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May I disagree with you, Adam?

Not all religious people are violence-prone or terrorists, and many very
religious people have done some very good things.  In other words, being
religious does not absolutely preclude virtue.  Having said that, however,
it is undeniable that many - perhaps most - of the major conflicts in the
world, today and in the past, have religious difference at their foundation.
Most reasonable people, having noticed a common factor in numerous
undesirable situations, would conclude that this common factor may, in fact,
be a cause of those undesirable situations and conclude that that factor
should in future be avoided.  Religion, however, is different precisely
because it glorifies nonreason, in the name of "faith".

You make several abrasive statements without providing supporting grounds:

"history will prove that the agnostic view is foolish."  What, exactly, do
you mean by "foolish"?  And what is this historical proof to which you

You charge OM with failing "to understand what true evil is" but
conveniently omit enlightening us.

Finally you say that "The humanistic view has been tried.....it always
fails" and, again, fail to explain what you mean by these trials of the
"humanistic view" and the manner in which they "failed".

What history DOES show is that many groups over time have tried to
demonstrate a rational basis for religion [*] - and have always failed.
This is the reason for the need to rely upon and glorify "faith".

[* for example, proponents of the "argument from design", the "first cause"
argument, or the argument allegedly based upon the 2nd law of

C. Slemaker

> Such statements would have been against everything James Madison spent his
> life for! James Madison is called the "Father of our Constitution" and the
> US Bill of Rights guarantees these individual liberties. If you are
> that those who believe in God are unwise...then do your homework, history
> will prove that the agnostic view is foolish. When you say that Terrorism
> can be eradicated by the elimination of what you term as "mysticism", then
> you fail to understand what true evil is. The humanistic view has been
> tried.....it always fails. If you think the eradication of religion is the
> answer.....again, I say look at the history books.
>  Sounds like you and Bob have been watching Spock together?
>     Adam Hefner