AmiBroker Email List Archive (by Subject/Thread)

  • [amibroker] Re: 'Rule Based' versus 'Discretionary' trading..., (continued)
  • [amibroker] Yahoo RT, Don Woodyatt
  • [amibroker] Interpreting walk-forward analysis, droskill
  • [amibroker] New user trying to build a scan, interfool
  • [amibroker] TWSLink, interfool
  • [amibroker] Sequential bars code, interfool
  • [amibroker] Non Continuous StDev Calculation, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] How to "Error Trap" in Automatic Analysis?, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] Best way to handle real life??, guhu0434
  • [amibroker] automatic analysis frequency every minute, murthysuresh
  • [amibroker] About Automatic Analysis, sonyfanaticsss
  • [amibroker] How to use metastock plugin for more than one market., aukcspore
  • [amibroker] Tradestation translation help, droskill
  • [amibroker] Problems editing AFL with alternative editors, sonyfanaticsss
  • [amibroker] Need AFL coding help, naresh kumar
  • [amibroker] problem with scale out, sumitra.ghanty
  • [amibroker] Changing MA max value from 200 to 300, awbe2005
  • [amibroker] Anyone, please debug this script., ydvss
  • [amibroker] sigscaleout problem, Santanu De
  • *****SPAM***** [amibroker] Buy a fractionally quantity of shares, bert_1502
  • [amibroker] VBScript Import Function Problem, roblh3
  • [amibroker] gfx text help needed, murthysuresh
  • [amibroker] Is there a way to calculate the ticker symbol tick size automatically?, wooziwog
  • [amibroker] How do I set OLE Filter() to select ALL symbols in my DB?, Herman
  • [amibroker] Correct use of BarsSince inside a loop, ozzyapeman
  • [amibroker] Resetting trade delays based on value of variable, Pete
  • [amibroker] Still More Detailed Coding Challenges, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] IO afls, nurudinkaba
  • [amibroker] Simple system - can't figure out how to code it, droskill
  • [amibroker] Number of Stocks above 20 MA, Waleed Khalil
  • [amibroker] constructing "Continuous contracts" with eSignal data for Non-US futures, Rakesh Sahgal
  • [amibroker] Help with writing formula, mravie7
  • [amibroker] hedging - is it possible to control individual exits in CB?, tiedemj
  • [amibroker] AB 5.16 3-D Optimization Graphs Bug?, ozzyapeman
  • [amibroker] Two lines with the same Study ID, treatmentinprogress
  • [amibroker] perf questions and how to look at them., murthysuresh
  • [amibroker] Format and data change, hepburncapital
  • [amibroker] Question on how to use HHV or LLV in a looping function?, cottondepot
  • [amibroker] TICK and other market statistics from IB, droskill
  • [amibroker] how not to print title and date in interpretation?and format strings?, loveyourenemynow
  • [amibroker] Market Profile, sidhartha70
  • Re: [amibroker] Re: plotshapes help, Lal
  • [amibroker] scrolling through watchlist, rr_bt
  • [amibroker] Singapore Nifty, Vinay Gakkhar.
  • [amibroker] plotshapes help, murthysuresh
  • [amibroker] setting periodicity from AFl/OLE, loveyourenemynow
  • [amibroker] HHV after last buy signal in a day, Debdulal Bhattacharyya
  • [amibroker] Saving Realtime EMA VAlues in Txt file every 5 seconds, H Patel
  • [amibroker] Quotetracker Pivot Points, droskill
  • [amibroker] Previous day's open/close/high/low in intraday mode, droskill
  • [amibroker] Fetching csv file data for variable, Debdulal Bhattacharyya
  • [amibroker] Importing EOD OHLC into RT Database, Debdulal Bhattacharyya
  • [amibroker] how to add new data column to amibroker, Anton Mils
  • [amibroker] Yahoo Current Data - Price OK, but no volume data, srengret
  • [amibroker] Launch an exploration from vbscript, donpickdonpick
  • [amibroker] Trendline Indicator, convertah
  • [amibroker] free delayed streaming tick data or historical tick data, how97
  • [amibroker] Can a Drag and Drop Indicator detect the Date it is being dropped on?, Blair
  • [amibroker] Another Code Puzzle, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] amiquote (forex), patience
  • [amibroker] A very basic formula question, alogicalinvestor
  • [amibroker] Need help debugging Java Script, raymondpconnolly
  • [amibroker] Getting 60-Min intraday history in Amibroker through eSignal plugin, nagkiran_k
  • [amibroker] Re: RT Data gathering and Useage confusion, brian_z111
  • [amibroker] RT Data gathering and Useage confusion, Tod Pellaton
  • [amibroker] Re: Sell after n bars only if net loss‏, Rajiv Arya
  • [amibroker] Positionsizing in afl, faked
  • RE: [amibroker] Neat Trading Viedo at You Tube, Jerry Gress
  • [amibroker] afl daily timeframe compression: day or day/night?, loveyourenemynow
  • [amibroker] RT DATA for AB users in India, Rakesh Sahgal
  • [amibroker] Optimizing Rotational - Curious Result, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] Periodicity Status, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] AFL Execution time for indicator code, sidhartha70
  • [amibroker] Continuous Contracts, deandemarco00
  • [amibroker] Total Redraw time (all charts), sidhartha70
  • [amibroker] Walkforward test question, dloyer123
  • [amibroker] Time & Sales information, sidhartha70
  • [amibroker] Alpha/Beta for Daily and Monthly Data, Ken Close
  • [amibroker] Backtesting problems using Timeframeset and restore, a10wong
  • [amibroker] How do you read Bar Number of last Buy signal, Pete
  • [amibroker] Sell after n bars only if net loss, Pete
  • [amibroker] Density index, Anthony Faragasso
  • Re: [amibroker] Re: Placing trades automatically with trendlines, BSp2956937
  • [amibroker] One night stand code, alta hob
  • [amibroker] AFL-Question, faked
  • [amibroker] Increasing space for full name under information tab, srengret
  • [amibroker] Using Functions to Process Arrays, Pete
  • [amibroker] Scottrade Elite Live Feed in Amibroker?, Pete
  • [amibroker] Custom keyboard assignments, blakerandy
  • [amibroker] CMAE question, Steve Dugas
  • [amibroker] How to setup AB for IB Forex trading with eSignal data?, tiedemj
  • [amibroker] Equitycurve in Reportwindow?, faked
  • [amibroker] X:Y Ration on a Chart, ozzyapeman
  • [amibroker] Custom AFL Programming Service?, ozzyapeman
  • [amibroker] Optimization fitness goals with custom metrics, _sdavis
  • [amibroker] Placing trades automatically with trendlines, treatmentinprogress
  • [amibroker] Help with buy and sell statements, rijnaars
  • [amibroker] How can I backtest using specific times., professor77747
  • [amibroker] Taking all signals (long/short) with individual profit/loss target exits, tiedemj
  • [amibroker] getting the hex out..., Dennis Brown
  • [amibroker] Hedge Bet Control, ozzyapeman
  • [amibroker] Database Cleanup, patsgreatdeals
  • [amibroker] Problem backtesting on indices..., ges
  • [amibroker] Copy Ticker To Different Database, steve_almond
  • [amibroker] AB opening minimized, Ara Kaloustian
  • [amibroker] Best Realtime Data Provider, tpellaton
  • [amibroker] Cross RSI EMA, espeoe
  • [amibroker] Working with arrays, booker_1324
  • [amibroker] list of etfs, murthysuresh
  • [amibroker] Join some of my groups, bhavesh naik
  • [amibroker] Sequential AddToComposite(), buandbe
  • [amibroker] Size of data download, foxblade2000invest
  • [amibroker] Alphabetize the watch lists in Symbols panel, srengret
  • [amibroker] Need help on Jscript, gyowell2000
  • [amibroker] IB backfill, droskill
  • [amibroker] StdErr, Ara Kaloustian
  • [amibroker] Placing orders with IB ftom Amibroker, foxblade2000invest
  • [amibroker] Correlation clusters, orionsturtle
  • [amibroker] Changing the 'start up database', sidhartha70
  • [amibroker] Exploration Signal Value Compared to Current Value, Pete

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