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re. BMI cable in Edmonton

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<DIV><FONT color=#000000>Is there anyone receiving BMI cable data in Edmonton 
who can tell me about the quality of reception?</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000>John Lawrence</FONT></DIV></DIV></BODY></HTML>
</x-html>From ???@??? Mon May 25 20:49:53 1998
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Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 14:03:39 -0500
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From: Joe Frabosilio <joe6964@xxxxxxxx>
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Subject: Re: Disaster Recovery Plans
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<P>Richard Chehovin wrote:

<P>You make a good point.&nbsp; But the energy used to write to these companies
and complain could be used in another way.&nbsp; I feel that these data
vendors don't really care about there customers, they know you are going
to trade its like a drug/ business and you need real time quotes. With
only a hand full of companies that provide this service, you will not get
up and leave. If you do it will cost time and money.&nbsp; They make you
sign a contract for one year.&nbsp; So they are going to get there money
no matter what.

<P>The RT should look for other means of getting quotes, this is a lot
easier said than done.&nbsp; For traders who trade stocks its a lot easier
to get quotes than it is for futures traders.

<P>The point is the Trader has to have his own backup plan because no one
cares more about your money than you do.

<P>I hope this week is better for those RT's who use DTN.

<P>Joe Frabosilio
<BR>&nbsp;<FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>My plea to all RealTraders</B>:</FONT></FONT>&nbsp;<FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>Later
this week I will post the name and addresses of the President's of each
data vendor that I can find. I would like to ask all of you to write them
and request that they review their disaster recovery plans, or establish
one if they don't have one. The idea is to work with the data vendors in
a constructive manner so as to avoid such occurrences in the future. If
I were them, I would view this situation as a great marketing opportunity
by touting a comprehensive disaster recovery plan. The objective is zero
downtime. Although this may be deemed unrealistic, it should be a goal.</FONT></FONT>&nbsp;<FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>Respectfully,</FONT></FONT>&nbsp;<FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>Richard
</x-html>From ???@??? Mon May 25 20:51:20 1998
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To Realtraders:

I am temporarily retiring from realtraders to finish some private work I have begun requiring total concentration.I am proud to have been associated with most of you and hope my interest in Mechanical Trading
and System Development has not been too boring for you since I am now aware most of you do not trade that way.

Your helpfulness has been appreciated.I leave on a high note and expect to return.

With warm personal regards,