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RE: TS2000 sp6

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Hello List,

> Omega should charge
> for SP's if thats the
> only way to get them out 

I don't agree with this at all. IMHO it is absurd to
pay for a SP that just eliminates known bugs. These
Bugs should never have been released in the first
place. Its is not the 10, 20 or $50.00, im not that
cheep :) . It is principle. I could pay for the SP but
I wont. Omega made many promises it has never kept for
TS4 and 2000i. Omega needs to fix bugs in 2000i on
their own dime.

Once they have thoroughly eliminated ALL the know
issues/bugs in 2000i, then and only then will I
consider paying for a SP that added a new
functionality of value. By value I mean MAJOR added
functionality like the ability to pass global
variables built into easylanguage or double precision
or data on demand integration for 2000i like in ts Pro
or how about an offline tic by tic replay feature.
That is stuff I might pay for. Of course I am
None of this is going to happen.

I would not be willing to pay for little stuff like
adding a new supported data feed or new built in
indicator/systems or fixing know issues or things like
intraday ascii import that we should already have
in the current and prior versions of TS.

Just my whiney two cent$ worth :->

Alan C.