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Re: Omega Bashing,

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Nobody is bashing Omega. Several of us Omega product users have years
and years of experience with Omega's false promises, bugged out releases
and non existent support. It's not bashing to complain in a public forum
about unresolved problems that cost the user money. It would be bashing
if the complaints were unfounded. We have also found that unless you get
down right nasty at times, Omega simply will not respond with a

The following graph represents my experience with Omega both good and

	0	20	40	60	80	100	120+	
Bad	*****************************************************
Good	**

As you can see there is a decided bias to the negative side. And that is
exactly why old hands tend to take the attitude that "I'll believe it 
when I see it" and if you want results(with Omega) you've got to "Yell
long and loud".

Omega used to have a site on AOL. This was when version 3.5 was
released. The release of 3.5 was a nightmare for Omega and a large
majority of users. The forum at the site was chalked full of negative
comments about Omega's bugged out and totally useless early releases of
3.5. Omega was forced to act to correct major defiencies(read TS was not
useable) in that release. Then, they decided to shut down the AOL site
and go to their own internet site sans the public discussion forum. Can
you guess why? The negative publicity was hurting sales, which forced
them to correct the bugs.

As I see it the Omega-list is the inheritor of the original AOL forums
function to air complaints and get Omega to act. The only drawback is
that it is not as widely circulated to potential purchasers making that
function much less effective (Omega's original idea when they
discontinued the discussion forum on AOL and didn't reinstate it on the
internet site).

Enclosing, I will say that I use TradeStation because so far no other
product can provide the same capabilities, but I will switch in a second
to another product if it is provides the same or enhanced capabilities
and better support. Omega has made some small positive advances in
support, but they have a long, long way to go. And with all the ill will
they've built up over the years they are vurnerable to losing
significant market share to a competitor.