AmiBroker Email List Archive (by Subject/Thread)

  • RE: [amibroker] Custom Backtester Procedure, (continued)
  • [amibroker] Problems with, wecus
  • [amibroker] help getting rid of excess symbols, gerryjoz
  • [amibroker] OT: pump & dump spam, Yuki Taga
  • [amibroker] Re: What is Correlation, john_dxd_smith
  • [amibroker] AmiBroker for Linux, Michael.S.G.
  • [amibroker] Mirroring the Chart, rhoemke
  • [amibroker] Is Cum() function affected by, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Candle Pattern Analysis - A typical sad AFL occurance, jim_trades_stocks
  • [amibroker] Backtesting and chart position, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Amibroker4.9.3 has a Fat Vertical Line, mrdavis9
  • [amibroker] Backtesting Trades in charts, pmxgs
  • [amibroker] Strange Volume Error from Yahoo Data, KBGlenn
  • [amibroker] Help w/ Formula for plotting ROC Trendlines and Wedges, ftstrades
  • [amibroker] Re: Backtesting Calculation not Real Time 'state' information., pmxgs
  • [amibroker] Back testing Calculation, pmxgs
  • [amibroker] 2 questions regarding Custom Backtest, Keith McCombs
  • [amibroker] Problem: backtesting and chart position, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Re: OT: Free AntiVirus, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] UNSUBCRIBDE, Raj
  • [amibroker] Re: AD-NYSE for IB feed, kebiebi
  • [amibroker] advancing issues / declining issues per industries, jim_wiehe
  • [amibroker] AmiBroker 4.90 User's Guide in PDF format available, Tomasz Janeczko
  • [amibroker] AmiBroker V4.90 problems., Michael.S.G.
  • [amibroker] Programatically add and delete ticker symbols in database, tiedemj
  • [amibroker] what's the difference in this code?, fsmart21
  • RE: [amibroker] OT: testing for delivery <ignore>, J. Biran
  • [amibroker] Quotes Plus Industry Groups, Joe Landry
  • [amibroker] OpenTick plugin now available, John Tierney
  • [amibroker] Full name in chart, blakerandy
  • [amibroker] Backtesting personal trading style., Keith McCombs
  • [amibroker] Risk:Reward ratio custom code - not working, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Re:autoanalysis intraday, Raman Kumar
  • [amibroker] 5-second IB intraday data backfill question, itmwh
  • [amibroker] Array logic, NickCivit
  • [amibroker] AB questions, ftstrades
  • [amibroker] Way to reference variables later on in code, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Is PointValue an array?, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] autoanalysis intraday, rewuio
  • [amibroker] current data from yahoo for nse india stocks and bombay stock exchange, ford7k
  • [amibroker] newbie have troubles with formula, eric gao
  • [amibroker] Script to update Amibroker Industry Groups from Yahoo, taracent
  • [amibroker] New IQFeed plugin (1.8.0), Tomasz Janeczko
  • [amibroker] Candlestick color question, danielwardadams
  • [amibroker] Automatic ASCI update, aleskresta
  • Re: [amibroker] IB TICK and TRIN Symbols -- VIX?, Henry Ng
  • [amibroker] Puzzled about ParamOptimize(), Thomas Ludwig
  • [amibroker] IB Symbols for currencies, Ara Kaloustian
  • [amibroker] Re: Amibroker basic searches, areehoi
  • [amibroker] Urgent Help Needed re QuoteTracker, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] How large data is too large ?, john_dxd_smith
  • [amibroker] Backtest Report., Mohammed
  • [amibroker] Amibroker basic searches, ftstrades
  • [amibroker] Re: Covariance, vlanschot
  • [amibroker] IB, Ara Kaloustian
  • [amibroker] RE:Covariance, aleskresta
  • [amibroker] Covariance, aleskresta
  • [amibroker] Re: Yahoo historical, msc626
  • [amibroker] Yahoo historical, Anthony Faragasso
  • [amibroker] Re: Exploring fundamental data in AB 4.90, ftstrades
  • [amibroker] EOD futures data feed -- advice?, rhelfer123
  • [amibroker] LISTING OUT SCRIPS, Vinay Gakkhar.
  • [amibroker] Re: Database problem - QuotesPlus, trb0428
  • [amibroker] Database problem - QuotesPlus, trb0428
  • [amibroker] Fred Tonetti, David Fitch
  • [amibroker] Re: Could someone tell me what to do about time zone differences?, Lester Vanhoff
  • [amibroker] I am back, Tomasz Janeczko
  • [amibroker] Could someone tell me what to do about time zone differences?, ss_aussie
  • [amibroker] Re: Amibroker video tutorials, amibrokeruser
  • [amibroker] Strange things are happening here, dralexchambers
  • RE: [amibroker] Backtesting Calculation not Real Time 'state' information., Paul Ho
  • [amibroker] NSE India., dayaptl
  • [amibroker] Exploring fundamental data in AB 4.90, ftstrades
  • [amibroker] Help with coding PREV alternative, Keith Osborne
  • [amibroker] IB TICK and TRIN Symbols, KBGlenn
  • [amibroker] Re: FX Data feed from EFXGroup, kenbethau
  • [amibroker] I had an OhNoSecond, Joe Landry
  • [amibroker] O.T. Thank Guys for the AB Conference Talks., Joe Landry
  • [amibroker] Quotetracker intraday Backfill help!!, w_hau
  • [amibroker] Re: Keeping a counter, dralexchambers
  • Re: [amibroker] Backtesting Calculation - Real Time 'state' information., Wes Smith
  • [amibroker] Re: OT: AB Art, brian.z123
  • [amibroker] Re: Developing My First System, mrxcalgary
  • [amibroker] Drawing Tools Settings Lost After Upgrade, Lester Vanhoff
  • [amibroker] OT: AB Art, ckinsey2003
  • [amibroker] Keeping a counter, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Date of a previous Buy() signal, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Re: Coloring the chart in accordance with the trend, jppt0k
  • [amibroker] Not initialized, M. Smith
  • [amibroker] AmiBroker 4.90 User's Guide, George Loyd
  • [amibroker] Coloring the chart in accordance with the trend, jppt0k
  • [amibroker] Wrap title on chart, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Can this be done, swptec
  • [amibroker] Help with formula to find buy signal when ROC crosses up its own moving average, ftstrades
  • [amibroker] Re: Margin of Error, thomasdrewyallop
  • [amibroker] Re: Transfer Indicators etc from AmiBroker 4.6 to AmiBroker 4.8, walkegra
  • [amibroker] EOD data from IB, blakerandy
  • [amibroker] Re: Dynamic Stops, thomasdrewyallop
  • [amibroker] How to neglect the short signal before the sell signal of a long trade ?, itmwh
  • [amibroker] Re: Running total array help, NickCivit
  • [amibroker] Re: historical data for oel and gold needed, brian.z123
  • [amibroker] Re: Vista problem, thomasdrewyallop
  • [amibroker] Re: Ploting price related line, Ian Watts
  • [amibroker] Ploting price related line, jflynnnz
  • [amibroker] Transfer Indicators etc from AmiBroker 4.6 to AmiBroker 4.8, walkegra
  • [amibroker] Backtesting Calculation, pmxgs
  • [amibroker] Dynamic Stops, thomasdrewyallop
  • [amibroker] Re: Help needed on a simple code:, nebt1
  • [amibroker] Help needed on a simple code:, nebt1
  • [amibroker] How to add or change view/profiles, ftstrades
  • [amibroker] historical data for oel and gold needed, Thomas Z.
  • [amibroker] Amibroker video tutorials, ftstrades
  • [amibroker] Re: Intraday Options data..., Lester Vanhoff
  • [amibroker] strformat() formatstr values?, Wes Smith
  • [amibroker] Intraday Options data..., mbs010101
  • [amibroker] Filter for Darvas Box Afl, Larry
  • [amibroker] Re: Brain seizure!, dalengo
  • [amibroker] Re: Premiumdata alternative to CSI for delisted stocks, b519b
  • [amibroker] : I think the real defect of Amibroker is charting(AB is much better thn Meta stock), kurian joseph Amprayil
  • [amibroker] Re: any issues with dtn, murthysuresh
  • [amibroker] any issues with dtn, murthysuresh
  • [amibroker] Re: Adding Buy & Hold Metric to backtest, brian.z123
  • [amibroker] Brain seizure!, dingo
  • [amibroker] Re: Translating Strategy from Tradecision To AmiBroker, Mohammed
  • [amibroker] Re: Yahhoo EOD download, Ed Hoopes
  • [amibroker] Excel Plugin, Bill Halliday
  • [amibroker] PRE-MARKET QUOTES FROM IQFeed, AmibrokerFan
  • [amibroker] Adding Buy & Hold Metric to backtest, dmcleod1981
  • [amibroker] Running total array help, NickCivit
  • [amibroker] How programmer's brain operates :-), Tomasz Janeczko
  • [amibroker] Scaling In examples?, dingo
  • [amibroker] system testing coding for 3 trade, garry
  • [amibroker] Re: AB-email, qavatina
  • [amibroker] Re: I think the real defect of Amibroker is charting, brian.z123

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