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Re: [amibroker] Re:"ba-buy"

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"Please read attached gif. 
It does not look so promising."
No it doesn't Dimitris.  I think I'llslit my 
wrist. March of 2000, 9/11, and now this.  I quit.
"Any further advice 
Keep posting in black and white, it's less 
"Shall I wait 
He who hesitates is lost.
"Is it short, medium or 
long term buy ?"
Short term buys become long term when they're 
losing (check out the length of losers vs. length of winners).
"Do you apply any kind of 
stop loss ?"
I don't apply stops in mechanical systems (don't 
believe all that you read in overpriced books).  
"Or you wait for the next 
signal, whenever it comes."
You got it.
"Your trading experience 
and responsibility is much appreciated"
Thanks, I think.
And yes, I did read your post and I couldn't 
believe you would imply that a descending triangle is a reliable chart pattern 
(but, it's tough to argue with the success of this trade).  I've read 
Edwards and Magee five times, taught Bar Chart Analysis in undergraduate and 
graduate schools and have studied charts for thirty years... "don't bet thefarm 
on a descending triangle".  Now, I wouldn't want anyone to take my word for 
it.  I'll let John Murphy's research speak:  He tested the S&100 
stocks with his Chart Pattern Recognition software and found that "descending 
triangles" are 52% profitable after a signal  As he says: "Only the 100% 
objective raw patterns and their accompaninying signals were used to calculate 
the results."  What a joke!  I consider the whole unscientific test a 
sham.  I'm sure you can support your descending triangle trade with much 
better numbers than Murphy.  After all, this one's a terrific winner for 
you...you must have evidence that this formation is reliable enough to risk 
capital on.

Do you consider wise to buy with a basic support 
breakout  "ante portas"?
Is that Greek or Latin?  My favorite Latin quote is: Qui non 
intellegit, aut taceat aut discat.  I do not understand "support breakout", 
I am a mechanical machine that flashes green(buy) and 
"Any idea for the new 
support/pivot point of ^NDX ?"
Don't ask me....I'm not in the prediction game, I 
only monitor momentum and oil the machines.
"Any documented hint 
Here's a big HINT:
Of the fifteen trades I closed on 4/17, thirteen 
were profitable (remember that post...eleven days ago?).  You forgot to 
show those in your spreadsheet.  The "out of sample" (posted before the 
next opening) recommendations, posted at my site since 1/1/00, have produced , 
1,073 trades, of which 810 have been profitable (~75%).  These were all 
buy-hold-close positions.  If short positions were taken during this 
horrible time frame...profits and percentages would have been much higher.  

So,  I don't know exactly what answers you 
want from me.  But since you are making so much money on this short 
position, why don't you fly to Denver and listen to me on June 25th.  I'll 
be defending my trading approaches at the Market Technicians Association monthly 
meeting.  They have had Ralph Ampacura, John Murphy and John Bollinger 
speak during the last six months.  Tough company.  As always, I will 
let my public track record, my private track records and my extensive research 
results speak for themselves.
Dimitris, since you ask so many questions...please 
allow me a few:  Do you actually trade (using real money in the currency of 
your choice)?  Do you have fiduciary responsibilities for others?  
Would you mind sharing your background?  
Take care,
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A 
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 2:04 
Subject: [amibroker] Re:"ba-buy"

Please read attached gif. It does not look so 
Any further advice ?
Shall I wait ?
Is it short, medium or long term buy 
Do you apply any kind of stop loss ?
Or you wait for the next signal, whenever it 
Your trading experience and responsibility is 
much appreciated.
Thank you in advance for any reply.
Dimitris Tsokakis
PS. Did you read the
posted by 23/4 to this list ?
Do you consider wise to buy with a basicsupport 
breakout  "ante portas"?
Any idea for the new support/pivot pointof ^NDX 
[The question is a bit difficult for me.This is 
the reason I wrote at 
"I really dont like 
it.". Evidence for this new support is a painful headache 
Any documented hint appreciated.
From:  "Steve Karnish" <<A 
href="">kernish@xxxx> Date:  Wed Apr24, 
2002  4:27 pmSubject:  "ba-buy"
Seven days ago, my realm of four dozen stocks 
triggered an unprecented fifteen "sell signals".   This morning, 
many of these same stocks have triggered "buy signals" for the opening 
bell.  This time, thirteen stocks (haven't seen this many buy signals 
in a year) are begging to be bought.  These recent "correlations" are 
telling us something...I just haven't figured out why, suddenly, I am 
getting these "lock step" correlations.  Anyway, I'm 
Take care,
Steve Your 
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