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[EquisMetaStock Group] Re: zero defaults and virus question

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Hi, Grizz:

Thanks for your value information; but I still can¡¯t understand how 
to make my ¡°PC is invisible on the net¡±. Please enlighten me.



--- In equismetastock@xxxx, "grizz003" <grizz002@xxxx> wrote:
> Keith and all,
> I am a programmer and I am extremely familiar with virus, trojans 
> also how to keep them OUT of your PC. 
> 1) First of all and MOST important: NEVER NEVER NEVER open any 
> file attachments that is "executable." Executable means a 
> program that can run in your PC. How do you know? Look at the 
> filename.EXT. The extension tells us if the attachment is 
> and includes EXE, COM, SCR, DOC { DOC files can carry a SCR }, BAT  
> and PIF. There are more, but these are the most popular. To make 
> easier to manage, here is a simple rule: Graphic and TXT file 
> attachments are currently the only ones immune from virus, ALL 
> can carry a virus.  The SAFE file attachments include TXT, GIF, 
> MPG, and BMP.
> 2) Install the program Zone Alarm from www.zonealarm.com This 
> will warn you of all file attachments which COULD carry a virus. It 
> prevents access from the net into your PC, and it prevents any 
> program already ON your PC from accessing the internet. All access 
> or from the net is blocked until you give permission. The souce of 
> the file requesting internet service is given so you can delete it 
> necessary. You are also warned of any net site that is attempting 
> break into your PC. You can issue temporary or permanent 
> 3) Never trust a virus program. They are always a day late and a 
> dollar short. They cannot ever protect you from NEW virus that show 
> up each week. They cannot protect you from virus that are designed 
> mutate ( change their signature ).
> 4) Verify that your PC is invisible on the net and immune from 
> trojans by running the free utilities at WWW.GRC.COM.
> Follow these 4 easy steps, and you unlikely to EVER suffer from 
> another virus or trojan.
> Grizz
> --- In equismetastock@xxxx, <keithld@xxxx> wrote:
> >      in case my first reply didn't get through properly,   Roy  
> Ron, thanks for your suggestions  to  answer my questions.
> > 
> > about a month ago, I formatted my drive (again) trying to solve 
> results of a virus  and installed and ran Nortons immediately after 
> the format, and have ran it continuously since, it updates 
> automatically.
> > about a  week ago, I noticed some of my emails to groups were 
> coming back to me with the message deleted and the symbol similar 
> to      yp      inserted instead, someone had previously told me 
> is evidence of a virus, again!
> > I then confirmed Nortons was current and ran a full scan---  no 
> virus
> > I then reinstalled AVG from    grisoft.com , a free virus  
> which last time found the virus when Nortons didn't,
> >  scanned--no virus
> > I then ran Taucan, supposed to find trojans     ----no virus
> > so, 3 scans  and found nothing.
> > 
> > a couple of days ago, a friend  sent me a fix to a virus he'd got 
> and may have passed on,  and there it was!
> > I had the "bear"     jdbgmgr.exe 
> > I don't mind getting a virus, (the price of being on the net)  
> i'd at least like to be able to search for, find it and get rid of 
> and,especially, not pass it on to others innocently    
> > 
> > I'm sorry for the longwinded  mail but felt it better to explain 
> once fully.
> > 
> > the question is ?   is there a good virus program out there at 
> all?    many others must have the same problems
> > 
> > all comments appreciated    thanks    Keith
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > ---
> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> > Version: 6.0.408 / Virus Database: 230 - Release Date: 24/10/02

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