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Re: PS2k SP2 Update, Tick Counts and Rant

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Subject: PS2k SP2 Update, Tick Counts and Rant

> That has always been my contention,about tick counts before, however I
know the ticks that I am receiving are or seem to be up to speed with the
exchanges that

seems to be - seems to be when?  in a fast market?  in a fast market "seems
to be will" not cut it, sorry you will be a looser..

> I have actually called on the phone and done counts with.( As I mostly
trade OEX options I watch them the hardest, and the CBOE was kind enough to

again only in a normal market would you be able to ask them, in a fast
market they can't' even give you a quote, i would hope that ts could seen to
be in a slow market..and tell me why do you trade options?  what is the
purpose unless its to cover a position.  do think there is some additional
safety in trading options?  why do you need trading software to do this? a
calculator will do just fine, kinda a hit and miss affair..this is what
options traded alone are good for.  aren't you aware of how ken roberts and
mark crook do it?

> I also have done counts with DTN and have the same counts and times as
their Data Integrity Dept.. This means at least to me that my Hardware and
Software, are keeping up with the DTN Box. That is as fast as I can run
without being on the floor, using DTN.

bud, you and most one this list don't know your ass from a hole in the
ground about keeping up with the floor.  you should leave the hills of
Kentucky and go to the trading pits sometime.  you will quit this fantasy of
thinking you can get even close to floor speed.  what a laugh, just shows
inexperience, just as your inexperience shows through in your evaluation of

> I can now call the Quotes off my RadarScreen and be with the DTN Data
Dept., allowing for transmission times, which is in the Milliseconds, and am
now far faster than the Internet feeds that I have been running side by

who's internet feed?  dtn's  besides you still have no clue what it takes to
make money in the markets.  wake up call it does not take lighting fast
quotes to make money. it takes a profitable method and experience.  guys
like you (your first post sept last year) come and go every year on this
list.  you are obsessed with speed, tick counts on and on how pathetic. i
agree though a software and data feed should not be any slower that it has
to be and ts2000i is a delinquent.

> This is dealing with Stocks, Stock Options, Indices, Index Options. I
collect a few futures delayed as DTN gives us the delayed quotes free, if we
don't subscribe to the exchange.

delayed data, oh boy why even bother by your standards of split second nano
second data delivery on a zillion symbols!  a perfectionist like you would
surely shun delayed data.   but a pro like me could show you how to trade
profitably even with delayed data.  hell i could take and trade my signals
an hour after they should have been taken and still make money.  so much for
your theory of speed = profits.  its a lie, a sad newly trap.

> I was missing a lot of ticks at least 1/3, for some symbols- snip-The flow
of data is tremendous. There are over 132,000 option symbols alone. Try that
on the Internet.

so what's the deal with 132,000 option symbols?  i guess you are some big
time trader and you need 132,000 option quotes.  yet another sign of a newly
trader.  you only need one market to make a ton of money and when i hear of
people watching a zillion items i laugh and think of days gone by.

> I have carefully checked all 2106 symbols that I collect and cannot find
any hang ups at the open any longer. I checked them once, it took all night.

bull, i don't believe this one bit..

> I am not a employee of Omega,

no not now, i would think my question was you must have been at one time!

>prosuite longer than most on the list and have had SP-2 for more than a
month now,

this is pretty funny that the sp2 was ready 2 months ago.  and since you
beta tested ts2000i i hold dummies like you responsible for letting such a
piss poor product slip out.  shows what you know about anything.  not much
it seems from your endorsement of ts2000i..

> in testing. I don't ever say anything much promotional, I am just relating
my experiences.

which isn't much beyond the few months you have been on the list.

> I try not to say anything about the Beta releases as that would be a
violation of nondisclosure agreements. In fact I bet TraderWare will have
similar agreements.

maybe maybe not, i have beta testers now and not a one has signed an
agreement that's because i choose carefully..

> I have run BMI, Signal, Signal-On-Line, PC-Quotes, DTN Real Time, DTN IQ.
and chose the one that suits my needs and that I feel confident using. I
have also tried WOW, and MetaStock, they were both returned.

what's wrong they wouldn't collect 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 option quotes a
nano second?

> I do trade full time for a living, mostly OEX options, and a handful of

what do you consider a handful?  LOL!!!!!!!

> I have tried to provide assistance to those that ask for it with 2000i,
mostly privately this is the Omega List. I have gotten most of the ideas for
the systems that I use from this and the Code List.

then learn not to shit in your back yard.

> If I was a detractor then all would be fine with some. ProSuite is not
perfect, Ver4 was not perfect, Windows is not perfect, NT has problems, IBM
hardware has problems, Gatways Crash sometimes, Is TraderWare going to be
perfect?  Lets discuss Internet congestion lets run tracert to one of the
data servers all day, and test the packets dropped and return speeds. In
fact I have a program that will do just that.

it is very obvious that you know nothing of how all the different internet
data vendors send data.  i do know and like the markets i have studied the
most efficient way to send data over the internet.   no one has ever
attempted what we are doing,  we are the first.  can we succeed?  i don't
know but i am trying and i can tell you it will be as "PERFECT" as possible.
i am impressed at my own product and that says something to me.  i am seldom
impressed by anything.

also return speeds mean nothing, its the broadcast speeds that are

> If someone splits a BMI box and feeds two machines and one is a few
seconds slower, means nothing, except some get to say, see 2000i doesn't
work never mind the implications of transmission across the splitter, and
how those Interrupts work and its impact on the software.

omega has a BASIC software design flaw!  it can never be improved to the
point that it will work as well as ts4.  their only solution is to redesign
the entire product.

> I was slow running DTN and tracked the problem down to the Serial Port
Speed, try running hyper terminal during the market and watch the Overflows
on the DTN Box and the Overrun errors on the computer side.

thanks a bunch for your long ass post, it was certainly a total frickin
waste of my time to respond to such bull crap.  but given you may be gone
soon, i wanted to spend some time with you before you and the people you are
trolling for blow out - mr. sentinel trading !
