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RE: Give me a break

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> But on the other hand he is a broker.

You're supposed to say, "One of *them*," and give me an aspersive


> Can't he give us some good trading info.

It depends.  Can I provide amazing insight into the current markets and
find great trades under rocks?  Nope; that's not my forte.  I am an
expert human systems analyst; hence the exhaustive post on
"optimization" last night.  I am very good at watching human systems
(including trading) and spotting inefficiencies, helping the systems to
improve.  Sometimes this leads to better trading in clients, and
sometimes not.

I have some decent ideas on trades, but left to trade on my own I would
starve.  I am not a good initiator; that is, my first intuition or
action is usually wrong (when I fade my own instinct, I often trade
better).  In terms of modifying and analyzing something else, though,
I'm hard to beat.  I can provide a lot of information and insight for
traders on their behavior and on their ideas about markets, but it's a
one-on-one kind of thing.  I do have a couple of clients where between
the two of us, we're right an awful lot of the time.  I conversely also
have a couple of clients where it's pretty hit-or-miss, and I've had one
lone client who has decided that there just wasn't much point in using
my services.

It's a lot harder on a dList like this because there's very little
common reality; I'd come off sounding pretty imperious if I began
declaring that "people would do better if...", especially since it
wouldn't be true for most of the people reading here.

This Spring, I finally got a couple of months to do almost nothing
besides trading system development.  It was the first time since my
entry as a trader that I managed to do that kind of analysis.  I started
out with a nearly arbitrary trend-following system, knowing full well
that it would suck because it was a starting point.  Ten weeks (of
optimization!) later, I ended up with a surprisingly simplistic but
consistent description of market behavior, and a rule-based, mechanical
method for handling that behavior that is high-risk but consistent over
long test periods.  I've got some discussion about it on my web site,
but I've been extremely reluctant to talk about it here because I'm a
CTA trading the method; the conflict of interest is obvious, and despite
being one of *them*, I'm more interested in ethical conduct than turning
another buck.  And no, there *isn't* much money in being straight up,
but I can't help myself...

> Please Trountman help us out. Your a broker so therefore you MUST be a
> better trader than everyone else on this board.

Oh, not just no but HELL no.  I'm better *looking* than everyone else on
this board, but I'm surrounded by much better traders.  The system that
I've completed would fail if it required me to make judgements about
direction, entry and exit; fortunately, it's all in rules so I just do
what I'm told, acting as broker for a rule-based entity.

> Im really not as big of a jerk as my last couple of post may
> have shown.

Clearly not.

Troutman, Defender of Sticks               troutman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        (aka)                           http://www.defendercapital.com/
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