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This constant upgrading is irritating to me as well. I have been a faithful
customer of CSI's UA since near the beginning.

Even though there have been dozens (literally) of upgrades in that time, I
have only used a few. I'm currently way back at 1.71.5. I just stick with
that does what I need and only upgrade when there is some function /
improvement I have to have.

There is *always* a risk when you upgrade software that you are going to
break something. I want to take that risk as little as possible, not every
week! I put substantial (for me at least) *real money* at risk every day
that is dependant on CSI's EOD data. Fortunately, there have only been a few
times in the last year that I have had problems, like their server being
down. Usually it is up within a few hours. And the one time it wasn't, I was
able to get the data using the regular dial in via modem connection (as
opposed to the usual internet download).

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Brown <markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Omega List <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>; Bob Pelletier <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, June 03, 1999 8:39 AM
Subject: CSI Data

>I have CSI Unfair Advantage (I'm that kinda guy) and I was wondering if
>me or them.  I have enjoyed the pure clean data ect.  But their continual
>called upgrades of the software is driving me nuts!  They seem to release a
>new build a month, I just want something in my life to set still for a
>minute and especially when it works.
>The latest so called upgrade makes me MANUALLY download the data..something
>which I HATE!  Did I mention that I HATE to manually download?   This is
>about as stupid as Omega's past history, take a fine product and F it up!
>I have written continually to CSI about all of this and it just keeps
>getting worst.  They even cut off my service once because I put up a bash
>site against them!  Even though I paid a full year IN ADVANCE!   I was
>to remove the site or they would continue to deny my service even though I
>paid in advance.  What bull shit, I hate commies and suppression of freedom
>of speech.
>If you are a CSI Unfair Advantage client, and you are experiencing the same
>problems I am?  Then please contact then and let them know what your
>problems are.  It is rare to find such good data only to be screwed up by
>the mismanagement of the firms leadership!   I hope they will get back on
>Bob Pelletier <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>