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Re: Recap

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Your wasted on trading  - try public relations

>Hi Rus
>You are way off-mark. I have been on this list 3 years. There is no clique
>exclusive club here.
>I have seen a lot of newbies to this list (note: both experienced &
>They get the idea that they have bought a product & this is their free
>Most of the newbies to this list expect too much from this list. They are
>impatient , fidgety & behave like armchair politicians.
>Debra riduculed herself. She proclaimed herself to be the best.
>If we are below her standard, stop bothering us. If we are above her
>standards, be patient. Her every note was obtuse. She is the proverbial
>Woman ( opposite of the Pretty Woman).
>Every now & then there come a few "Debra" like attitude on this list. The
>can recognize them right away.
>Back to business.
>> Call me an old-fashioned Englishman, but isn't the whole point of having
>>  moderator to avoid all this abuse and irrelevance?
>>  You guys seem to view yourselves (on the whole, with some notable
>>  exceptions) as a tight little clique that enjoys ridiculing newbies: the
>>  Debra Orlow experience is a case in point.
>>  You never know, some of the new arrivals (who are not all the worthless
>>  individuals you seem to believe) might actually have something useful to
>>  c