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RE: To all americans

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WELL SAID.  You are absolutely correct in your assessment.

Bill Daniel

-----Original Message-----
From: cash@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cash@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:13 PM
To: omega List
Subject: Re: To all americans

Unfortunately, this is not a 2nd Pearl Harbor.  It is FAR WORSE.
Pearl Harbor was a strategic attack specifically for the purpose of
disabling key American military resources so that the Japanese
could control the Pacific.  Almost everyone killed in that attack was
military and knew that at anytime, they could be a casualty of war.

What happened yesterday was performed by cowards and mentally
sick people.

Cowards were the people who organized the attack.  They set it up
to occur when the maximum human life would be at risk.  Not at
2am when the buildings would be empty and a political statement
could be made, but at 9am when the buildings were full and the
streets around the buildings were teaming with people.  These were
innocent, unsuspecting people who were just going on with the
business of their life, making a living so they could provide for their

The cowards used mentally sick people.  They are mentally sick
because they believe that suicide and killing innocent people will
open the door to heaven for them when just the opposite will
happen.  The cowards couldn't even do their own dirty work, and if
they didn't recruit these mentally sick people, they could have not
committed these acts as sane people do not kill themselves like

Now, America must answer, but we must not blindly retaliate. That
will do nothing but infuriate the extremists and make the US no
better than the terrorists  In countries around the world there are
those extremists who wish America harm, not because America
directly attacked them, but what America represents to them.
These are the people that must be eradicated.

The difficulty lies in the fact that there is no clear, easy to find
target and we can't blindly start attacking any country that looks
like a target.  In 1776 America was in a bloody war.  The way they
won was by fighting in unconventional ways.  We dropped the old
ways of conventional European "line-em-up" fighting and picked up
the guerilla ways of the Native Americans.  This allowed us to
defeat what otherwise may have been seen as an undefeatable

We are once again in a new situation and we must again pick up
new ways of overcoming the enemy.  This means eradicating these
terrorists.  These would be methods that are currently
"unacceptable" now.  But, this is the only way that we will even
have a chance of preventing this type of tradgedy from occuring
again.  Does this mean that there may be "collateral damage"?
Probably.  But just as in the Gulf war, we would work to keep it to
a minimum and it would definitely be a fraction of the damage that
was inflicted yesterday.  If we had done this over the past decade,
yesterday would have never happened and the total number of
innocent lives lost would be a fraction of what it is now.

We must covertly eradicate any individual involved with a terrorist
organization.  This means the people that run them, the people that
commit the activities, the people that directly support their
activities, and the people that indirectly support their activities.

I saw on TV the people in Palestine celebrating over the massacre
of thousands of innocent people in NYC and Washington.  These
are the sick people that support the terrorists and they must be
taken care of.  I'm not talking about the good people who condemn
these terrorist acts, I'm talking about the cheerleaders, particularly
the leaders.

These kinds of supporters who will not only take them in and
knowingly provide them with what they need to commit their
horrendous acts, but cheer them on when they succeed.  As long
as terrorists have this kind of support, they will never stop. And
displays like that which occurred in Palestine yesterday will do
nothing but encourage them on to do more.

Again, I say, these terrorists must be quickly, and effectively
eliminated, and their supporters must also be taken care of.  There
is no place in this world for either type of person.  I support free
speech and free expression, as long as that expression does not
kill other people.

Just an American's opinion - expressing it in a country where it still
can be freely expressed.

Date sent:      	Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:43:27 -0500
From:           	"Don Roos" <rosewood@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:             	<omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Jeffrey Harteam"
Subject:        	Re: To all americans

> Thanks.
> This is a 2nd Pearl Harbor.  America is slow to anger, but those
> will rue the day they took us on.
> However, at the present, I am sure this is *not* being considered to be
> end of the attack.  We should all be aware that this attack resembles a
> Clancy novel in which the government was attacked by a hijacked airliner.
> Biological attacks were the 2nd phase of that novel's scenario.
> This appears to be an attempt to shut down the US economic system.
> My heart goes out to those directly involved in the devastation of the
> attacks.
> Don
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeffrey Harteam" <jharteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "MarioT" <ekytac@xxxxxx>
> Cc: <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:48 AM
> Subject: Re: To all americans
> Same goes here.
> Jeff Harteam
> Hong Kong
> MarioT wrote:
> > my heart is with you
> >
> > MarioT

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