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Re: Taxes (was: Where is the Futures Industry Headed?)

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But them Yanks will just go on sing about being the Land of the Free and
stuff like that. Admittedly, its better than Burma or Myanmar or whatever,
but, gawd, when the Swedes, Danes or somewhere like that pay heavy taxes,
they really get something back for it!

At 11:49 PM 5/22/00, Simon Campbell wrote:
>What do you think of an American that gets a job offer abroad, moves there 
>with their family, and pays full tax to their new home and who becomes a 
>legal permanent resident there?  They have no assets, no business and no 
>income in the US.  They've made their permanent home abroad, their kids go 
>to school there, and they have no plans to ever return to the 
>U.S.  Clearly, this person does not benefit whatsoever from any of the 
>services provided by the US government.  Their benefits stem exclusively 
>from their new country, where they are happy to pay tax.
>Can you explain why that person should be forced to keep paying tax to the 
>United States?  Can you honestly justify why they should?  My wife is one 
>such American (thankfully I am not) and everytime she writes a check on 
>April 15th to the US govt, you have no idea how furious she is!  She goes 
>to work with Australians, Brits and other other foreigners and NONE of 
>them have to file and pay their home countries when they don't live 
>there.  Yes, I can honestly say that she *shouldn't* pay any tax to the 
>US.  And no, I do not consider this to be an extremist view!
>The United States of America is the ONLY country in the world that levies 
>it's tax system on it's citizens after they've permanently moved 
>abroad.  Most countries only apply taxation on their people when they live 
>in that country (kinda makes sense wouldn't you say?).
>It's out and out FASCIST to demand tax from citizens when they don't live 
>and work in the country anymore.  Gee, what an priviledge to "belong" to 
>the land of the free!  What's the expression used? "your ass belongs to 
>me" ?!  In case you bring up double-taxation treaties ....they only only 
>exempt about $75,000.  So, if you "rich" enough to earn more than that, 
>you must pay.  Please, if you can tell me what my Swiss resident wife 
>receives her US tax ...pray do tell me ...perhaps I'm missing something?
>There is nothing justifiable about this policy whatsover.  It is mindless, 
>stupid and fascist.  It is evidence of an agency (the IRS) that is 
>completely and totally out of control.  The most pissed off Americans 
>don't live in America, they live abroad! Anyone this "trusting" in an 
>orgnisation that sees fit to extend itself in this manner is a fool.
>Oh yea, my wife was having 44% grabbed from her monthly wage check when 
>living in the US (by the time you added up the 33 different taxes).  Now 
>she gets 20% taken out.  Guess what ... the public schools, the roads, and 
>public transport are all BETTER in Switzerland.  Go figure.
>Therefore, I'll give you the system you asked for:
>Eliminate your federal government as is stands and replace it with a few 
>officials in charge of national defence and a few other miscellaneous 
>things (with power only to raise 10% of taxes).  Let the States run 
>everything including raising 90% of all taxes.  But here's the most 
>important part of all: invite the Swiss to come over and run all the 50 
>States.  Let's face it, even with the best "system" in place, American 
>politicians would only screw things up again.  Swiss politicians and 
>officials in government and Americans running business and 
>enterprise.  Now, there's a country to die for!
>At 07:50 22/05/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>>If you say you don't owe taxes I say BS unless you have a legal
>>loophole.  Oh, you can convince yourself of just about anything.
>>If you say you *shouldn't* owe taxes tell me how you would structure our
>>society of 250 million people without it.  Tell me what the system (or
>>lack thereof) would look like.
>>If I like it I might even vote for you if you run!
>>Conrad Bowers