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Re: Complaints may help (was: WHEN WILL...)

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You have a solid argument.  The only flaw I can see is that if the 
complaints are too effective in driving potential customers away from 
OmegaResearch products, the company won't have the cash flow needed to make 
the necessary improvements -- leaving us all stranded with a very 
expensive, unsupported piece of software.    I appreciate the positive 
comments that provide some balance to the rather extreme rantings of the 
pissed-off on this list.

My experience with the "upgrade" from TS4 to TS2Ki was extremely 
frustrating for the first 3 months after the change.  Now that I finally 
have my system upgraded (to NT 4 SP5 AMD K6-400 256MB RAM, TS2Ki build 591 
with the reports upgrade), I find it quite useful and in a few areas, a 
distinct improvement on what I had under TS4 WIN98, P100, 64 MB.    OR made 
a big mistake in professing that TS2Ki could be useful on anything much 
less than my configuration, and obviously didn't do enough testing before 
allowing this product to escape their lab, but bottom line, I would prefer 
to see them succeed and continue to support this product.

I agree that the whining (mine included) on this list during the painful 
transition period spurred OR on to make necessary improvements.  I don't 
think the more extreme comments including the thread where one of the more 
annoyed TS users offered to go to Miami to thump out Mr. Cruz were 
particularly helpful, though.

OR folks, if you're watching, the next improvement at the top of my 
priority list is to have the PDS data files automatically reclaimed (or 
defragged or whatever you call it) automatically as part of the nightly 
processing.  I'm in the midst of my monthly export, rename, and re-import 
of my server\pds directory and it  has so far taken at least 8 hours and is 
still not complete.   Maybe I'll go to a weekly schedule on this pain in 
the ass process to see if I can reduce the amount of down time 
required.   So far, I've done this only when GlobalServer hangs while 
loading symbol list when I ask it to come up online.   I find that when 
this happens I have to shut GlobalServer down from NT Task Manager, then 
bring GlobalServer up again in OffLine mode, go through the 10+ hour 
process of exporting, renaming, importing the server\pds directory, then 
finally go back to online mode.

While I'm thinking about problems, another improvement I would like to see 
is to have the GlobalServer fill in the blanks that may have accumulated 
during trading-hours down time by doing database queries to 
eSignal.  eSignal's software is able to do it, so it is certainly possible 
for GlobalServer to be upgraded to be able to do it as 
well.  Historybank.com is way to slow and unreliable.  Also, you have to 
wait until late at night to pick up any gaps that may have happened in the 
current trading day.   I vaguely recall one of the OR Techies mentioning 
that this was being looked at, but that was over 6 weeks ago and I've heard 
nothing since.  The OR website doesn't seem to have any references to this 

Has anyone heard anything further about SP3?  One of the OR techies 
mentioned it in an email as coming real soon about 6 weeks ago.   While I 
realize that software providers generally operate from a vastly different 
definition of the phrase 'real soon' than the rest of us, 6 weeks seems to 
be stretching the outer limits -- unless you're MicroSoft, in which case 6 
months to a year is still real soon :)   Does anyone know if the above 
problem is going to be addressed in SP3?

BTW, the above is IMHO a model of an effective whine.  It addresses 
specific issues.  It eschews threats of violence.  It is more or less 
civil.    Whiners of the world unite!  Just get it together and do it 
right!   Show 'em that whiners can be winners!  :)

At 10:25 AM 10/11/99 -0700, Larry Wright wrote:

>On Sun, 10 Oct 1999 editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > This is about who will achieve something and who will not.  Complaints
> > and bashing, even if correct, achieve nothing.
>I would disagree. Here is the logic:
>(1) There are MANY complaints about Omega on this list.
>(2) As a result, it is clear to the casual reader that there are major
>problems with Omega software.
>(3) This will have a distinctly negative influence on how many sales
>Omega can make, and the reputation of the company as a reliable software
>(4) Omega realizes this, and will increase their efforts to make the
>software better.
>    (4a) Omega will first try to fix this with additional marketing, but
>         at some point will conclude that funds to improve product will
>         have a better payoff long term.
>Given the above, I believe complaints *DO* help spur Omega to build
>a better product, and are thus worthwhile to do.
>Could you point out the flaw(s) that would completely invalidate the above
>logic, and include an alternative chain of logic to show why complaining
>does not help?