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Re: [RT] WHY...Trading Profession?

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

You mention education requirements.  That is what the time spent in school is,
that does not make one a Doctor, Lawyer or Engineer.  All that does is give them
a degree and the ability to apply for a job that will give them experience.  I
certainly wouldn't have wanted my triple bi-pass done by someone just out of med.
school.  Because someone has read Gann, Eliot, or a hundred books on trading and
can quote chapter a verse all of the theory, does not make him/her a trader.
Like every other business, one needs experience and not only in bull or bear
markets, but in every type of market.  Ira

Gentle Ox wrote:

> Why is it that everyone thinks that they can be a successful trader?
> What is it that motivates so many people to want to trade?
> Is it the money? the ego? the testeroserone? something else?
> And why do so many people feel they can learn the game in such a shot amount
> of time?
> I know If I wish to become a doctor it will take me about 8 years,
> If I wish to become a barrister (Attourney) it will take me about 5 years,
> A engineer about 5 years.......
> I know that their are exceptions to every rule......
> >

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