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Re: [RT] Mark Brown & RT Rules

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I find hypocrisy to be a problem for some posters.  They say one thing, or 
say they value one thing, and then do the opposite.  For example, saying you 
loathe rudeness and value civil discourse and then using innuendo to smear 
someone's reputation when they are not present to defend themselves is rude 
and uncivil in my book.  Shall we also consider this premeditated and 
malicious, since you had time to compose yourself?  

I do find that astro-marketologists often confuse correlation with causation. 
 Perhaps this led you to falsely assume some correlation between Mark Brown's 
rejoining real-traders and the viruses without any real proof of causation.  
Personally I find such thinking and confusion between correlation and 
causation to be a flaw in the thinking of many less than successful traders 
and analysts.

It would be very easy for you to be mad at me for such statements.  But, just 
always remember not to take anything anyone says on a forum personally.  Your 
internal integrity is all you need.  You don't need others to validate you or 
your work.  It should stand up on its own two feet.  

We all have different communication abilities and talents, let alone 
psychological makeups and hang ups.  So just concentrate on the subject at 
hand and don't let the intended or unintended bs get you down.  Laugh at it!  
That is they philosophy I operate under.  

A few years back there was this mad man on the usenet newsgroup 
misc.invest.futures by the name of Floyd.  He scared the crud out of the 
vendors and participants on the forum for his virulent language while 
delivering some very important and thought provoking attacks on vendors and 
about the forces of evil facing the retail trader.  Once the smoke cleared a 
little, people started coming out of the woodwork to decry his language and 
abusive tone.  No one commented on the message. 

It was the message that was important, not the delivery style of it.  I wrote 
about his message, looking beyond the appearance of madness, and found some 
interesting truths that he was delivering.  People told me I was absolutely 
crazy, but, errrrrr, now that I mentioned it maybe I am right.

I did a little research on Floyd and all the aliases he used and discovered a 
50 year old graduate student at Ohio State University doing research on 
alternative communication techniques.  I emailed the student and asked him if 
he was Floyd.  He never replied, but Floyd was never heard from again.

The lesson is that the bad is always there to separate us.  Find the good in 
things, even if it takes a little stretching. Stretching is a good thing that 
keeps us open, healthy and alive.  Look beyond the messenger.


John J. Lothian

Disclosure: Futures trading involves financial risk, lots of it!

In a message dated 5/21/01 7:44:38 PM Central Daylight Time, 
nwinski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

<< NW: John, how about when someone has had 1 - 2 year to cool down and still
 is persistently
 obnoxious and rude?  Mr. Brown was ejected from this list previously for the
 same behavior.
 He wasn't back on this list more than one day before he was up to his old
 behavior. Anyone notice that about the same time he showed up was when the
 virus hit this list? I loathe censorship, but I also loathe rudeness. This
 list is not a life or death situation. There is time for one to compose
 themselves and write in a civil tone. In the same vein, that also implies
 that those who are rude have plenty of time to contemplate their intentions.
 That means that their rudeness is pre-meditated and therefore malicious.
 Trading and the markets are stressful enough. Who needs negative personal
 attacks?  You can tell me you think my market theories are crap. That's your
 opinion. But, you shouldn't tell me I am an idiot because you don't happen
 to agree with me. That is the issue here.
 The rules say no personal attacks or foul language. Mr. Brown, after having
 been previously expelled for having broken these rules, only took a few days
 to revert to his old behavior. Some people never learn.
 Norman >>

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