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RE: CSI Data

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I totally agree, Mark.

My buddy and I both use CSI - like the data, always very clean etc, and the
back-adjusted facility is very flexible.


1. Every time they "upgrade" us, one or other of us has problems with the
new installation;
2. Half the time, we end up having to rebuild our portfolios from scratch
because they changed some parameter;
3. I've never been able to get the automatic download to work (so you're one
up on me);
4. Upgrade normally has as many bugs as prior version, just different ones;
5. User files (like Portfile.adm) do not seem to be upgraded consistently,
so we lose our portfolios and can't share portfolios between us.

The latest annoyance (I still use 1.72.2 because I hate to upgrade) is that
they changed the algorithm for naming CSV files when you force filenames to
2 characters - so all my links to Access databases were screwed up. I had to
relink all the tables - not only that, but some of the filenames it wants to
use are invalid (e.g. for LME metals it makes a filename starting M* for one
metal - which of course is rejected by NT). So I have to manually build the
LME series with 3 characters whereas all my other series are forced to 2
characters. Some upgrade.

Rus Newton

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Brown [mailto:markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 03 June 1999 16:36
To: Omega List; Bob Pelletier
Subject: CSI Data

I have CSI Unfair Advantage (I'm that kinda guy) and I was wondering if it's
me or them.  I have enjoyed the pure clean data ect.  But their continual so
called upgrades of the software is driving me nuts!  They seem to release a
new build a month, I just want something in my life to set still for a
minute and especially when it works.

The latest so called upgrade makes me MANUALLY download the data..something
which I HATE!  Did I mention that I HATE to manually download?   This is
about as stupid as Omega's past history, take a fine product and F it up!

I have written continually to CSI about all of this and it just keeps
getting worst.  They even cut off my service once because I put up a bash
site against them!  Even though I paid a full year IN ADVANCE!   I was urged
to remove the site or they would continue to deny my service even though I
paid in advance.  What bull shit, I hate commies and suppression of freedom
of speech.

If you are a CSI Unfair Advantage client, and you are experiencing the same
problems I am?  Then please contact then and let them know what your
problems are.  It is rare to find such good data only to be screwed up by
the mismanagement of the firms leadership!   I hope they will get back on


Bob Pelletier <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>