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Re: Best alternative to TradeStation 2000i?

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OK - I have the EOD Metastock.  Tell me what test you ran to show it's not Y2K
compliant - and I will try to duplicate the results (I have run my own tests -
but they're obviously not the same as yours).  BTW - I'm not trying to do this
to embarrass you.  I run Metastock to do some things I can't do in SuperCharts.
I don't want to get to 1/1/2000 and find I can't do them anymore.

I agree that Metastock (especially EOD) is a pretty good program (even though
I'm now working with technical support trying to get the OLE link to Excel to
work properly).  When I first bought Metastock and SuperCharts in 1993 -
SuperCharts was clearly superior.  The current version of SuperCharts isn't
(especially since it's not Y2K compliant).  I have recommended to some friends
who are just learning charting, TA, trading, etc. that they start with EOD
Metastock (instead of TS2000i).  So I'm not saying that Metastock is terrible -
it just doesn't have everything I want in a charting program.  Robyn

Mark Brown wrote:

> > Have you ever used Metastock?
> yes i have a legitimate copy of ms professional rt.  did you know it isnt
> y2k compliant as promised?
> Or are you just making things up?
> i refuse to answer because (what ever oliver north said)
> > I've had both Metastock and SuperCharts up and running for more than 5
> years.
> good for you.
> > In a nutshell - SuperCharts can't do the data explorations that Metastock
> does. And Metastock can't handle multi-data systems - or systems with
> variables (even a variable system as simple as a percentage reversal
> system).  Maybe TS2000i doesn't work well - or at all for that matter - but
> that doesn't make Metastock's system capabilities more robust.  Robyn
> i was dreaming and wishing and hoping i guess, seriously now ms is not a bad
> program for the money especially compared to ts2000i thats all I'm saying.
> got to go my mom says its past my bed time.  mb