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Hi Roger,
        Great, many thanks. Was the code posted somewhere?

Have you looked at the indicators? The ChanLines seem to work okay(ish) 
with end of day data but they are too far apart on intra day data. On 
the ES, for example, with the ES running around 975, the upper channels 
are plotting at 1025, 1075 and 1125. I'm assuming the scale should be 
same as symbol.


> Hello Ian,
> Sunday, June 29, 2003, 5:37:00 PM, you wrote:
> IW> Did anyone read the Time And Money Charts feature in May's TAS&C 
> > (page IW29)?
> IW> Wondering if anyone did or possibly would be prepared to convert 
> > the IWMetastock code there into TS format.
> IW> Ian
> Here it is
> The EasyLanguage code presented here reproduces the time and money 
> charts described in Stuart Belknap's May 2003 article in STOCKS & 
> COMMODITIES. The time and money chart displays a simple moving 
> average and six volatility bands around price, as defined in the 
> article. Since TradeStation can show a maximum of four plots in a 
> single indicator, we broke the code into two pieces: a ChanLinesHi 
> indicator and a ChanLinesLo indicator. Also displayed is the code for 
> Belknap's volatility index as discussed in the article, and finally, 
> the stochastic momentum indicator.   { "T&M - Volatility Indicator"
> from "Time and Money Charts" by Stuart Belknap }
> inputs:   Period( 25 ) ;
> variables:
> yom( 0 ),
> avyom( 0 ),
>  varyyom( 0 ),
>  som( 0 ),
>  sigom( 0 ),
>  HalfPeriod( 0 ) ;
> HalfPeriod = Period /2 ;
> yom = 100 * (Close - Average( Close, Period ) /
>  Average( Close, Period ) );
> avyom = Average( yom, 50 ) ;
> varyyom = Average( yom*yom, 50 ) - ( avyom*avyom ) ;
> som = squareroot( varyyom[ -HalfPeriod ] ) ;
> sigom = Average( som, Period ) ;
> plot1( sigom, "som" ) ;
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> { "T&M ? Stochastic Momentum Indicator"
> from "Time and Money Charts" by Stuart Belknap }
> inputs:
>  Length( 12),
>  Smooth1( 25 ),
>  Smooth2( 2 ) ;
> value1 = 100 * ( XAverage( XAverage( Close - (.5 *
>  ( Highest( High, Length ) + Lowest( Low, Length ) ) ),
>  Smooth1), Smooth2) /
>  (.5 * XAverage( XAverage( Highest( High, Length )-
>  Lowest( Low, Length ), Smooth1 ), Smooth2 ) ) ) ;
> plot1( value1, "StochMom") ;
> plot2( Average( value1, Smooth1 ), "SM Avg" ) ;
> plot3( 50, "+50" ) ;
> plot4( -50, "-50" ) ;
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> { "T&M - ChanLinesHi Indicator"
> from "Time and Money Charts" by Stuart Belknap }
> Plots the minor term average and the three upper
> channel lines }
> inputs: Period( 25 ) ;
> variables:
>  Arm( 0 ),
>  Level1( 0 ),
>  Level2( 0 ),
>  Level3( 0 ) ;
> Arm = Average( C, Period ) ;
> Level1 = (1 + (1.0 * 5/100 ) ) * Arm ;
> Level2 = (1 + (2.0 * 5/100 ) ) * Arm ;
> Level3 = (1 + (3.0 * 5/100 ) ) * Arm ;
> plot1( Level1, "+L1" ) ;
> plot2( Level2, "+L2" ) ;
> plot3( Level3, "+L3" ) ;
> plot4( Arm, "Arm" ) ;
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> { "T&M - ChanLinesLo" Indicator"
> from "Time and Money Charts" by Stuart Belknap }
> Plots the minor term average and the three lower
> channel lines }
> inputs: Period( 25 ) ;
> variables:
>  Arm( 0 ),
>  Level1( 0 ),
>  Level2( 0 ),
>  Level3( 0 ) ;
> Arm = Average( C, Period ) ;
> Level1 = (1 - (1.0 * 5/100 ) ) * Arm ;
> Level2 = (1 - (2.0 * 5/100 ) ) * Arm ;
> Level3 = (1 - (3.0 * 5/100 ) ) * Arm ;
> plot1( Level1, "-L1" ) ;
> plot2( Level2, "-L2" ) ;
> plot3( Level3, "-L3" ) ;
> plot4( Arm, " Arm " ) ;
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Roger                            mailto:mailrs@xxxxxxxxxx

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