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[EquisMetaStock Group] RE: Re: Question re: ZigZag Trend

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yellowstoneuk, (I hope David is also listening, but I will send him a
private email, too,
just in case.. )

1. Your formula's signals (with myvar:=3) do not coincide with those of
the corresponding formula of mine. So, it maybe faster but it is also
You can see this if you put the two formulas on your chart, side by side.

2. The real problem is that this difference is due to the fact that your
formula is not
completely safe. Why? Because when you write
...AND When( Fml( "zig zag trend"),=,+1) you make sure that only the
TroughBars() is valid.
But not the PeakBars()!

3. You are right about the delay caused by the PREV function. My excuses
a) My own explorations are limited to just a small number of stocks and
therefore the delays are
   too short to be a problem.
b) I tried to answer as soon as possible and so I had not the time to check
for time efficiensy.
c) I didn't notice that I was asked about an EXPLORATION and I thought we
were talking about
   an EXPERT (if you read my reply you will see that I am talking about an
Expert). My mistake.

Alternative versions of my formulas, that do not use PREV follow. Check them
out and
tell me. According to my calculations the new versions are about 500%
Maybe not so fast as yours -since any exploration that uses them has to call
custom formulas
and not built in ones- but at least they are safe.

{SR TroughBars1}

zzt:=Fml("SR ZZT1");

{SR PeakBars1}

zzt:=Fml("SR ZZT1");

The expert I have already given needs no alteration:

Fml("SR Troughbars1")*2=Fml("SR Peakbars1")
AND Fml("SR Peakbars1")>Fml("SR Troughbars1")


Message: 6
   Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 23:01:19 -0000
   From: "yellowstoneuk" <yellowstoneuk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: zig zag trend using time turns trend

I have checked out the formula that spyros suggested and although
the formula suggested is neat and concise it does not address the
requirement that an exploration should preferably not consume a
large amount of time in completing. The problem appears to be
the "prev" function used and I have tested out the suggested formula
on a multiple ttt exploration and the time taken was 6 mins 48 secs
on my Pentium 2.4.
I have an alternative which only took 19 seconds to complete on my
machine.  My formula as follows:-
explore:1                           #
myvar:=3;When(TroughBars(1,C,myvar)*2,=,PeakBars(1,C,myvar)) AND When
(PeakBars(1,C,myvar),>,TroughBars(1,C,myvar)) AND When( Fml( "zig
zag trend"),=,+1)

explore:2                           #
myvar:=3;When(TroughBars(1,C,myvar)*3,=,PeakBars(1,C,myvar)) AND When
(PeakBars(1,C,myvar),>,TroughBars(1,C,myvar)) AND When( Fml( "zig
zag trend"),=,+1)

#change number below to any number ranging between 3 to 6.

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