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W A R N I N G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DTN has great customer service and  is a good data source. B U T!!!!!!!!!!!1
I do have one bone to pick with DTN concerning their data consumer
contracts. Earl that is a slease contract stating that you must cancel the
contract at a certain time before the end of the term period or it renews.
That's BS and DTN enforces this righteously. Don't come back and say that's
just industry policy its a cheap trick. Lose that contract give people a
chance to forget or give verbal notice so its not some big surprise. That's
a shameful disgusting policy DTN has because its just plain crooked using
the law in this manner.
I will keep reminding people of this everytime theres a post about DTN.


 Earl Adamy wrote:
>I hadn't checked in a while but the DTNIQ page said futures would be
>available about first of year and at the time I interpreted that to mean
>around January 1999.
>Regarding shortcomings of Signal OnLine, not too hard to find. Start with a
>customer be-damned corporate attitude diametrically opposed to the attitudes
>I experienced at DTN. Next, delayed data is not available for those
>exchanges to which one does not subscribe on a real-time basis. Finally, the
>pricing of SOL, like all other DBC products is about twice what the
>competition charges.
>I started with satellite, switched to cable, and finally to internet. My
>experience has been that internet delivery _can_ be faster than cable and
>satellite. I have found that prices/bid/ask on free CME globex feed
>generally lead both satellite and cable. Ditto for the prices/bid/ask on the
>Timberhill workstation. Limited comparisons suggest that Signal OnLine is
>generally slightly ahead of satellite. IMO, the problem with internet
>delivery is not speed but reliability: lost connections and lost packets and
>that situation will continue to improve as the internet matures and local
>infrastructure is upgraded. Ensign addresses the reliability issue with the
>ability to obtain tick infill for up to 3 days via the SOL Data Manager and
>while not perfect it goes a long way toward solving the issues of
>lost/missing data. The data feed at Quote.Com goes even further by providing
>on-demand availability of intraday/daily/weekly/monthly bars. While I'm not
>(yet) a Quote.Com customer, I think this model where the trader has no need
>to manage data locally, is the future.
>Last year when evaluating feeds and software, Linn/RT was among the first
>packages I tried because it supported the two feeds in which I had the
>greatest interest: PCQuote (internet) and DTN. At the time, Linn/RT had a
>great many quirks which made understanding and use of the software
>counter-intuitive which led me to look further and ultimately on to Ensign.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kevin Lee <dtninfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Cc: eadamy@xxxxxxxxxx <eadamy@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 8:17 PM
>Subject: re: DTN
>>potential and security features that we would require. Currently DTN IQ
>>still does not offer futures quotes, though I am sure that issue is being
>>looked at as well.  But from what I understand about DTN IQ's structure, it
>>is doubtful that will ever be anything but a true proprietary platform.
>>On a side note, while I welcome anyone to choose our internet service over
>>a competitor's...I'm not sure I understand what the advantage would be for
>>you to switch to a DTN internet fed Ensign vs. your Signal online.
>>Understand that we are talking hypothetically since we do not currently
>>feed Ensign over the internet.  What are the shortcomings of your current
>>set up?  Maybe I just don't know the competitor's product well enough, but
>>there probably wouldn't be a huge price difference.  The nature of internet
>>data is such that speed and quality are much less of an issue, in my
>>opinion there is no way that internet can compete with satellite/cable.  I
>>really would appreciate your feed back on this.  I run into more and more
>>customers every day who are willing to compromise price and quality for
>>internet convenience.  I do understand that many people don't have any
>>other choice but internet data, but even those who can have a dish or cable
>>access will still choose internet.  I look forward to hearing more on this.
>>Kevin Lee/DTN
>>PS As far as 32 bit Ensign goes, I and others at DTN are well up to speed
>>on it's capabilities.  Almost every DTN I sell gets partnered with Ensign
>>32.  It is the software that I use in my own trading.  Whenever I do a
>>demo, or when I am at a trade show chances are that Ensign is what will be
>>running on my laptop.  I also like Investor RT from LinnSoft, but I have
>>much more experience with Ensign.

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