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Re: TS2Ki - Advice From Omega

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I don't know your system's specifics, but TS2k is not sluggish on my system
which collects DTN real time data:

Pentium I 233mmx
(notice: this is "only" a pentium I. You don't need a giga hertz cpu! The bottle
necks are in the amout of RAM, disk I/O, and serial port for real time data
NT 4.0 sp6a
16GB SCSI ultra-wide
TS2k sp4c
Pacificcomm serial port

I suppose omega's suggestions will work only so much, then you'll need to
seriously take a look at the hardware.

-- Roy

Daniel Satur wrote:

> I complained to Omega about my TS2Ki being very sluggish - the response is
> below - I guess most users and traders  would have implemented the
> instructions below anyway - Omega will not be honest and say they have a
> problem.
> How To Improve Performance Using Windows 98 and Windows 95 with version
> 2000i Products
> How To:
> 1) Changing the Hard Disk Access Setting
> This procedure changes the way that Windows accesses the hard disk. Hard
> disk access will be faster using Omega Research 2000i and your other
> applications. The only negative result of this change will be a reduction in
> battery life if you are using a laptop machine.
> 1. Close all Applications.
> 2. From the Windows Desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon and select
> the Properties option.
> 3. Click on the Performance tab.
> 4. Click on the File System button.
> 5. Change the setting for the Typical role of this computer to Network
> Server.
> 6. Click OK.
> 7. Click Close.
> 8. Click Yes to restart the computer.
> Once the computer has been restarted, the changes will take effect.
> 2) Running ScanDisk and Disk Defragmenter if you are using Windows 95 and
> 98:
> It is always recommended to run both of these applications weekly. Over the
> weekend is usually the best time to do this because they will need to be
> executed with all other applications closed. ScanDisk checks your hard disk
> for any errors and has the ability to correct any errors that it finds. Disk
> Defragmenter rearranges the files on your hard disk to allow it to operate
> faster. Through normal use, files are spread out over the surface of the
> hard disk. When opening files, the drive heads may have to travel across
> large areas of open disk space to find files. Disk Defragmenter rearranges
> the files on your hard disk to reduce the distance that the drive heads must
> travel. Running these utilities can also greatly reduce the time required to
> download data from HISTORYBANK.COM Daily Update Service. Importing and
> decompressing data files during a download from HISTORYBANK.COM Daily Update
> Service will be faster. Use these steps to run the programs.
>  1.  Close all Applications
>  2.  Click on Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | ScanDisk.
>  3.  For type of test, select Standard, and check the box next to
> Automatically fix errors.
>  4.  Select the C: Drive.
>  5.  Click on the Start button.
>  6.  If you have multiple drives, you will need to run ScanDisk for each
> hard disk, or hard disk partition, attached to your drive. You do not need
> to run ScanDisk on the Floppy Drive (A:).
>  7.  Once you have completed the ScanDisk for all hard drives, click the
> Exit button.
>  8.  Click on Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk
> Defragmenter.
>  9.  Select the C: Drive.
> 10. Click on the Start button.
> 11. If you have multiple drives, you will need to run Disk Defragmenter for
> each hard disk, or hard disk partition, attached to your drive. You do not
> need to run ScanDisk on the Floppy Drive (A:).
> 12. Once you have completed the Disk Defragmenter for all hard drives, exit
> the Disk Defragmenter program.
> 3) Disabling Startup Group Items for Windows 98 Users Only
> This procedure provides the steps for disabling Startup group items. You may
> not realize that a number of programs that you may not want to run are
> automatically started whenever you start your computer. These programs are
> using memory (RAM) that could be utilized by your Omega Research
> applications, if it was available. Removing all of the items from your
> Startup group can disable many of these programs. Windows 98 includes a
> utility to easily disable these programs. You can manually start
> applications that are necessary to you using the Start | Programs menu.
> Follow these steps to disable these Startup group applications:
> 1. Close all Applications
> 2. Click on Start | Run.
> 3. In the Open: window, type the name 'msconfig' without the quotes.
> 4. Click on OK.
> 5. Select the General tab in the System Configuration Utility.
> 6. Select the option Selective Startup.
> 7. Uncheck the box next to Load startup group items.
> 8. Click OK.
> 9. Select Yes to restart the computer.
> Some programs will not start when your computer restarts. More resources
> will be available to your Omega Research 2000i applications. You can
> re-enable this option by changing back to a normal startup by accessing the
> System Configuration Utility using the steps above.
> NOTE: If you do not wish to disable all program from the startup group, it
> is strongly recommended that you disable the FindFast program on the Startup
> tab which can be found using the steps above. This program in particular
> uses a large amount of processor resources.
> Also, make sure that you don't have any power management features enabled in
> Windows, and that you don't have any maintenance procedures scheduled to run
> automatically during the day (either in Windows or TradeStation 2000i).
> Please let me know if the performance of your system improves.
> If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact
> us. Thank you for your continued support.
> Christine F.
> Support Services Department
> Omega Research, Inc.