaching yourself programming?, Scott Hoffman
  • FM Labs, Paul A. Stefanovics
  • Re: omega-digest Digest V99 #266, Paul M. Zislis
  • Trending vs. Trading markets, Lindsay Blanks
  • Better than JMA?, Lutz Mehlhorn
  • real time stock quotes into excel 97, Mike Lange
  • Multithread in Visual Basic, HP Wei
  • Adaptive Reasoning Model, James Fulton
  • S&P Earnings & Div, Clint Chastain
  • ELA'S?: CCI, charles meyer
  • unsubcribe, Jason Wilder
  • Portfolio Maximizer ?, Mben
  • Re: Omega Research and Y2K, J. Rodney Grisham
  • BMI Data on DSPxx, Jim Johnson
  • Tickscape, LeslieG
  • CQG Interface with TradeStation, Loren Davis
  • Re:Excuse my post, James H. Snowden
  • TS2000i SP2, Rus Newton
  • Time Based Moving Average, knyyt
  • Ts2000i Service Pack 2, David Fenstemaker

  • Mail converted by MHonArc