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TS2Ki - Advice From Omega

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I complained to Omega about my TS2Ki being very sluggish - the response is
below - I guess most users and traders  would have implemented the
instructions below anyway - Omega will not be honest and say they have a

How To Improve Performance Using Windows 98 and Windows 95 with version
2000i Products
How To:
1) Changing the Hard Disk Access Setting
This procedure changes the way that Windows accesses the hard disk. Hard
disk access will be faster using Omega Research 2000i and your other
applications. The only negative result of this change will be a reduction in
battery life if you are using a laptop machine.
1. Close all Applications.
2. From the Windows Desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon and select
the Properties option.
3. Click on the Performance tab.
4. Click on the File System button.
5. Change the setting for the Typical role of this computer to Network
6. Click OK.
7. Click Close.
8. Click Yes to restart the computer.
Once the computer has been restarted, the changes will take effect.
2) Running ScanDisk and Disk Defragmenter if you are using Windows 95 and
It is always recommended to run both of these applications weekly. Over the
weekend is usually the best time to do this because they will need to be
executed with all other applications closed. ScanDisk checks your hard disk
for any errors and has the ability to correct any errors that it finds. Disk
Defragmenter rearranges the files on your hard disk to allow it to operate
faster. Through normal use, files are spread out over the surface of the
hard disk. When opening files, the drive heads may have to travel across
large areas of open disk space to find files. Disk Defragmenter rearranges
the files on your hard disk to reduce the distance that the drive heads must
travel. Running these utilities can also greatly reduce the time required to
download data from HISTORYBANK.COM Daily Update Service. Importing and
decompressing data files during a download from HISTORYBANK.COM Daily Update
Service will be faster. Use these steps to run the programs.
 1.  Close all Applications
 2.  Click on Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | ScanDisk.
 3.  For type of test, select Standard, and check the box next to
Automatically fix errors.
 4.  Select the C: Drive.
 5.  Click on the Start button.
 6.  If you have multiple drives, you will need to run ScanDisk for each
hard disk, or hard disk partition, attached to your drive. You do not need
to run ScanDisk on the Floppy Drive (A:).
 7.  Once you have completed the ScanDisk for all hard drives, click the
Exit button.
 8.  Click on Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk
 9.  Select the C: Drive.
10. Click on the Start button.
11. If you have multiple drives, you will need to run Disk Defragmenter for
each hard disk, or hard disk partition, attached to your drive. You do not
need to run ScanDisk on the Floppy Drive (A:).
12. Once you have completed the Disk Defragmenter for all hard drives, exit
the Disk Defragmenter program.
3) Disabling Startup Group Items for Windows 98 Users Only
This procedure provides the steps for disabling Startup group items. You may
not realize that a number of programs that you may not want to run are
automatically started whenever you start your computer. These programs are
using memory (RAM) that could be utilized by your Omega Research
applications, if it was available. Removing all of the items from your
Startup group can disable many of these programs. Windows 98 includes a
utility to easily disable these programs. You can manually start
applications that are necessary to you using the Start | Programs menu.
Follow these steps to disable these Startup group applications:
1. Close all Applications
2. Click on Start | Run.
3. In the Open: window, type the name 'msconfig' without the quotes.
4. Click on OK.
5. Select the General tab in the System Configuration Utility.
6. Select the option Selective Startup.
7. Uncheck the box next to Load startup group items.
8. Click OK.
9. Select Yes to restart the computer.
Some programs will not start when your computer restarts. More resources
will be available to your Omega Research 2000i applications. You can
re-enable this option by changing back to a normal startup by accessing the
System Configuration Utility using the steps above.
NOTE: If you do not wish to disable all program from the startup group, it
is strongly recommended that you disable the FindFast program on the Startup
tab which can be found using the steps above. This program in particular
uses a large amount of processor resources.
Also, make sure that you don't have any power management features enabled in
Windows, and that you don't have any maintenance procedures scheduled to run
automatically during the day (either in Windows or TradeStation 2000i).
Please let me know if the performance of your system improves.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact
us. Thank you for your continued support.

Christine F.
Support Services Department
Omega Research, Inc.