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RE: Give me a break

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> I makes me wonder why I stay on this list.

And, having wondered, what is your conclusion?

> Lets all get REAL. Lets post stuff that will really help each
> other.

Terribly sorry; I haven't been out here for very long.  I didn't
understand that I was supposed to pre-discuss subject matter with you
before posting to the group.  I'll make sure to do that in the future,
so as to make sure that I will have something appropriate to say.

I have found that when a subject is being vigorously debated in any
forum, it is of general interest to some and of zero interest to others,
regardless of the topic.  The strong desire to impose one's own
interests on a large group of others almost always results in failure;
in your case, I find both *topics* to be appropriate, even though I
think it's unfortunate that folks have been smash-facing the poor guy
who just wanted to share his system test with the group.

Maybe now we can have a prolonged and vigorous debate over what kind of
things you feel are okay to post.

> Trust
> me if you have a good trading idea and you let others in on
> your big secret it wont hurt your trading.

And you are trustable in this opinion because... why?

A successful trading method strikes me as extremely valuable
intellectual property.  I cannot imagine why someone possessing
something so elusive would throw it away.

Troutman, Defender of Sticks               troutman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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