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Re: A quotation related to the Florida thread

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>From wherever you live now, come over to America and enjoy our freedoms and
profit from our way of life before you criticize them!

Ours is the most robust economy ever experienced by a civilization.  No
where else is the world, yesterday or today, can ANYONE become ANY THING he

We have a long and sacred heritage of defending not only ourselves as
individuals, our families as a group but our country and even the world from
tyranny.  Our short heritage is an endless continuum of patriots who have
sacrificed their lives, their families and their fortunes - BUT NOT THEIR
HONOR - so America's citizens of today can always enjoy unheralded
modern-day prosperity and freedoms.

Learned men and patriots, very much unlike the cardboard characters of today
that pose, primp  and present themselves as "world leaders", established our
Constitution.  With that eloquent document are the Amendments, modifying our
original document to what is read today.  And the basis of that document
with our Declaration of Independence, is every citizen's - no, PERSON's -
right to "...life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".

These rights cannot be merely assumed, but must be earned, cherished and
ever protected.  This protection comes from our laws, among which is the
right to bear arms.

Come to America, see the abuse of these rights by some and the enforcement
of them by others.  It is our Constitutional right, among many, to bear
arms.  And until some socialistic entities succeed in changing these laws, I
will abide by these laws and enjoy the rights of these laws.

Are our laws perfect?  Probably not.


If, as an American citizen, you disagree with a law, work to change it.  But
until that time, the laws are in force.  Live by them, enjoy them, or get
sent to prison because of them.  The choice is ours!  Whether you agree or
not with any American law is irrelevant.  The laws are there.  And until
they are repealed, they are to be used or abused as a personal choice!
----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Myers <a.myers@xxxxxxxx>

To: <grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Omega List <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, June 04, 1999 11:44
Subject: Re: A quotation related to the Florida thread

> -----Original Message-----
> From: J. Rodney Grisham <grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: Omega List <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: A quotation related to the Florida thread
> >Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... etc.
> >    -- Thomas Jefferson, quoting Cesare Beccaria
> First of all, what has this got to do with trading?
> Secondly, in a private email, maybe someone can explain to me why it is
> Americans (you are aren't you?) feel that they are still in the 18th
> when it comes to the necessity of weaponry in everyday life.
> The reality is appalling.  That 23 (or is it 26?) family members go down
> every one "assailant" never seems to trouble anyone.  Don't let fear and
> common sense stand in the way of the stampede to arms.  I particularily
> the anti gov't types who arm themselves with some guns and say that the
> gov't is out to get them.  If that were true, one tommahawk and they would
> be vaporized along with their guns, but why apply logic?
> The irony that seems to escape most NRA members and wannabees is that the
> threat which you arm yourselves against is the threat you create by arming
> yourselves.
> Where's John Wayne when you need him?
> ~Alan
> >