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Account statemnts showing good Aberration results

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  "I'd like to offer some words of encouragement to Club
   3000 members: The little guy, the nonprofessional, the
   part-time trader *can* make money trading futures, using
   100% mechanical systems purchased from vendors.  I offer
   myself as a living example: In the 12 months of calendar
   1997, I made $118,000 in net profits (a return of 87.8%
   on my trading capital), trading a mechanical system
   that I bought from a vendor."

   In the 12 months of calendar 1998, I made $102,000 in net
   profits (a return of 40.5% on my trading capital).

   "My purpose in writing this article is neither to brag
   about myself, nor to boost the sales of some vendor's
   product.  Instead, I'm writing to present some actual
   real-time, real-money evidence that not only *can* it
   be done, it *has* been done, in real life, by a regular
   guy, a non-professional."

   "Brokerage statements have been provided with this  <<*** NOTE
   article to corroberate the results."                <<*** NOTE

   "Here are my system trading results for 1997-1998.
   My net account equity values were:"

     12/31/96    $149,841
     01/15/97  (withdrew $15,000)  [to pay taxes]
     02/28/97    $237,543
     03/31/97    $319,647
     04/30/97    $293,402
     05/31/97    $241,270
     06/30/97    $194,022
     07/31/97    $279,860
     08/31/97    $223,839
     09/30/97    $238,358
     10/31/97    $268,751
     11/30/97    $221,343
     12/31/97    $253,284

     01/30/98    $306,979
     02/27/98    $283,581
     03/31/98    $289,500
     04/30/98    $248,353
     05/29/98    $214,811
     06/30/98    $223,702
     07/31/98    $206,376
     08/31/98    $328,982
     09/30/98    $443,173
     10/31/98    $390,351
     11/30/98    $336,843
     12/31/98    $355,903


That's what I wrote 15 months ago, in Feb '98, and 3
months ago, in Feb '99.  It was published in Club
3000 News issues #98.02 and #99.02.  1999 isn't over
yet, so I haven't sent in my '99 equity results
for publication in the newsletter.  I plan to.

I sent all twenty four of my end-of-month commodity
account statements from my brokers, to the editors
of Club 3000 News.  I've been a subscriber to Club
3000 for several years, and over that time I've
gained respect for the integrity of the editors
there.  I trust them. It doesn't make me nervous
to send them my statements.

Also, it's a policy at Club 3000 that if a
submitted article makes any "claims" about real-time,
real-money trading performance, those claims should
be backed up by account statements sent to the
editors.  Articles making performance claims but
which do not provide statements as corroboration,
are vividly marked as such by the editors, so that
readers may view the claimed performance with
the proper skepticism.  So sending my statements
to the editors is "the Club 3000 thing to do."

The idea behind this policy is to reassure readers
that the real-life & real-money performance of a
trading method, including real commissions, real
slippage, real rollovers, human mistakes, "unables",
and so forth, is indeed what is claimed in the
article.  Readers can have confidence they're not
being misled.

However, our man Mark Brown whines and bellows
OMEGA LIST IS FULL OF LIES.) about Club 3000.
In his paranoia he feels that if a purported
"fact" has not been personally investigated by
Mark Brown himself and personally blessed with
the Mark Brown Certificate of Validity, then it
cannot possibly be true.  You see, Mark Brown
is the only trustworthy person.

So, since Club 3000 is full of liars [about 2500
of them, according to recent subscriber count],
Mark Brown feels that account statements sent
to the editor of Club 3000 (or, yet more paranoid,
*claimed* to have been sent to the editor) are
invalid and unreliable.  After all, Mark Brown
doesn't control Club 3000, and what he doesn't
control must automatically be false.  And

since the account equity curve shown above was
published in Club 3000, *it* *is* *probably*
*a* *big* *fat* *lie* as judged by Mark Brown.

I sent my statements to Club 3000 and not to Mark
Brown.  Unlike my attitude toward Mark Brown,
I feel comfortable that the editors of Club 3000
have great integrity, and I'm confident they will
treat my account statements as I requested:
with confidentiality.  To whom would you send
YOUR accounts statements?

Aberration's sequence of trade entry signals and
trade exit signals, posted to omega-list yesterday,
really did produce the account equity curve shown
above.  It's on my statements.  Call up the editors
of Club 3000 and ask [unless you think they are

The "magic", if there is any, isn't in the entries
and exits.  It's in the betsizes, as I disclosed
completely (including testcases for debugging
purposes) in Club 3000 issue #99.04.  It's a
simple math formula that makes betsize a function
of equity and distance-to-stoploss.  Go ahead,
look it up!  If you don't get the newsletter or know
somebody who gets it, they sell backissues cheep.

As I tried to point out on Monday, this is the
result of a year's worth of research.  (Admittedly,
a year's worth of PART-TIME research, since I
have a 40+ hour a week job in a field unrelated
to futures or trading).  Other approaches did
well too, this is not the holy grail or the only
method that produces large profits.  {remember,
so did Market Annihilator and Virtuoso, when
traded using geometric betsizing.}  But it is the
method that I chose, and it is the method that
produced the profits you see above.

Next up: a discussion of the equity curve results.
Gosh Almighty, what a bumpy ride!  Look at those
peaks and valleys!

I hope you enjoyed reading this,
  -Mark Johnson

   Mark Johnson     Silicon Valley, California     mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx

   "... The world will little note, nor long remember, what we
    say here..."   -Abraham Lincoln, "The Gettysburg Address"