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Re[4]: TradeLab Software

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JG> It is NOT true that user programs are required to create workspace sets,
JG> workspaces or charts, be they normal price charts or 2D or 3D complex charts
JG> in TradeLab.  All that is required to make a new workspace in TradeLab is to
JG> click File | New Workspace.  To create a price chart you click Create |
JG> Price Chart (TLData).  This opens up TLData where you easily select the
JG> symbol to plot from an Explorer type tree (or manually type it in).  You
JG> then select the data compression.  You then set the quantity or period of
JG> data to plot.  You can set the specific First and Last date from First and
JG> Last date calendars or you can just insert the number of calendar days and
JG> TLData with adjust the First and Last dates for you.  Then click the Chart
JG> button.  This is easier and more intuitive than any other charting program.

Congrats  then  bob has done this work for you, not the case two years
ago.    However your claim of easiest to do falls short of ts for ease
where  you have default values which may be set,  if you use a program
much you would know that you need this even TW had it.

JG> This and specific procedures on how to do everything else in TradeLab in
JG> documented in very complete, professionally written, Help files that contain
JG> attractive graphics and are completely cross referenced.  These files, which
JG> are in the newest Windows *.chm format, total close to 2.5MB of very
JG> thorough explanatory information.  They are available for free downloading
JG> at <http://www.tradelab.net/support/downloads.shtml>.

JG> TradeLab comes with hundreds of standard and advanced methods that can be
JG> used in user programs that each user creates to meet their own needs.  There
JG> are sample user programs supplied and it is easy to modify them to use the
JG> hundreds of preprogrammed methods that come with TradeLab.  Mark's comments
JG> are way out in left field.

WELOME  TO  THE  SIMPLE  WORLD OF TradeLab code...and you haven't even
made a chart yet.  You have just specified the parameters.  YEA!

Attribute VB_Name = "BasTL_User"
' ------------------------------------------------------------
'          Name: TradeLab User Utility Routine File
'   Description: Contains utility routines for use
'                with TradeLab user programs.
' Last Modified: November 12, 1998  Time: 00:13
' ----------< Copyright Scientific Approaches 1998 >----------
Option Explicit

' Global variables
Global MaxBarsBack As Long
Global CurrentBar As Long
Global v() As Double

' Plot constants
Global Const tlChart1 As Integer = 1
Global Const tlChart2 As Integer = 2
Global Const tlScalePrice As Integer = 1
Global Const tlScaleAuto As Integer = 2
Global Const tlScaleFixed As Integer = 3

' TradeLab numeric error constants
Global Const ERR_TL_NOT_INSTALLED As Long = 1&
Global Const ERR_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR As Long = 2&
Global Const ERR_INVALID_PLOT_NUMBER As Long = 3&
Global Const ERR_INVALID_CHART_NUMBER As Long = 6&
Global Const ERR_INVALID_LINE_COLOR As Long = 7&
Global Const ERR_INVALID_LINE_WIDTH As Long = 8&
Global Const ERR_INVALID_LINE_STYLE As Long = 9&
Global Const ERR_INVALID_POINT_COLOR As Long = 10&
Global Const ERR_INVALID_POINT_SIZE As Long = 11&
Global Const ERR_INVALID_SCALING As Long = 12&
Global Const ERR_INVALID_RESULT_PATH As Long = 13&

' Windows file and disk-related numeric error constants
Global Const MnErrDeviceUnavailable As Integer = 68
Global Const MnErrDiskNotReady As Integer = 71
Global Const MnErrDeviceIO As Integer = 57
Global Const MnErrDiskFull As Integer = 61
Global Const ErrBadFileName As Integer = 64
Global Const ErrBadFileNameOrNumber As Integer = 52
Global Const ErrPathDoesNotExi As Integer = 76
Global Const ErrBadFileMode As Integer = 54
Global Const ErrFileAlreadyOpen As Integer = 55
Global Const ErrInputPastEndOfFile As Integer = 62

' Error message string constants
Global Const TITLE As String = "User Program"
Global Const DEVICE_APPEARS_UNAVAILABLE As String = "That device appears to be unavailable."
Global Const INSERT_A_DISK As String = "Insert a disk in the drive and close the door."
Global Const INTERNAL_DISK_ERROR As String = "Internal disk error."
Global Const DISK_IS_FULL As String = "Disk is full. Continue?"
Global Const FILENAME_IS_ILLEGAL As String = "Filename is illegal."
Global Const PATH_DOESNT_EXIST As String = "Path doesn't exist."
Global Const CANT_OPEN_FOR_THAT_ACCESS As String = "Can't open your file for that type of access."
Global Const FILE_ALREADY_OPEN As String = "File is already open."
Global Const END_OF_FILE_PROBLEM As String = "File has a nonstandard end-of-file marker, or an attempt was made to read beyond the end-of-file marker."
Global Const TRADELAB_NOT_INSTALLED As String = "TradeLab is not installed."
Global Const FILE_ACCESS_ERROR As String = "File access error."
Global Const INVALID_PLOT_NUMBER As String = "Invalid plot number."
Global Const INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PLOTS As String = "Invalid number of plots."
Global Const INVALID_BAR_OFFSET_VALUE As String = "Invalid bar offset value."
Global Const INVALID_CHART_NUMBER As String = "Invalid chart number."
Global Const INVALID_LINE_COLOR As String = "Invalid indicator line color."
Global Const INVALID_LINE_WIDTH As String = "Invalid indicator line width."
Global Const INVALID_LINE_STYLE As String = "Invalid indicator line style."
Global Const INVALID_POINT_COLOR As String = "Invalid indicator point color."
Global Const INVALID_POINT_SIZE As String = "Invalid indicator point size."
Global Const INVALID_SCALING As String = "Invalid indicator scaling."
Global Const UNEXPECTED_USER_PROGRAM_ERROR_NUMBER As String = "Unexpected user program Error Number: "
Global Const UNEXPECTED_ERROR_NUMBER As String = "Unexpected Error Number: "
Global Const INVALID_RESULT_PATH As String = "Invalid result path."

' Colors
Global Const ColorGray0 As Long = &H0
Global Const ColorGray1 As Long = &H30303
Global Const ColorGray2 As Long = &H50505
Global Const ColorGray3 As Long = &H80808
Global Const ColorGray4 As Long = &HA0A0A
Global Const ColorGray5 As Long = &HD0D0D
Global Const ColorGray6 As Long = &HF0F0F
Global Const ColorGray7 As Long = &H121212
Global Const ColorGray8 As Long = &H141414
Global Const ColorGray9 As Long = &H171717
Global Const ColorGray10 As Long = &H1A1A1A
Global Const ColorGray11 As Long = &H1C1C1C
Global Const ColorGray12 As Long = &H1F1F1F
Global Const ColorGray13 As Long = &H212121
Global Const ColorGray14 As Long = &H242424
Global Const ColorGray15 As Long = &H262626
Global Const ColorGray16 As Long = &H292929
Global Const ColorGray17 As Long = &H2B2B2B
Global Const ColorGray18 As Long = &H2E2E2E
Global Const ColorGray19 As Long = &H303030
Global Const ColorGray20 As Long = &H333333
Global Const ColorGray21 As Long = &H363636
Global Const ColorGray22 As Long = &H383838
Global Const ColorGray23 As Long = &H3B3B3B
Global Const ColorGray24 As Long = &H3D3D3D
Global Const ColorGray25 As Long = &H404040
Global Const ColorGray26 As Long = &H424242
Global Const ColorGray27 As Long = &H454545
Global Const ColorGray28 As Long = &H474747
Global Const ColorGray29 As Long = &H4A4A4A
Global Const ColorGray30 As Long = &H4D4D4D
Global Const ColorGray31 As Long = &H4F4F4F
Global Const ColorGray32 As Long = &H525252
Global Const ColorGray33 As Long = &H545454
Global Const ColorGray34 As Long = &H575757
Global Const ColorGray35 As Long = &H595959
Global Const ColorGray36 As Long = &H5C5C5C
Global Const ColorGray37 As Long = &H5E5E5E
Global Const ColorGray38 As Long = &H616161
Global Const ColorGray39 As Long = &H636363
Global Const ColorGray40 As Long = &H666666
Global Const ColorGray41 As Long = &H696969
Global Const ColorGray42 As Long = &H6B6B6B
Global Const ColorGray43 As Long = &H6E6E6E
Global Const ColorGray44 As Long = &H707070
Global Const ColorGray45 As Long = &H737373
Global Const ColorGray46 As Long = &H757575
Global Const ColorGray47 As Long = &H787878
Global Const ColorGray48 As Long = &H7A7A7A
Global Const ColorGray49 As Long = &H7D7D7D
Global Const ColorGray50 As Long = &H7F7F7F
Global Const ColorGray51 As Long = &H828282
Global Const ColorGray52 As Long = &H858585
Global Const ColorGray53 As Long = &H878787
Global Const ColorGray54 As Long = &H8A8A8A
Global Const ColorGray55 As Long = &H8C8C8C
Global Const ColorGray56 As Long = &H8F8F8F
Global Const ColorGray57 As Long = &H919191
Global Const ColorGray58 As Long = &H949494
Global Const ColorGray59 As Long = &H969696
Global Const ColorGray60 As Long = &H999999
Global Const ColorGray61 As Long = &H9C9C9C
Global Const ColorGray62 As Long = &H9E9E9E
Global Const ColorGray63 As Long = &HA1A1A1
Global Const ColorGray64 As Long = &HA3A3A3
Global Const ColorGray65 As Long = &HA6A6A6
Global Const ColorGray66 As Long = &HA8A8A8
Global Const ColorGray67 As Long = &HABABAB
Global Const ColorGray68 As Long = &HADADAD
Global Const ColorGray69 As Long = &HB0B0B0
Global Const ColorGray70 As Long = &HB3B3B3
Global Const ColorGray71 As Long = &HB5B5B5
Global Const ColorGray72 As Long = &HB8B8B8
Global Const ColorGray73 As Long = &HBABABA
Global Const ColorGray74 As Long = &HBDBDBD
Global Const ColorGray75 As Long = &HBFBFBF
Global Const ColorGray76 As Long = &HC2C2C2
Global Const ColorGray77 As Long = &HC4C4C4
Global Const ColorGray78 As Long = &HC7C7C7
Global Const ColorGray79 As Long = &HC9C9C9
Global Const ColorGray80 As Long = &HCCCCCC
Global Const ColorGray81 As Long = &HCFCFCF
Global Const ColorGray82 As Long = &HD1D1D1
Global Const ColorGray83 As Long = &HD4D4D4
Global Const ColorGray84 As Long = &HD6D6D6
Global Const ColorGray85 As Long = &HD9D9D9
Global Const ColorGray86 As Long = &HDBDBDB
Global Const ColorGray87 As Long = &HDEDEDE
Global Const ColorGray88 As Long = &HE0E0E0
Global Const ColorGray89 As Long = &HE3E3E3
Global Const ColorGray90 As Long = &HE5E5E5
Global Const ColorGray91 As Long = &HE8E8E8
Global Const ColorGray92 As Long = &HEBEBEB
Global Const ColorGray93 As Long = &HEDEDED
Global Const ColorGray94 As Long = &HF0F0F0
Global Const ColorGray95 As Long = &HF2F2F2
Global Const ColorGray96 As Long = &HF5F5F5
Global Const ColorGray97 As Long = &HF7F7F7
Global Const ColorGray98 As Long = &HFAFAFA
Global Const ColorGray99 As Long = &HFCFCFC
Global Const ColorGray100 As Long = &HFFFFFF

' Calendar constant
Global Const DaysPerYear As Double = 365.2425
' Pi Constants
Global Const TwoPi As Double = 6.28318530717959
Global Const Pi As Double = 3.141592653589
Global Const Pi2 As Double = 1.5707963268

' Sub SetWindowPos constants
Global Const HWND_TOPMOST As Long = -1&
Global Const SWP_NOMOVE As Long = &H2
Global Const SWP_NOSIZE As Long = &H1

' Define TAPI API constants

JG>   Of course TraderWare is now dead.

That  is  yet to be decided by LAWYERS not you.  Meanwhile I have not
set  on  my ass I have a linux project underway.  I plan to never sell
another  software  trading  platform  so  my  comments about TL are of
genuine concern, Jim.

JG> I hate to make my comments personal but it appears that Mark can't read.
JG> Several people have responded to his previous comments that TradeLab will
JG> cost $2,000 per year.  This is NOT true.  If it is purchased now from a
JG> TradeLab Associate, the net cost is $1,915 plus shipping.  This includes
JG> fixes to any and all bugs, if any, that anyone finds (I have been looking
JG> for almost two years and every bug that I and other beta testers have found
JG> has been fixed).  It also includes a free upgrade to Version 2.0 that will
JG> include back-testing and optimization.  You can obtain the rebate at either
JG> Fred Siegel's or my web site.

Jim  I want an answer to this " if the version 2.0 has a bug "  and it
requires  yet another upgrade to 2.01 for example will brickey provide
that  or will he charge 2000.00 ?  This is what I  have been trying to
communicate to you and get an answer on for a while now!

ps TW can still do things that TL can not - multi data tick charts and
tick combined with time charts - and TW can also compress as much data
on a chart as any program.  In fact to set you strait, from bob's lack
of performing I was inspired to build a program and go to market while
TL  is  still in a basic alpha state.  Especially given that it has no

JG> Jim Gavey
JG> <http://www.Trading-and-Investing-with-TradeLab.com>