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Re: Serial port issues was SP2 tickcounts ...

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Hi Gerrit,

> In general manufacturers have used better serial ports over the last
> years. Make sure you have at least a 16550 UART !!!

I use NT4 SP4
On the manual of my motherboard, it's written :
Com Ports RS-232C UART Compatible 16C550A
(and My PC is only 1 yr old)

> Important: Make sure the port does not share an interrupt with
> another device.

I also went to Start\parameters\panel settings\Ports\COM1\parameters

and I saw that I can select the baud speed
The default setting is 9600, I changed it and chose 128000, Am I right to do
this ?
The IRq is set to default

> Even more important: If you have NT and a 16550 UART  read the
> following:
>                  Using the Registry Editor (/system32/REGEDT32.exe):
>                    Select the key:
>                            \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSe
>                            t\Services\Serial      Make sure you
>                  have the following:
>                  ForceFifoEnable  REG_DWORD  1
>                  LogFifo          REG_DWORD  1
>                  PermitShare      REG_DWORD  0
>                  RxFIFO            REG_DWORD  8      or C  for a fast
>                  machine TxFIFO
> REG_DWORD  10    - for
>                  maximum write throughput  If not, change and/or add
>                  values.  Exit the registry and reboot the system.
>                  The system event log should now have:  a. User
>                  configuration data overriding firmware.  b. While
>                  validating that COM1 was really a serial port,
>                    a FIFO was detected. The FIFO will be used.

> Gerrit Jacobsen

I checked in the Registry and I have :
ErrorControl : REG_DWORD  : 0
ForceFifoEnable  REG_DWORD  : 0x1
Group : REG_SZ : Extended base
LogFifo  : REG_DWORD  0
PermitShare      REG_DWORD  0
 RxFIFO            REG_DWORD  : 0x8
Shareinterrupt : REG_DWORD  0
Start : REG_DWORD  : 0x2
Tag : REG_DWORD  : 0x1
Type : REG_DWORD  : 0x1

Because I'm a newbie in computer science and I know that modifying the
registry can be dangerous, could you tell me which line can I delete and do
I have to change the lines which are different from yours ?

I also checked into serial\parameters\serial0  : this folder is empty.

In case of problems after having modified the registry, is there a backup ?

I appreciate greatly your help
