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Re: TS Pro not updating all windows synchronously

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FWIW, I run TS2Ki on a Dell Precision 420 dual processor M/c under NT4.
Whilst, I get a number of oddities - as do the rest of the list, the system
is inherently stable. I prefer the dual processor option, insofar as one has
a highly responsive machine, with substantial reserves of power.

On a cautionary note, I purchased 1 CPU at the outset, with the thought of
buying a second processor later on. I forget the exact prices, but broadly
speaking Dell wanted an extra 200 GBP for the additional processor when I
purchased the machine. When I came to buy a second processor from Dell, they
wanted 600GBP - in other words trying to encourage me to purchase a new

I got all sorts of tales of woe from Dell regarding what would happen if I
were to buy an additional CPU from Intel. (The Intel one comes with a built
in fan, whilst the Dell one has a huge and I mean huge heatsink). Anyway to
cut a long story short, I purchased a fan cooled CPU from a local vendor
plugged it in(connecting the fan direct to the power supply) and modified
the hardware abstraction Layer. (I was told by Dell to use the COMPAQ HAL -
you should definately not do this!(the machine won't boot with it loaded).

I shall not be buying another Dell machine. Whilst I think that HP are
probably the best engineered that I've looked at, my latest machine was
built from separate bits e.g. dual processor motherboard, etc etc. It works
a treat. It doesn't have a smart label, has a number of guarantees rather
than 1. I rely on me for support. But it's cheaper than a new Dell or HP and
runs like lightning. It was a significant saving, for a few hours work.

Incidentally, when I had a problem with the Dell, their response was that I
should talk to the individual manufacturer.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tai" <traderjoe@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: TS Pro not updating all windows synchronously

> Hello ,
> Hello Leon,
> Friday, April 27, 2001, 12:14:31 PM, you wrote:
> LT> Recently I repeatedly have had a performance problem when using
> LT> Pro on my
> LT> PII 300 MHz, W98-based PC with 256MB of DRAM (yes, I know, it is
> LT> and I am planning to replace it shortly).
> LT> This occurs especially if the application has been running for a
> LT> I would have several (6-8) workspaces open, each with 4-9 charts. In a
> LT> workspace I may have 1-min, 5-min, daily, and time-and-sales windows
open --
> LT> all on one stock. Quite often, the 5-min chart would be updating, but
> LT> others would not, each window showing a different last price. When
> LT> rebooting the PC, and restarting the application, the problem
> LT> and all windows update reasonably synchronously.
> I think the key clue here is "When rebooting the PC, and restarting the
application, the problem
> disappears,
> and all windows update reasonably synchronously."  Short and easy answer I
> believe is poor memory management by Win98.
> LT> For this reason, I am planning to replace the PC with a new one that
> LT> have either NT4 or
> LT> Windows 2000.
> Highly recommend Windows 2k
> LT> My purpose is to run TS Pro in a stable fashion, or if this
> LT> fails, TS2000i with Signal
> LT> I have several questions in this regard. I am willing to pay premium $
> LT> premium performance
> LT> 1. Any opinion on the choice between a PIII 1 GHz with SDRAM memory
vs. P4
> LT> 1.5 GHz with
> LT> RDRAM (RAMBUS) memory ( I would get at least 768MB). One can get a
PIII with
> LT> either SDRAM or
> LT> RDRAM. Any performance difference there?
> You will get a performance increase but how much is another question.
> Expect minor increases in the ability to read and write to memory
> which give you the impression that the computer "is faster".
> LT> 1.1.  Pentium 4, at this time, can be had only with RDRAM.  In this
> LT> does a P4 1.5GHz run
> LT> noticeably better with 800MH RDRAM vs. 600MHz -- for the purposes of
TS Pro?
> Don't run TS Pro myself but with any increase in mhz, sec., etc.,
> you'll see a performance boost.
> LT> 2. Any difference between NT4 and Windows 2000? TriKinetic supplies
> LT> machines with NT4.
> LT> Any difference between the two in terms multi-monitor support?
> Yes, with win2k, multi-monitor is significantly easier to install and
> manage, IMHO.
> LT> 3. Speaking of multiple monitors, has anyone used Matrox G200MMS card,
> LT> how
> LT> has it been? TriKinetic uses Appian Graphics Geronimo Pro. The G200MMS
> LT> several features not present in the Geronimo Pro, such as DVI support
> LT> digital inputs of those
> LT> flat-panel displays that have them.
> I've always had a personal bias towards Matrox when it goes against
> Appian Graphics.  IMHO, Appian cards are too expensive for what they
> offer and Matrox is a better video card company that has better R & D
> and ultimately products.
> Personally have not used the G200MMS card but have used a G400 32mb DH
> from matrox and they are one of the sweetest dual monitor card so I
> don't think you'll be disappointed by the G200MMS.
> LT> 3. Has anyone had any experience with TriKinetic machines, as well as
> LT> company's
> LT> service and support? I am trying to choose between their high-end
machine a
> LT> Dell Precision Workstation.
> I build my own computers but I have always found Dell computers to be
> solid computers.  I recommend Dell to all my friends and users that
> can not build their own computers if they can afford the extra premium
> that Dell puts on it's computers.
> LT> 4. Is anyone running a PIII with 2 CPUs? Is there any incremental
> LT> improvement in performance attributable
> LT> to the 2nd processor (I doubt it because TS Pro is not a
> LT> application, but...)?
> WinNT and Win2k will be able to take advantage of SMP with more than
> one processor but if your application can not take advantage of SMP,
> it's basically useless but I have heard people directing specific
> programs that can't take advantage of SMP to specific a cpu, but I run
> a single cpu system so can not speak of it with great confidence.
> LT> Anyone out there running AMD's Athlon?
> Yes :-)  Let's just say most of the techy people I know run AMD.
> Intel has build a great brand name, which is the reason why people
> still stay with Intel.  Digression here but "Intel inside" isn't what
> it use to be since AMD has been making some great chips.
> Note: I'm more of a computer techy than a successful trader, for now
> at least.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Tai                            mailto:traderjoe@xxxxxxxxxx