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RE: New TS CME DataFeeds, a Quick Review

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People complain about TS6/7's slowness in ES quotes, but does 1/4-1/2 a
second really matter when all is said and done?  If someone blinks at a
different time to someone else, that covers the difference!!  Lol  In an
automated system your order 'may' get in line quicker, but unless your
dealing in size does it really matter?  I get the feeling people are
talking semantics when it all boils down to real trading.  Especially as
most don't do automatic order routing.  Am I missing something here?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gene Pope [mailto:gene@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 17 June 2003 1:02 AM
> To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: Trading_Systems@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: New TS CME DataFeeds, a Quick Review
> Hi all,
> It's been my unofficial "hobby" over the years to maintain an 
> informal review of lag in various datafeeds over the 
> internet, mostly dealing with those that are compatible (or 
> can be made compatible) with TS 2000i, plus of course, 
> TS6/TS7. This stemming from my ongoing interest in 
> microstrategies, where every split second of price action counts.
> It was with much "hooplah" that TS turned on it's "new and 
> improved" CME direct datafeed this past weekend, touting 
> improved speed and reliability.
> So of course I was very interested to see just how much 
> faster TS's new direct datafeed would be.
> (Please note, all content of this email is based on my 
> opinions based solely on informal observations.)
> I compared a tick chart, a 1 min chart, and a quote sheet in 
> all cases.
> Bottom line: After comparing TS6 with eSignal, QuoteCom, and 
> Realtick... nothing has really changed (!!!)
> Realtick is still the fastest out there, followed by eSignal, 
> followed by TS6, with QuoteCom last.
> In fact, the delay between eSignal and TS6 appears to have 
> not changed whatsoever... still ranging from about 1/4 second 
> to about 1/2 second delay depending on volume. So I'm frankly 
> puzzled over the claimed "speed advantages" touted by TS.
> NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS: Over the last 6 months, TS6 has been 
> the most reliable data feed out there. By that I mean, short 
> of a complete Globex or CME outage, TS6 has had the fewest 
> unexplainable outages, or interruptions of it's own feed, 
> which they deserve great credit for. Whoever is running their 
> server farm should get a raise...;~)
> Some clarifications: I've stated before, but it's worth 
> mentioning again, that in my humble opinion, Realtick, 
> although fast as lightening, is a very difficult datafeed to 
> contend with on anything other than their own proprietary 
> charting and manual order entry system, especially if you're 
> attempting to implement a custom auto trading system using 
> just their data feeds.... My observations have repeatedly 
> shown 2 or more mini-outages requiring the user to re-sign-on 
> PER DAY on average. This combined with their deactivation of 
> auto-login in the client server, makes for a cludgy ATS at 
> best, and at worst, a dangerously unreliable setup for auto-trading.
> QuoteCom and eSignal have been close in local outages and 
> interruptions of data, with the advantage that they, like 
> TS6/TS7, will keep attempting to log you back on without any 
> user intervention.
> Finally, a side note. I recently checked out both 
> FutureSource and DTNIQ. Both lagged behind TS6. FutureSource 
> was a surprise to me as it boasts a lot of professional users 
> (and is priced accordingly!!!). When I tried to speak to some 
> of their techs on this issue, I was promised a demonstration 
> of their "non-demo" servers, but this never materialized, so 
> I have to go with what I was given.
> DTNIQ is not a great surprise to me regarding it's lack of speed.
> So, in conclusion, nothing has really changed in terms of 
> speed that I can so far see. Hopefully this new CME 
> connection can enhance and not degrade TS's good reliability, 
> which is still worth a lot IMHO.
> Best regards,
> Gene Pope