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Re: [RT] show your colors/ Oil

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I would not want to be the second to suggest the obvious question to ask of
those wishing for an oil free economy, running on fuel cells and solar
panels, so I ask you:

What quantity of fuel cells and solar panels, in any combination, does it
take to replace the economy that is based on oil? Or, what is the quantity
of oil, gas, coal consumed by the carbon based economy today that the fuel
cells are to replace? Have you calculated this?

Do you think the country would be safer with millions of little hydrogen
bombs running around? Remember the alternative fueled Hindenberg?

Please dream up a utopian future, but show me a realistic cost-benefits
analysis before you suggest you have a credible idea.

For those who hate the oil companies, I assure you they will cease to exist
as soon as you offer in their stead a reliable form of energy that is
cheaper and more efficient. It will be even more satisfying to you if you
can avoid using any of their products while you develop yours.

Good luck.

> But the problem with replacing oil is that the powerful oil companies
> aren't going to sit by and watch themselves be put out of business.
> And as you mention, Bush is very closely tied to the oil industry.
> The only way alternative energy is going to be supported in this
> county is if the oil companies get a major piece of the alternative
> action.  But to do so will take them some time.  So we are stuck with
> our dependence on oil for the forseeable future.
> btw:  This is the same problem we face with simplfying the tax laws
> or ending the drug interception war.  There are just too many vested
> interests who are not willing to lose thier income and their secure
> positions in our society by allowing any of these inititives to take
> place in any meaningful way.
> ---
> JW
> --- In realtraders@xxxx, "Norman Winski" <nwinski@xxxx> wrote:
> > Gila,
> >
> >  The conclusion at the end of Mr. Farah's essay is ridiculous.
> > The US and the civilized world is addicted to oil. The way
> > to eliminate an an addiction is not to get more of the
> > addiciton from another dealer. The way to eliminate this
> > addiction is to find another source of energy that is not
> > dependent on a foreign source. If you pumped the $50 Bil,
> > we are about to spend on chasing bin Laden, on new energy
> > sources such as fuel cell technology or solar energy we could
> > soon tell the camel jockys to go take a flying leap. They
> > would soon be fighting with each other over a rapidly
> > shrinking pie.  The question then remains as to whether
> > Bush and Cheney will be willing to abandon their oil industry
> > buddies in favor of securing America's future.
> >
> >
> > Alternatively,
> >
> > Norman
> >
>  <snipped>
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