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[amibroker] Re: 'Rule Based' versus 'Discretionary' trading...

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> I am not saying that one type of trading is better than any
> other. 

Hello Yuki,

Thank heavens the cavalry has arrived.

Everyone who added the above disclaimer, also staunchly defended the 
categorization of traders into the two groups when logically that 
position is not defendable - if the categorization of traders isn't 
based on logic what is it based on? - obviously it suits the need to 
feel that we have the right stuff and they don't (so convenient when 
we can simplify life into them and us).


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Yuki Taga <yukitaga@xxx> wrote:
> Thursday, August 21, 2008, 3:13:18 PM, 'professor' wrote:
> psb> The problem with dicretionary trading is that everyone has bad
> psb> cycles where things go wrong. A discretionary trader needs to
> psb> have great discipline at all times, but expecially when things 
are going bad.
> This is just as true of rule-based systems as it is of discretionary
> trading; there is no difference at all in this respect between the
> two types of trading.  None.  Zero.  The system without drawdowns 
> yet to be designed.  And system traders don't also need discipline,
> and just as much, if not more?  C'mon.
> psb> When you are a rule based trader and you have throughly tested
> psb> your rules, you can believe in your rules. This is much like my
> psb> gambling in the casino. I know that mathematically, I have an
> psb> edge on certain games. So even when things are going bad and I
> psb> am losing, I know that in the long run, I will be ahead. I have
> psb> math on my side plus now I have almost 12 years experience.
> I can't believe I'm reading this.  You are going to sit there and
> type to the world that 'thoroughly tested ...  rules' are equivalent
> to a mathematical edge?  You have to be joking, right?  Mathematical
> edges don't go on tilt and *stay* on tilt forever.  Trading systems
> (which are NOT mathematical edges, but assumptions about what might
> prove to be edges -- and almost surely edges with expiration dates -
> based on historical research) do just that.
> (As an aside, the only game in the casino that I know of that can be
> tilted in favor of the player is Blackjack, and I sure wouldn't want
> to try and make a living at it for quite a few reasons that should 
> obvious to the casual observer.)
> psb> I am not saying that one type of trading is better than any
> psb> other. It is just that some people are better suited for rules 
than discretionary trading.
> When you lead with "the problem with discretionary trading is ...  "
> it negates your disclaimer in the paragraph above.  Certainly you 
> saying that rules are superior, because you claim that discretionary
> traders will have bad 'cycles' (as if rule-based traders will not,
> certainly what you are implying).  And you are entitled to that
> opinion.  You're just not entitled to say that it isn't your opinion
> when you very clearly state what you have stated.
> Yuki
> psb> Tom
> psb>   ----- Original Message ----- 
> psb>   From: brian_z111 
> psb>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> psb>   Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 9:30 PM
> psb>   Subject: [amibroker] Re: 'Rule Based' versus 'Discretionary' 
> psb>   Hello Ed,
> psb>   I would include that case under point a)
> psb>   I agree that this is possible however that person wouldn't 
be a 
> psb>   Discretionary Trader.
> psb>   We would have to invent a new class, say XTraders.
> psb>   The problem here is that we won't be able to reach an 
agreement as to
> psb>   what consitutes knowledge - even the experts (philosophers) 
> psb>   agree.
> psb>   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology
> psb>   Without going that deep we could attempt to prove the claims 
> psb>   Intuitive Traders by testing their trading performance in a 
> psb>   controlled environment.
> psb>   This would be almost impossible to do because of the 
difficulty of 
> psb>   finding an 'experienced' intuitive trader who is also not 
tainted by
> psb>   exposure to backtesting, trading rules (textbooks) i.e. they 
are not
> psb>   both an experienced Intuitive Trader and an experienced 
Rules based
> psb>   trader.
> psb>   The ultimate test would be to submit (claimed/known) X 
types, who 
> psb>   have never seen a stock chart, or traded before, to a 
> psb>   stock trading test.
> psb>   I doubt if we have to go that far to disprove the idea that 
anyone is
> psb>   making discretionary decisions when they trade.
> psb>   To qualify they only need to be free to make a choice, say 
whether a
> psb>   trend is up or upNOT (it could be any number or type of 
choices - it
> psb>   doesn't really matter).
> psb>   If they are FREE to choose then they can do so INDEPENDENTLY 
of any
> psb>   other factor. If the choice is DEPENDENDENT on any other 
factor then
> psb>   they are not making a free choice.
> psb>   An INDEPENDENT choice is a random choice, therefore they 
will flip a
> psb>   coin to decide if the trade is up or upNOt.
> psb>   Any other method they used to make the choice would have 
> psb>   wouldn't it (I am trying to think of an exception but I 
can't come up
> psb>   with one so far)?
> psb>   I guess that the people who like to argue about this type of 
> psb>   (the Philosophers) would say that an XTrader is not making a 
> psb>   choice either since their choice is dependent on their 
special X 
> psb>   factor knowledge i.e. they are still bound by dependency - 
the have
> psb>   merely used a different method to arrive at that point.
> psb>   brian_z
> psb>   --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Ed Hoopes" 
> psb>   wrote:
> psb>   >
> psb>   > Another possible irrational explanation is that some 
humans may have
> psb>   > the ability to see the future.
> psb>   > 
> psb>   > In competitive sports some players just seem to know what 
> psb>   > opponents will do. Maybe the same is true of some 
> psb>   traders.
> psb>   > They can't explain it rationally, but they "just know it"
> psb>   > 
> psb>   > Reef
> psb>   > 
> psb>   > PS
> psb>   > Unfortunately, I don't have this trait. 
> psb>   > 
> psb>   > 
> psb>   > --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "brian_z111" 
<brian_z111@> wrote:
> psb>   > >
> psb>   > > From the 2nd article:
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > "Paul Taglia sees high-probability Window set-ups that 
the rest
> psb>   of us 
> psb>   > > don't. I've seen him do this for nearly two years. He 
> psb>   explain 
> psb>   > > it...he simply says that he's looked at thousands and 
> psb>   of 
> psb>   > > charts over his career and some charts simply look 
better to him
> psb>   than 
> psb>   > > others. We once asked him to keep a journal to see if we 
> psb>   > > systematize what he saw. It was a useless exercise. He 
sees it 
> psb>   but he 
> psb>   > > can't explain it."
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > According to Occams Law the simplest explanation is 
usually the
> psb>   best.
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplicity
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > Possible explanations, of Paul Taglia's discretionary 
style are:
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > a) He can 'see', or sense, the future in the charts,
> psb>   > > b) he has a set of rules that he learnt in the past 
(based on 
> psb>   > > experience) and they have become second nature - 
possibly he has
> psb>   > > forgotten what they are or when he learnt them (or at 
least some
> psb>   of 
> psb>   > > them)
> psb>   > > c) he has a set of rules, and he knows that, but this is 
> psb>   excellent 
> psb>   > > posture to take if his game plan is never to reveal them 
to anyone
> psb>   > > d) he has a set of rules but has a playful nature OR 
likes to 
> psb>   take 
> psb>   > > the mickey out of his associates OR has a superiority 
complex and
> psb>   > > disdains the idiots who surround him
> psb>   > > e) he has an inferiority complex and needs the boost 
that comes
> psb>   from 
> psb>   > > the adulation of others - this is an excellent strategy 
> psb>   establish 
> psb>   > > mystique as a trader and achieve legendary status
> psb>   > > f) it is a great way to market ones employment value in 
> psb>   transient 
> psb>   > > workplace (its a resume that can't be questioned to any 
> psb>   either)
> psb>   > > g) some combination of a-f
> psb>   > > h) he has a set of rules (some conscious, some sub-
conscious) but
> psb>   he 
> psb>   > > can't be bothered explaining them (it is a form of 
> psb>   > > conservation - an alternavtive version of this is that 
he could
> psb>   be a 
> psb>   > > very focused trader and has eliminated the non-
essentials, like
> psb>   > > defining his style OR chatting about his style.
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > BTW irrationality is the common name for the shadow (I 
used the
> psb>   > > symbolic name).
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > There is no irrationality in maths, programming etc 
which is 
> psb>   probably 
> psb>   > > why I quite like programmers etc.
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > Trading myths are born out of, and perpetuated by 
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > brian_z
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > 
> psb>   > > --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "wavemechanic" 
> psb>   > > wrote:
> psb>   > > >
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > 
> psb>  
> psb> 
> psb>   > > 04-39801.cfm
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > 
> psb>  
> psb> 
> psb>   > > 09022004-39899.cfm
> psb>   > > > ----- Original Message ----- 
> psb>   > > > From: sidhartha70 
> psb>   > > > To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> psb>   > > > Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 10:52 AM
> psb>   > > > Subject: [amibroker] Re: 'Rule Based' 
versus 'Discretionary' 
> psb>   > > trading...
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > I think you're right Brian. We do all use rules of 
some sort.
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > But I guess discretionary traders don't use 'hard and 
> psb>   rules 
> psb>   > > and
> psb>   > > > can't always define the same set of rules by which 
> psb>   choose to
> psb>   > > > define an entry or exit.
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > For example, as we all know, something as simple as 
> psb>   a 
> psb>   > > trend
> psb>   > > > programatically can be more problematic as you might 
at first
> psb>   > > think.
> psb>   > > > However, a good trader can see very quickly what state 
> psb>   market 
> psb>   > > is
> psb>   > > > in by looking at various time frame of chart.
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > Likewise, divergences of various sorts can be easy to 
> psb>   with the
> psb>   > > > naked eye but difficult to code in their entirety.
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > Like driving a car, or a golf swing, you learn 
the 'rules' 
> psb>   but 
> psb>   > > when
> psb>   > > > you get really good you are no longer thinking 
rules... you've
> psb>   > > > effectively let go of the rules and are just 'doing'...
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "brian_z111" 
> psb>   > > wrote:
> psb>   > > > >
> psb>   > > > > Here is my definition:
> psb>   > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > We are all rule based traders.
> psb>   > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > Mechanical Traders are a specialist group who have 
> psb>   programmed 
> psb>   > > > > computers to autotrade their rules OR automatically 
> psb>   announce 
> psb>   > > their 
> psb>   > > > > rules via computer communications (audio, email, 
> psb>   prompts, 
> psb>   > > > > spoken text etc).
> psb>   > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > I am prepared to continue the discussion with any 
> psb>   > > inituitives 
> psb>   > > > > etc, who come forward, and adjust my definition to 
> psb>   > > anything new 
> psb>   > > > > that comes out of that.
> psb>   > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > In advance I admit to the possibility of exceptions 
to the 
> psb>   rule.
> psb>   > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > brian_z
> psb>   > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "brian_z111" 
> psb>   <brian_z111@> 
> psb>   > > wrote:
> psb>   > > > > >
> psb>   > > > > > >Descretionary traders make decisions that are 
based on 
> psb>   > > personal 
> psb>   > > > > > >knowledge and circumstances, perhaps using many 
> psb>   > > unknown to 
> psb>   > > > > > >themselves. Like which journal they read the 
> psb>   before. 
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > This is the nub of the question for sure, and the 
> psb>   that 
> psb>   > > I am 
> psb>   > > > > > investigating.
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > I suspect that when they (self-nominated DT's) 
think they
> psb>   are 
> psb>   > > > > making 
> psb>   > > > > > discretionary decisions they are in fact making 
> psb>   based 
> psb>   > > > > decisions.
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > That is why I asked for specific examples 
> psb>   of 'discretionary' 
> psb>   > > > > decision 
> psb>   > > > > > making e.g. I haven't seen Bilbo's chart yet but I 
> psb>   consider 
> psb>   > > it 
> psb>   > > > > highly 
> psb>   > > > > > unlikely that the decision about whether a trend 
is in 
> psb>   place 
> psb>   > > is a 
> psb>   > > > > > discretionary decision - I can define a trend in 
> psb>   > > different 
> psb>   > > > > > ways - all of them can readily be written as a 
rule (in 
> psb>   words 
> psb>   > > or 
> psb>   > > > > with 
> psb>   > > > > > code) - I don't care if the definitions 
are 'correct' or 
> psb>   not 
> psb>   > > as 
> psb>   > > > > long as 
> psb>   > > > > > the system that they are part of works i.e. my 
rules for 
> psb>   a 
> psb>   > > trend 
> psb>   > > > > depend 
> psb>   > > > > > on the context.
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > As Dennis said, our rules might be difficult to 
> psb>   > > causing us 
> psb>   > > > > not 
> psb>   > > > > > to automate the trade, but mentally we are still 
> psb>   the 
> psb>   > > rules 
> psb>   > > > > and 
> psb>   > > > > > if we are honest with ourselves we do know what 
the rules
> psb>   are.
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > >For a novice traders to try and mimic the 
techniques (of
> psb>   > > > > Discretionary 
> psb>   > > > > > >Traders) without 
> psb>   > > > > > >having similar backgrounds merits caution.
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > What I am suggesting is that, over time, the sub-
> psb>   conscious 
> psb>   > > mind 
> psb>   > > > > will 
> psb>   > > > > > automate what was intially habitual conscious 
> psb>   and 
> psb>   > > even 
> psb>   > > > > make 
> psb>   > > > > > some improvements on it, so that 'we' can skip the 
> psb>   conscious 
> psb>   > > part 
> psb>   > > > > for 
> psb>   > > > > > some 'tasks' e.g. driving the car becomes second 
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > That won't happen for new traders, in a short 
time, so 
> psb>   they 
> psb>   > > do need 
> psb>   > > > > to 
> psb>   > > > > > persevere, be patient and not try to mimic people 
> psb>   have 
> psb>   > > been 
> psb>   > > > > around 
> psb>   > > > > > for years.
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > IMO formal (written) rules based 
> psb>   > > trading/backtesting/optimization 
> psb>   > > > > is 
> psb>   > > > > > the best place to start - it grinds the basic 
lessons in 
> psb>   very 
> psb>   > > well.
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > If anyone can look at a chart, and without 
recourse to 
> psb>   any 
> psb>   > > rules, 
> psb>   > > > > know 
> psb>   > > > > > which way the price is going to move and trade 
> psb>   successfully 
> psb>   > > (long 
> psb>   > > > > > term) on that basis then that is something else 
> psb>   altogether.
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > If it is at all possible to do that then it 
> psb>   can't 
> psb>   > > be 
> psb>   > > > > taught.
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > That is why I asked, "Anyone doing it?".
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > It is just like >100%PA returns - anything is 
> psb>   but 
> psb>   > > once 
> psb>   > > > > someone 
> psb>   > > > > > confirms that they have done it then it moves from 
> psb>   realm 
> psb>   > > of 
> psb>   > > > > > possibility into reality.
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > In the meantime I will stick to my guns by saying 
> psb>   > > that "except for 
> psb>   > > > > > people who KNOW what the price is going to do 
> psb>   else 
> psb>   > > is a 
> psb>   > > > > rule 
> psb>   > > > > > based trader and categorizing traders, as DT's or 
> psb>   is 
> psb>   > > > > arbitrary".
> psb>   > > > > > 
> psb>   > > > > > brian_z
> psb>   > > > > >
> psb>   > > > >
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > ------------------------------------
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > Please note that this group is for discussion between 
> psb>   only.
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > To get support from AmiBroker please send an e-mail 
> psb>   to 
> psb>   > > > SUPPORT {at} amibroker.com
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > For NEW RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENTS and other news always 
> psb>   DEVLOG:
> psb>   > > > http://www.amibroker.com/devlog/
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > For other support material please check also:
> psb>   > > > http://www.amibroker.com/support.html
> psb>   > > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > 
> psb>   > > > No virus found in this incoming message.
> psb>   > > > Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com 
> psb>   > > > Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.6.6/1623 - 
> psb>   Date: 
> psb>   > > 8/20/2008 8:12 AM
> psb>   > > >
> psb>   > >
> psb>   >
> psb>


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