AmiBroker Email List Archive (by Subject/Thread)

  • [amibroker] Re: Ranking of MG Industry Groups, (continued)
  • [amibroker] What AB folders and files do I transfer to new laptop?, alan_davidson2
  • [amibroker] validation of backtest result, gaomfen
  • [amibroker] AFL Question: one entry per day, eric tao
  • [amibroker] Trailing Stop Lines, werner_reutter
  • [amibroker] Plotting a personnal breadth indicator (with IB plugin), nicholas_mandelbaum
  • [amibroker] Intraday Explorations, mpmafma
  • [amibroker] AmiBroker Tutorial, cmaiman
  • Re: [amibroker] Re: Multi Timeframe Question, Ed Middleton
  • [amibroker] how do i export tick data from amibroker to csv files?, kar_avi
  • [amibroker] Algo/formula to calc X-rates, vlanschot
  • [amibroker] Study ID and setting stops and Alerts, Chris
  • [amibroker] Problem switching from TC2000 Plug-in to Amiquote, samu_trading
  • [amibroker] VBScript / Jscript, Ara Kaloustian
  • [amibroker] matching grid to syleOwnScale, Esteban
  • [amibroker] anbody notice bad tick KLIC, murthysuresh
  • [amibroker] Re: Calculating Pivot Points, ap
  • [amibroker] Multi Timeframe Question, jjj_98
  • [amibroker] saving data through esignal, kar_avi
  • [amibroker] Need help with new computer workstation, Dan Clark
  • [amibroker] Calculating Pivot Points, Gerald Monks
  • [amibroker] Scanning In RealTime, derek c
  • [amibroker] How can I get the default screen back, tradingarthur
  • [amibroker] Tomasz, can this be done? please!, ax_ray2222
  • [amibroker] anyone using OpenTick plugin for EOD?, lifes_student_1
  • [amibroker] How to sell LONG positions from custom backtest?, foginthehills
  • [amibroker] Manipulating the database, lucianomt
  • [amibroker] how to modify MarginDeposit by trade ?, gruntusnomore
  • [amibroker] Help needed please - Importing Bid/Ask data, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Max Open Position, nicholas_mandelbaum
  • [amibroker] Hello Tomasz, d clarke
  • [amibroker] Quotes Plus Trial observations, _sdavis
  • [amibroker] Problem with running script (.js ), huuuchan1
  • [amibroker] Windows.Add(), NewWindow.Close(), Joe Landry
  • [amibroker] Oops...blank screens, Corey Saxe
  • [amibroker] Preferred bar size, d_hanegan
  • [amibroker] Cut/Round Num, sono_080
  • [amibroker] ASX Fundamental Data and Dividends indicator, angyhallows
  • [amibroker] MACD Predictor, slamming26_11
  • [amibroker] using non array variables in a loop, xxnospamxx
  • [amibroker] A simple improvement to colored Bollinger Bands, Don Lindberg
  • [amibroker] Need help with formula, please..., ax_ray2222
  • [amibroker] Automatically Renaming ~~~Equity, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] Problems with GetExtraData from Quotes Plus, Don Lindberg
  • [amibroker] ApplyStop values., ricko8294_98
  • [amibroker] Date/Time: Now + 5 Minutes, sono_080
  • [amibroker] Real Time data source, hanan.harush
  • [amibroker] new to amitrader, indianguyinny24
  • [amibroker] Ami broker and Excel, vosmerkin.evgen
  • [amibroker] Any way to reconfigure the way AB saves templates?, Gerald Monks
  • [amibroker] higher highs and higher lows, murthysuresh
  • [amibroker] backtest: growing position size and maximum position size, supistarde
  • [amibroker] AFL syntax check executes the formula code?!?, markhoff
  • [amibroker] IB Controller - GetPendingList, sono_080
  • [amibroker] PNF "Columns History" representation in AFL, hanan.harush
  • [amibroker] PLOTTING OUTPUT, Vinay Gakkhar.
  • [amibroker] Ticker name next to symbol, John
  • [amibroker] Plot "where" ..., sono_080
  • [amibroker] Exit at the end of the day, nicholas_mandelbaum
  • [amibroker] Why does this great system not work in reality?, samu_trading
  • [amibroker] Excessive Arrows, stocks_bobby
  • [amibroker] importing ASCII error, hatizen
  • [amibroker] Analyzing Options NSE India, swptec
  • [amibroker] Amibroker does not display data properly, hatizen
  • [amibroker] Import Data issue, hatizen
  • [amibroker] OT: Good quality data source needed, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] TimeFrame() functions / ATCs, Ara Kaloustian
  • [amibroker] Looping - our previous discussion, bernardedmond01
  • [amibroker] HighestSince() bug?, inertia_trader
  • [amibroker] PlotShapes - avoiding multiple arrows, bernardedmond01
  • [amibroker] Buysignal + wait, bernardedmond01
  • [amibroker] Is this achievable in AB?, ax_ray2222
  • [amibroker] weekends change >>>>>pls help anyone, Tamer Gamal
  • [amibroker] standard deviation, eric tao
  • [amibroker] Alertif EXEC Question, David Weller
  • [amibroker] Saving tick data from esignal, kar_avi
  • [amibroker] Summation within exploration, mpmafma
  • [amibroker] For Tomasz, amon_gizeh
  • [amibroker] Question about Plotting Charts, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] problem of importing tick data, itmwh
  • [amibroker] Newbie data question, stoxguru
  • [amibroker] RequestTimedRefresh( 1, False);, Edward Pottasch
  • [amibroker] Displaced Moving Average question for Tomasz or somebody who can help, ax_ray2222
  • [amibroker] GAT string construction, eric tao
  • [amibroker] Amibroker feature - TC2007, fredjaul0912
  • [amibroker] different results when setting same stop in code?, lifes_student_1
  • [amibroker] How to screen for split dates?, ax_ray2222
  • [amibroker] Different commissions for Buy/Short, t_ohrt
  • [amibroker] Setting "Divisions" or "Groups" in Parameter Box, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] Custom Backtesting For Profits, David Weller
  • [amibroker] bbands close out side and close inside afl, tummalaajaybabu
  • [amibroker] AFL question: Plot in a new pane, dralexchambers
  • Re: [amibroker] Re: Help with Forex Backtest Settings, Kevin Glenn
  • [amibroker] Re: Code Help: Advanced PositionSizing, vlanschot
  • [amibroker] Key command? Jump to date/time, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Amiquote: Yahoo Finance Server B, Auto-Rotation mode, sharesnewbie
  • [amibroker] Help needed with Hourly bars, dralexchambers
  • [amibroker] Help with Forex Backtest Settings, KBGlenn
  • [amibroker] GetPerformanceCounter() on WIN XP - Duo Core CPU, Ara Kaloustian
  • [amibroker] Backtest - Range Setting, Ara Kaloustian
  • [amibroker] More Esignal price increases, murthysuresh
  • [amibroker] Question about stop triggering during ETH whilst maintaining RTH indicators, gucytribe
  • [amibroker] Intra-day coding - Buy today/Sell tomorrow, zao_popo
  • [amibroker] SAR more reliable, ikodu.takana
  • [amibroker] Bollinger bands color change - expand - narrowing afl, tummalaajaybabu
  • [amibroker] question about counting signals, itmwh
  • [amibroker] BackTesting a Descretionary System, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] fopen read/write, Edward Pottasch
  • [amibroker] Is 500,000 the maximum number of bars allowable in a database?, dralexchambers

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