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Re: Teaching yourself programming?

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When I started programming in school we had to learn 6502 machine 
language first. When they finally gave us the assembler and I didn't 
have to count the bytes for the jumps anymore I thought I was in 

Today VB's or Delphi's object orientated code is not very useful to 
learn programming IMO. However starting just on a theoretical basis 
with something like Algol is good for discipline put bad for 

If I had to teach someone I would take one of the old Borland Pascal 
compilers (pre Objects) to teach since it is a structured language 
which does not allow dirty code like Basic and still offers enough 
power so that the programmer sees some rewards for his learning.

Furthermore EL is modelled upon Pascal which would make it first 
choice for TS users.

Gerrit Jacobsen

> until you'd had a year of a teaching language like Algol.

> > Where would one start with teaching yourself programming?  I'd like to
> > learn. Nothing too fancy now, but the basics. Where/what to start with?
> > VB, C++? I'm starting at basically ground zero.
> As Rob Lake pointed out, you really should start with a *programming*
> book, rather than just jumping in with a language and banging away.
> When I was in school, back when computers ate punched cards and
> freshmen had to do most of their work at night, behind everyone else,
> they wouldn't let anyone work with "real" languages like Fortran
> until you'd had a year of a teaching language like Algol.
> That said, I still think the old K&R "The C Programming Language" is
> an excellent teaching resource, leading you gently from the beginning
> steps, using good examples, right through what can be done with
> programming.  I'd strongly suggest starting with a simple language
> like C rather than jumping right into C++, as it avoids an entire
> level of complexity regarding inheritance, etc.
> Keep in mind that Visual Basic is a Microsoft proprietary language.
> Depending on your future plans or opportunities, you may find that
> proprietary situation to be limiting.
> A couple of general references: 
> All the books published by O'Reilly & Associates are excellent.
> Check their catalog and if you see something related to your
> interest, you can be confident that it will be among the best written
> material you can find on that interest. 
> --> O'Reilly & Associates: <http://www.ora.com>
> For concise reference guides to various languages and environments
> the offerings of Specialized Systems Consultants (SSC) are without peer.
> Once you've made the first pass through your subject and are starting
> to actually bang out code, trying to get something done, the SSC
> reference cards are invaluable.  They're inexpensive, too.
> --> SSC: <http://www.ssc.com>
> Jim