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I hadn't checked in a while but the DTNIQ page said futures would be
available about first of year and at the time I interpreted that to mean
around January 1999.

Regarding shortcomings of Signal OnLine, not too hard to find. Start with a
customer be-damned corporate attitude diametrically opposed to the attitudes
I experienced at DTN. Next, delayed data is not available for those
exchanges to which one does not subscribe on a real-time basis. Finally, the
pricing of SOL, like all other DBC products is about twice what the
competition charges.

I started with satellite, switched to cable, and finally to internet. My
experience has been that internet delivery _can_ be faster than cable and
satellite. I have found that prices/bid/ask on free CME globex feed
generally lead both satellite and cable. Ditto for the prices/bid/ask on the
Timberhill workstation. Limited comparisons suggest that Signal OnLine is
generally slightly ahead of satellite. IMO, the problem with internet
delivery is not speed but reliability: lost connections and lost packets and
that situation will continue to improve as the internet matures and local
infrastructure is upgraded. Ensign addresses the reliability issue with the
ability to obtain tick infill for up to 3 days via the SOL Data Manager and
while not perfect it goes a long way toward solving the issues of
lost/missing data. The data feed at Quote.Com goes even further by providing
on-demand availability of intraday/daily/weekly/monthly bars. While I'm not
(yet) a Quote.Com customer, I think this model where the trader has no need
to manage data locally, is the future.

Last year when evaluating feeds and software, Linn/RT was among the first
packages I tried because it supported the two feeds in which I had the
greatest interest: PCQuote (internet) and DTN. At the time, Linn/RT had a
great many quirks which made understanding and use of the software
counter-intuitive which led me to look further and ultimately on to Ensign.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Lee <dtninfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: eadamy@xxxxxxxxxx <eadamy@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 8:17 PM
Subject: re: DTN

>potential and security features that we would require. Currently DTN IQ
>still does not offer futures quotes, though I am sure that issue is being
>looked at as well.  But from what I understand about DTN IQ's structure, it
>is doubtful that will ever be anything but a true proprietary platform.

>On a side note, while I welcome anyone to choose our internet service over
>a competitor's...I'm not sure I understand what the advantage would be for
>you to switch to a DTN internet fed Ensign vs. your Signal online.
>Understand that we are talking hypothetically since we do not currently
>feed Ensign over the internet.  What are the shortcomings of your current
>set up?  Maybe I just don't know the competitor's product well enough, but
>there probably wouldn't be a huge price difference.  The nature of internet
>data is such that speed and quality are much less of an issue, in my
>opinion there is no way that internet can compete with satellite/cable.  I
>really would appreciate your feed back on this.  I run into more and more
>customers every day who are willing to compromise price and quality for
>internet convenience.  I do understand that many people don't have any
>other choice but internet data, but even those who can have a dish or cable
>access will still choose internet.  I look forward to hearing more on this.
>Kevin Lee/DTN
>PS As far as 32 bit Ensign goes, I and others at DTN are well up to speed
>on it's capabilities.  Almost every DTN I sell gets partnered with Ensign
>32.  It is the software that I use in my own trading.  Whenever I do a
>demo, or when I am at a trade show chances are that Ensign is what will be
>running on my laptop.  I also like Investor RT from LinnSoft, but I have
>much more experience with Ensign.

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