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Re: Identifying Swings using a Spreadsheet

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I did this way back when while goofing around with data and Excel. I
just simply saved the data from the TS 4 log into a txt file and
imported it into Excel. Then I created my own columns labeled:
(Close - Open) or "Change"
# of upticks
Uptick running average
# of downticks
Downtick running average
total ticks....on and on and on with other formulations and hair-brained
ideas I had. Then I simply wrote a macro that would paint the
"close-open" column or whichever column I wanted to red if a row was < 0
or to green if a row was > 0 (or whatever other mathematical parameters
I chose).  Pretty simple actually - but visually effective. If the close
in row 21 was 1274 and the open was 1275 it painted the C-O cell in row
21 red  and then proceeded to the next row. It kinda looks like that DNA
code after you apply the macro and print it out. Could have probably
done it just as easily in TS. Has it helped my trading? Naaaa, probably
not (well, on a macro level maybe), but it may lead to something someday
and it was really fun to do. You could put bands or anything else in a
situation like that. Your own creativity is pretty much the limit.
I'll tell you something else neat to do thats along those same lines;
DDE link the real time data from any vehicle you're trading in TS4 into
Excel and create a real time 3D chart of all the variables - try OHLC or
just the ticks. What a ride man. I applied it to the DJIA Index and
could find balance points (explained at end) pretty easily because it
grinds so fast. The big S&P was pretty good too, but the mini was
horrible with its 0.25 increments. When the seesaw started getting
unstable you could see it easily. I'll tell you how to set this one up
so the 3D chart "comes to life" real time. Not just a price line moving
across the screen but actual motion like a rocking chair or seesaw. This
was done with a demo Excel routine written by Stephen Bullen in the UK
and modified by myself  because I thought it would work for trading. It
uses a series of loop routines to save the previous 30 (or however many
you wish) values arriving by DDE link into the Excel spreadsheet. Simply
imagine a column in Excel with cells [A1] - [A30]. Here's what happens:
You link cell A1 in Excel to the TS4 server using the LIVEQUOTE command
(Ref:  TS4 server documentation p235-239) and then a quote comes into
cell [A1]. This sheet I have will store [A1] in (x1) cell, and when the
next quote from the server comes in it will store it in (x1) cell and
the first (x1) value will get pushed down to (x2), (then x3, x4,
x5...x29). It sucks in data tick by tick and when it gets to (x29) it
spits it back out of the spreadsheet. The last variable could be 100 if
you wanted - it doesn't matter. Anyway,  I then 3D charted those 30
values in Excel (x1-x29) real time. Meaning, as a new value comes in,
the 30th value that has shifted down through 29 cells leaves the chart
and all values before it are pushed down 1 cell with the new arrival. It
is a continuous updating loop of the market, and very closely resembles
a seesaw when you watch it. It's like you are sitting right smack dab in
the middle of it. New entries enter on your left and history exits to
your right (the reverse of traditional charts). This has helped me. You
become mesmerized watching it, and it is actually fun. I can get a feel
for the DJIA, but the S&P is visually harder for some reason - the Emini
is impossible. The "real time" line charts you see in TS are moving
obviously, but they actually only move in one direction - left to right
on a flat plane. The past history to your left is just sitting there
inanimate. With this, your right may be rising at the same time your
left is falling - seesaw out of balance - long. Then the right side of
the 3D chart will slowly start to fall and left will gradually catch up
- coming into balance. Then it will teeter just like a seesaw. One side
will get heavier. I can sit here and tell my wife "In 5 trades we will
be in balance". Then as I watch to my right it will start falling and
the left side of my chart will start slowly tipping up and I'll say
"sell coming".  I am the balance point in the seesaw -  the fulcrum. If
things are slow I will lower that 29 number to 15 or 13. If things are
fast I will extend it to 40 or 50 until It teeters correctly. Cool, eh?
Best regards,

Timothy Morge wrote:

> Omega List folks:
> Anyone have some tips about how I would set up an Excel or
> Access spreadsheet with end of day data [Open, High, Low,
> close] and then have the spreadsheet identify the minor and
> major swings? I basically want a spreadsheet that identifies
> the major and minor swings so that I can then feed the
> equation for the trendlines above or below the current swing
> and solve for the price that will break or invalidate the
> current major and minor swings.
> Any help or ideas?
> Thanks.
> Tim Morge [all caught up hand charting on my paper bags and
> too timid to update to TS2000i]