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Re: Wolf? What Wolf?

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then you have not been reading my posts, okie dude. jim p. wrote: "As for 
this "writer", let's call him TJ, he also is a major, major contributor 
to the list. He doesn't do much EL, but he is one of the few contributors 
who gives basic, sound, in-the-trenches trading wisdom. As a long time discretionary 
trader I get more benefit from TJ's posts than from Ron's 'cause I don't 
do EL either."  guess ya missed that one, huh?

well now, when have you contributed any trading ideas, mr. atlas-research 
in ardmore, ok? not much by my reckoning. sure you've contributed code, 
but so have many others and without pendantic demoguery. 

DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. the truth is out there. my record speaks for itself. 
i don't need to defend my list contributions against morons. shut up and 
go away until YOU can prove what YOU say is true. like the ts license transfer,
 and the ts5-zap interface you said would be ready for late '99, and..... 
:)) say, how much is billie cruz paying you to disrupt this list, anyway???


love me or hate me, i'm in your face and ain't going away

and ppl wonder why "okies" get such a bad rap. hey, maybe i'll drive up 
to ardmore and say howdy to ya ;))

At Sat, 16 Oct 1999 06:50:54 -0400 (EDT), editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>Hey TJ?  What have you ever contributed to this list?  I have never 
>seen a single trading idea, a single piece of code, a single tip on 
>using software from you.  What are you here for?  To grace us with your 