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Re[2]: TS2000 sp6

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On Friday, March 16, 2001, 7:25:18 AM, William Wood wrote:

WW> However, folks who really stress the platform are still
WW> experiencing bugs even with proper hardware and O/S.

I believe this is the key to the difference. I use TS2k only as a
'development' platform. What does this mean? I will have open 10-15
workspaces, each with 5-6 charts, each with 3-5 data sets. data sets
are often 50,000 - 200,000 bars. Each data set will have a few
studies, usually computation-intensive. For thinking purposes, a
simple but computation-intensive study would be:

x = WAverage( WAverage( WAverage( WAverage( c , 50) , 100) , 1000) ,
10000) ;

Put a few of these on each of a few data sets on a 100,000 bar chart
and you'll see what I mean.

But - IMHO just having these complex workspaces is NOT what stresses
TS. For this, you have to, for example, open 3 MORE large workspaces
as described above. **While they are opening**, go to the data server
and edit, or paste, or copy some data (NOT the data needed for the
above, obviously). While the server is pasting in a large data set, go
back to charting and change parameters in a few studies on one of the
long-data charts. [Since TS does NOT update the screen properly, there
will be NO indication of the background work TS is doing - it may just
seem sluggish.] In the midst of this, customize or change a few new
toolbars, change some TS options, change the data on a chart, add or
delete studies, change study parameters, and so forth - all while TS
is trying to complete a few other operations.

The basic idea is to introduce a new operation in TS BEFORE some
operation has completed. I believe this is what causes TS to crash so
often. If someone CAN, for an extended period of time, do operations
as I have described, and NOT have TS crash, I would like to hear about
it. In my experience, this is what leads to problems.

The opposite extreme is just watching a few workspaces, with short
data sets, and simple "canned" studies that are perhaps only a few
lines of code(XA's, MA's, etc). Even in real time, I suspect this will
be OK, and may still be OK with many workspaces/charts/studies unless
pending operations are 'interrupted'.

Any traders stressing TS enough to do MANY 'interrupted' operations
during trading, or, more likely, during 'development'? Any other
thoughts as to why there is such a large reported difference in
