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Reference to some cycles

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My observations of news and current events bode ill for the country.
Yellow journalisn of the 1920's is in style.  Double digit inflation of
stock prices are expected as normal long term facts of life.  Liberal
wing gives ground to Right wing.  Inflation moves to deflation.  The
country's internal mental trends have turned from a crazy tolerance to
fierce attacks of others.   The cycles have come full force.    

There are prerequisites for going into a bear market/depression.
Attitudes must degenerate.  As the bear unfolds, conspiracies and blame
will unfold with further intensifying force.  The only concern will be 
the fight for one's own economic and personnal survival.  

On a more cheery note:
The cycle for worldwide conflict will drop to all time dollar
damage/spending lows.  Countries will be concerned with thier own
internal matters and colonial aggression will be the least of thier
concerns.  ie. Russia as a military threat is a dead issue.

Now, if only the Arab countries could be distracted by an economic
catastrophe.  Never have seen an Arab country stock market chart.  They
are externally concerned with attacking the GREAT SATAN (USA).  So this
might suggest there is no recession attitude.  

BrentinUtahsDixie wrote:
> Whether you like the President or not is not the issue. There is a high
> probability that he broke the law. If it is determined that he broke the
> law he should resign or be impeached just like when Nixon was President.
> The process of removing Nixon from office was not too good for the market
> if my charts are accurate. So you can't say it is irrelevant to trading.
> Bullish euphoria has thus far over shadowed all else it seems.
> Brent
> ----------
> > From: Arnold Thompaon <arnoldt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Date: Tuesday, August 18, 1998 5:27 PM
> >
> > Please, if you don't like the President, then just simply cast your vote
> > elsewhere next election.  Otherwise, respect the Electorial process,
> > Democracy, your fellow citizens and hope there is a functioning
> > government when this Bull market ends.
> >
> > Peter2150@xxxxxxx wrote:
> >
> > > Your kidding.   Like this was a surprise???  Everyone who thinks
> Hillary
> > > didn't know raise your hand.  I'd like to sell you the New York Stock
> > > Exchange.  Did everyone rush out and buy stocks today, because Bill
> told the
> > > truth.  Egads I hope not.   Can someone postulate a thesis, as to why
> this
> > > good for the soul confession might be good for the economy??  That
> would be
> > > interesting.   Oh Well enough.